Fish has an extensive help system. Use the :doc:`help <cmds/help>` command to obtain help on a specific subject or command. For instance, writing ``help syntax`` displays the :ref:`syntax section <syntax>` of this documentation.
Fish also has man pages for its commands, and translates the help pages to man pages. For example, ``man set`` will show the documentation for ``set`` as a man page.
Help on a specific builtin can also be obtained with the ``-h`` parameter. For instance, to obtain help on the :doc:`fg <cmds/fg>` builtin, either type ``fg -h`` or ``help fg``.
The main page can be viewed via ``help index`` (or just ``help``) or ``man fish-doc``. The tutorial can be viewed with ``help tutorial`` or ``man fish-tutorial``.
fish suggests commands as you type, based on :ref:`command history <history-search>`, completions, and valid file paths. As you type commands, you will see a suggestion offered after the cursor, in a muted gray color (which can be changed with the ``fish_color_autosuggestion`` variable).
To accept the autosuggestion (replacing the command line contents), press :kbd:`→` or :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`F`. To accept the first suggested word, press :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`→` or :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`F`. If the autosuggestion is not what you want, just ignore it: it won't execute unless you accept it.
Autosuggestions are a powerful way to quickly summon frequently entered commands, by typing the first few characters. They are also an efficient technique for navigating through directory hierarchies.
Tab completion is a time saving feature of any modern shell. When you type :kbd:`Tab`, fish tries to guess the rest of the word under the cursor. If it finds just one possibility, it inserts it. If it finds more, it inserts the longest unambiguous part and then opens a menu (the "pager") that you can navigate to find what you're looking for.
The pager can be navigated with the arrow keys, :kbd:`Page Up` / :kbd:`Page Down`, :kbd:`Tab` or :kbd:`Shift`\ +\ :kbd:`Tab`. Pressing :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`S` (the ``pager-toggle-search`` binding - :kbd:`/` in vi-mode) opens up a search menu that you can use to filter the list.
It also provides a large number of program specific scripted completions. Most of these completions are simple options like the ``-l`` option for ``ls``, but a lot are more advanced. For example:
Completion scripts are loaded on demand, just like :ref:`functions are <syntax-function-autoloading>`. The difference is the ``$fish_complete_path``:ref:`list <variables-lists>` is used instead of ``$fish_function_path``. Typically you can drop new completions in ~/.config/fish/completions/ and fish will find them automatically.
Fish interprets the command line as it is typed and uses syntax highlighting to provide feedback. The most important feedback is the detection of potential errors. By default, errors are marked red.
To customize the syntax highlighting, you can set the environment variables listed in the :ref:`Variables for changing highlighting colors <variables-color>` section.
Fish also provides pre-made color themes you can pick with :doc:`fish_config <cmds/fish_config>`. Running just ``fish_config`` opens a browser interface, or you can use ``fish_config theme`` in the terminal.
The colors used by fish for syntax highlighting can be configured by changing the values of various variables. The value of these variables can be one of the colors accepted by the :doc:`set_color <cmds/set_color>` command. The modifier switches accepted by ``set_color`` like ``--bold``, ``--dim``, ``--italics``, ``--reverse`` and ``--underline`` are also accepted.
When the secondary or selected variables aren't set or are empty, the normal variables are used, except for ``$fish_pager_color_selected_background``, where the background of ``$fish_color_search_match`` is tried first.
After entering ``gco`` and pressing :kbd:`Space` or :kbd:`Enter`, a ``gco`` in command position will turn into ``git checkout`` in the command line. If you want to use a literal ``gco`` sometimes, use :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`Space`[#]_.
Now, ``..`` transforms to ``cd ../``, while ``...`` turns into ``cd ../../`` and ``....`` expands to ``cd ../../../``.
The advantage over aliases is that you can see the actual command before using it, add to it or change it, and the actual command will be stored in history.
..[#] Any binding that executes the ``expand-abbr`` or ``execute``:doc:`bind function <cmds/bind>` will expand abbreviations. By default :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`Space` is bound to just inserting a space.
When using most virtual terminals, it is possible to set the message displayed in the titlebar of the terminal window. This can be done automatically in fish by defining the :doc:`fish_title <cmds/fish_title>` function. The :doc:`fish_title <cmds/fish_title>` function is executed before and after a new command is executed or put into the foreground and the output is used as a titlebar message. The :doc:`status current-command <cmds/status>` builtin will always return the name of the job to be put into the foreground (or ``fish`` if control is returning to the shell) when the :doc:`fish_prompt <cmds/fish_prompt>` function is called. The first argument to fish_title will contain the most recently executed foreground command as a string.
The default fish title shows the hostname if connected via ssh, the currently running command (unless it is fish) and the current working directory. All of this is shortened to not make the tab too wide.
