fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family. fish includes features like syntax highlighting, autosuggest-as-you-type, and fancy tab completions that just work, with no configuration required.
fish generally works like other shells, like bash or zsh. A few important differences can be found at <> by searching for magic phrase 'unlike other shells'.
fish is written in a sane subset of C++98, with a few components from C++TR1. It builds successfully with g++ 4.2 or later, and with clang. It also will build as C++11.
To build with translation support, make sure you have a gettext package installed.
To build the documentation, make sure you have Doxygen installed.
## Runtime Dependencies
fish requires a number of utilities to operate, which should be present on any Unix, GNU/Linux or OS X system. These include (but are not limited to) grep, awk, sed, which, and getopt. The bc program is also required.
Some optional features of fish, such as the manual page completion parser and the web configuration tool, require Python.
In order to generate completions from man pages compressed with either lzma or xz, you may need to install an extra Python package.
Python versions prior to 2.6 are not supported. For Python versions 2.6 to 3.2 you need to install the module `backports.lzma`. How to install it depends on your system and how you installed Python. Most Linux distributions should include it as a package named `backports-lzma` (or similar). From version 3.3 onwards, Python already includes the required module.
Questions, comments, rants and raves can be posted to the official fish mailing list at <> or join us on our IRC channel [#fish at](