- `-s` or `--search` returns history items matching the search string. If no search string is provided it returns all history items. This is the default operation if no other operation is specified. The `--contains` search option will be used if you don't specify a different search option. Entries are ordered newest to oldest. If stdout is attached to a tty the output will be piped through your pager by the history function. The history builtin simply writes the results to stdout.
- `-d` or `--delete` deletes history items. Without the `--prefix` or `--contains` options, the exact match will be deleted. With either of these options, a prompt will be displayed before any items are deleted asking you which entries are to be deleted. You can enter the word "all" to delete all matching entries. You can enter a single ID (the number in square brackets) to delete just that single entry. You can enter more than one ID separated by a space to delete multiple entries. Just press [enter] to not delete anything. Note that the interactive delete behavior is a feature of the history function. The history builtin only supports bulk deletion.
- `-m` or `--merge` immediately incorporates history changes from other sessions. Ordinarily `fish` ignores history changes from sessions started after the current one. This command applies those changes immediately.
- `-l` or `--clear` clears the history file. A prompt is displayed before the history is erased asking you to confirm you really want to clear all history unless `builtin history` is used.
- `-c` or `--contains` searches or deletes items in the history that contain the specified text string. This is the default for the `--search` flag. This is not currently supported by the `--delete` flag.
- `-e` or `--exact` searches or deletes items in the history that exactly match the specified text string. This is the default for the `--delete` flag.
- `-p` or `--prefix` searches or deletes items in the history that begin with the specified text string. This is not currently supported by the `--delete` flag.
- `-t` or `--with-time` prefixes the output of each displayed history entry with the time it was recorded in the format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" in your local timezone.