When it is fish's turn to ask for input (like after it started or the command ended), it will show a prompt. It does this by running the :doc:`fish_prompt <cmds/fish_prompt>` and :doc:`fish_right_prompt <cmds/fish_right_prompt>` functions.
The output of the former is displayed on the left and the latter's output on the right side of the terminal. The output of :doc:`fish_mode_prompt <cmds/fish_mode_prompt>` will be prepended on the left, though the default function only does this when in :ref:`vi-mode <vi-mode>`.
When it is started interactively, fish tries to run the :doc:`fish_greeting <cmds/fish_greeting>` function. The default fish_greeting prints a simple greeting. You can change its text by changing the ``$fish_greeting`` variable, for instance using a :ref:`universal variable <variables-universal>`::
set -U fish_greeting
or you can set it :ref:`globally <variables-scope>` in :ref:` <configuration>`::
set -g fish_greeting 'Hey, stranger!'
or you can script it by changing the function::
function fish_greeting
random choice "Hello!" "Hi" "G'day" "Howdy"
save this in or :ref:`a function file <syntax-function-autoloading>`. You can also use :doc:`funced <cmds/funced>` and :doc:`funcsave <cmds/funcsave>` to edit it easily.
If ``$fish_private_mode`` is set to a non-empty value, commands will not be written to the history file on disk.
You can also launch with ``fish --private`` (or ``fish -P`` for short). This both hides old history and prevents writing history to disk. This is useful to avoid leaking personal information (e.g. for screencasts) or when dealing with sensitive information.
You can query the variable ``fish_private_mode`` (``if test -n "$fish_private_mode" ...``) if you would like to respect the user's wish for privacy and alter the behavior of your own fish scripts.
The fish editor features copy and paste, a :ref:`searchable history <history-search>` and many editor functions that can be bound to special keyboard shortcuts.
Like bash and other shells, fish includes two sets of keyboard shortcuts (or key bindings): one inspired by the Emacs text editor, and one by the Vi text editor. The default editing mode is Emacs. You can switch to Vi mode by running ``fish_vi_key_bindings`` and switch back with ``fish_default_key_bindings``. You can also make your own key bindings by creating a function and setting the ``fish_key_bindings`` variable to its name. For example::
While the key bindings included with fish include many of the shortcuts popular from the respective text editors, they are not a complete implementation. They include a shortcut to open the current command line in your preferred editor (:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`E` by default) if you need the full power of your editor.
Some bindings are common across Emacs and Vi mode, because they aren't text editing bindings, or because what Vi/Vim does for a particular key doesn't make sense for a shell.
-:kbd:`Tab`:ref:`completes <tab-completion>` the current token. :kbd:`Shift`\ +\ :kbd:`Tab` completes the current token and starts the pager's search mode. :kbd:`Tab` is the same as :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`I`.
-:kbd:`←` (Left) and :kbd:`→` (Right) move the cursor left or right by one character. If the cursor is already at the end of the line, and an autosuggestion is available, :kbd:`→` accepts the autosuggestion.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`←` and :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`→` move the cursor one word left or right (to the next space or punctuation mark), or moves forward/backward in the directory history if the command line is empty. If the cursor is already at the end of the line, and an autosuggestion is available, :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`→` (or :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`F`) accepts the first word in the suggestion.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`←` and :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`→` move the cursor one word left or right. These accept one word of the autosuggestion - the part they'd move over.
-:kbd:`Shift`\ +\ :kbd:`←` and :kbd:`Shift`\ +\ :kbd:`→` move the cursor one word left or right, without stopping on punctuation. These accept one big word of the autosuggestion.
-:kbd:`↑` (Up) and :kbd:`↓` (Down) (or :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`P` and :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`N` for emacs aficionados) search the command history for the previous/next command containing the string that was specified on the commandline before the search was started. If the commandline was empty when the search started, all commands match. See the :ref:`history <history-search>` section for more information on history searching.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`↑` and :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`↓` search the command history for the previous/next token containing the token under the cursor before the search was started. If the commandline was not on a token when the search started, all tokens match. See the :ref:`history <history-search>` section for more information on history searching.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`D` delete one character to the right of the cursor. If the command line is empty, :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`D` will exit fish.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`X` copies the current buffer to the system's clipboard, :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`V` inserts the clipboard contents. (see :doc:`fish_clipboard_copy <cmds/fish_clipboard_copy>` and :doc:`fish_clipboard_paste <cmds/fish_clipboard_paste>`)
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`H` (or :kbd:`F1`) shows the manual page for the current command, if one exists.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`L` lists the contents of the current directory, unless the cursor is over a directory argument, in which case the contents of that directory will be listed.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`O` opens the file at the cursor in a pager.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`P` adds the string ``&| less;`` to the end of the job under the cursor. The result is that the output of the command will be paged.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`W` prints a short description of the command under the cursor.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`E` edit the current command line in an external editor. The editor is chosen from the first available of the ``$VISUAL`` or ``$EDITOR`` variables.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`V` Same as :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`E`.
-:kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`S` Prepends ``sudo`` to the current commandline. If the commandline is empty, prepend ``sudo`` to the last commandline.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`Space` Inserts a space without expanding an :ref:`abbreviation <abbreviations>`. For vi-mode this only applies to insert-mode.
-:kbd:`Home` or :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`A` moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
-:kbd:`End` or :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`E` moves to the end of line. If the cursor is already at the end of the line, and an autosuggestion is available, :kbd:`End` or :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`E` accepts the autosuggestion.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`B`, :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`F` move the cursor one character left or right or accept the autosuggestion just like the :kbd:`←` (Left) and :kbd:`→` (Right) shared bindings (which are available as well).
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`N`, :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`P` move the cursor up/down or through history, like the up and down arrow shared bindings.
-:kbd:`Delete` or :kbd:`Backspace` removes one character forwards or backwards respectively. This also goes for :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`H`, which is indistinguishable from backspace.
-:kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`R` opens the history in a pager. This will show history entries matching the search, a few at a time. Pressing :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`R` again will search older entries, pressing :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`S` (that otherwise toggles pager search) will go to newer entries. The search bar will always be selected.
Vi mode allows for the use of Vi-like commands at the prompt. Initially, :ref:`insert mode <vi-mode-insert>` is active. :kbd:`Escape` enters :ref:`command mode <vi-mode-command>`. The commands available in command, insert and visual mode are described below. Vi mode shares :ref:`some bindings <shared-binds>` with :ref:`Emacs mode <emacs-mode>`.
When in vi-mode, the :doc:`fish_mode_prompt <cmds/fish_mode_prompt>` function will display a mode indicator to the left of the prompt. To disable this feature, override it with an empty function. To display the mode elsewhere (like in your right prompt), use the output of the ``fish_default_mode_prompt`` function.
When a binding switches the mode, it will repaint the mode-prompt if it exists, and the rest of the prompt only if it doesn't. So if you want a mode-indicator in your ``fish_prompt``, you need to erase ``fish_mode_prompt`` e.g. by adding an empty file at ``~/.config/fish/functions/``. (Bindings that change the mode are supposed to call the `repaint-mode` bind function, see :doc:`bind <cmds/bind>`)
The ``fish_vi_cursor`` function will be used to change the cursor's shape depending on the mode in supported terminals. The following snippet can be used to manually configure cursors after enabling vi-mode::
# Emulates vim's cursor shape behavior
# Set the normal and visual mode cursors to a block
# The following variable can be used to configure cursor shape in
# visual mode, but due to fish_cursor_default, is redundant here
set fish_cursor_visual block
Additionally, ``blink`` can be added after each of the cursor shape parameters to set a blinking cursor in the specified shape.
If the cursor shape does not appear to be changing after setting the above variables, it's likely your terminal emulator does not support the capabilities necessary to do this. It may also be the case, however, that ``fish_vi_cursor`` has not detected your terminal's features correctly (for example, if you are using ``tmux``). If this is the case, you can force ``fish_vi_cursor`` to set the cursor shape by setting ``$fish_vi_force_cursor`` in ````. You'll have to restart fish for any changes to take effect. If cursor shape setting remains broken after this, it's almost certainly an issue with your terminal emulator, and not fish.
-:kbd:`k` and :kbd:`j` search the command history for the previous/next command containing the string that was specified on the commandline before the search was started. If the commandline was empty when the search started, all commands match. See the :ref:`history <history-search>` section for more information on history searching. In multi-line commands, they move the cursor up and down respectively.
-:kbd:`[` and :kbd:`]` search the command history for the previous/next token containing the token under the cursor before the search was started. See the :ref:`history <history-search>` section for more information on history searching.
-:kbd:`/` opens the history in a pager. This will show history entries matching the search, a few at a time. Pressing it again will search older entries, pressing :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`S` (that otherwise toggles pager search) will go to newer entries. The search bar will always be selected.
If you change your mind on a binding and want to go back to fish's default, you can simply erase it again::
bind --erase \cc
Fish remembers its preset bindings and so it will take effect again. This saves you from having to remember what it was before and add it again yourself.
Key sequences
The terminal tells fish which keys you pressed by sending some sequences of bytes to describe that key. For some keys, this is easy - pressing :kbd:`a` simply means the terminal sends "a". In others it's more complicated and terminals disagree on which they send.
In these cases, :doc:`fish_key_reader <cmds/fish_key_reader>` can tell you how to write the key sequence for your terminal. Just start it and press the keys you are interested in::
Note that some key combinations are indistinguishable or unbindable. For instance control-i *is the same* as the tab key. This is a terminal limitation that fish can't do anything about.
Also, :kbd:`Escape` is the same thing as :kbd:`Alt` in a terminal. To distinguish between pressing :kbd:`Escape` and then another key, and pressing :kbd:`Alt` and that key (or an escape sequence the key sends), fish waits for a certain time after seeing an escape character. This is configurable via the ``fish_escape_delay_ms`` variable.
If you want to be able to press :kbd:`Escape` and then a character and have it count as :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ that character, set it to a higher value, e.g.::
Fish uses an Emacs-style kill ring for copy and paste functionality. For example, use :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`K` (`kill-line`) to cut from the current cursor position to the end of the line. The string that is cut (a.k.a. killed in emacs-ese) is inserted into a list of kills, called the kill ring. To paste the latest value from the kill ring (emacs calls this "yanking") use :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`Y` (the ``yank`` input function). After pasting, use :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`Y` (``yank-pop``) to rotate to the previous kill.
Copy and paste from outside are also supported, both via the :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`X` / :kbd:`Control`\ +\ :kbd:`V` bindings (the ``fish_clipboard_copy`` and ``fish_clipboard_paste`` functions [#]_) and via the terminal's paste function, for which fish enables "Bracketed Paste Mode", so it can tell a paste from manually entered text.
In addition, when pasting inside single quotes, pasted single quotes and backslashes are automatically escaped so that the result can be used as a single token simply by closing the quote after.
The commands ``begin-selection`` and ``end-selection`` (unbound by default; used for selection in vi visual mode) control text selection together with cursor movement commands that extend the current selection.
The variable :envvar:`fish_cursor_selection_mode` can be used to configure if that selection should include the character under the cursor (``inclusive``) or not (``exclusive``). The default is ``exclusive``, which works well with any cursor shape. For vi mode, and particularly for the ``block`` or ``underscore`` cursor shapes you may prefer ``inclusive``.
The fish commandline editor can be used to work on commands that are several lines long. There are three ways to make a command span more than a single line:
- Pressing the :kbd:`Enter` key while a block of commands is unclosed, such as when one or more block commands such as ``for``, ``begin`` or ``if`` do not have a corresponding :doc:`end <cmds/end>` command.
- Pressing :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`Enter` instead of pressing the :kbd:`Enter` key.
- By inserting a backslash (``\``) character before pressing the :kbd:`Enter` key, escaping the newline.
The fish commandline editor works exactly the same in single line mode and in multiline mode. To move between lines use the left and right arrow keys and other such keyboard shortcuts.
After a command has been executed, it is remembered in the history list. Any duplicate history items are automatically removed. By pressing the up and down keys, you can search forwards and backwards in the history. If the current command line is not empty when starting a history search, only the commands containing the string entered into the command line are shown.
By pressing :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`↑` and :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`↓`, a history search is also performed, but instead of searching for a complete commandline, each commandline is broken into separate elements just like it would be before execution, and the history is searched for an element matching that under the cursor.
For more complicated searches, you can press :kbd:`Ctrl`\ +\ :kbd:`R` to open a pager that allows you to search the history. It shows a limited number of entries in one page, press :kbd:`Ctrl`\ +\ :kbd:`R`[#]_ again to move to the next page and :kbd:`Ctrl`\ +\ :kbd:`S`[#]_ to move to the previous page. You can change the text to refine your search.
History searches are case-insensitive unless the search string contains an uppercase character. You can stop a search to edit your search string by pressing :kbd:`Esc` or :kbd:`Page Down`.
Prefixing the commandline with a space will prevent the entire line from being stored in the history. It will still be available for recall until the next command is executed, but will not be stored on disk. This is to allow you to fix misspellings and such.
To search for previous entries containing the word 'make', type ``make`` in the console and press the up key.
If the commandline reads ``cd m``, place the cursor over the ``m`` character and press :kbd:`Alt`\ +\ :kbd:`↑` to search for previously typed words containing 'm'.
The current working directory can be displayed with the :doc:`pwd <cmds/pwd>` command, or the ``$PWD``:ref:`special variable <variables-special>`. Usually your prompt already does this.
Fish automatically keeps a trail of the recent visited directories with :doc:`cd <cmds/cd>` by storing this history in the ``dirprev`` and ``dirnext`` variables.
Another set of commands, usually also available in other shells like bash, deal with the directory stack. Stack handling is not automatic and needs explicit calls of the following commands: