complete$rpm_install-l aid -d"Add suggested packages to the transaction set when needed"
complete$rpm_install-l allfiles -d"Installs or upgrades all the files in the package, even if they aren't needed (missingok) and don't exist"
complete$rpm_install-l badreloc -d"Used with --relocate, permit relocations on all file paths, not just those OLD-PATH's included in the binary package relocation hint(s)"
complete$rpm_install-l excludepath -d"Don't install files whose name begins with specified path"-xa"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Skip installation of files in this directory')"
complete$rpm_install-l excludedocs -d"Don't install any files which are marked as documentation"
complete$rpm_install-l force -d'Same as using --replacepkgs, --replacefiles, and --oldpackage'
complete$rpm_install-s h -lhash-d'Print 50 hash marks as the package archive is unpacked'
complete$rpm_install-l ignoresize -d"Don't check for sufficient disk space before installation"
complete$rpm_install-l ignorearch -d"Allow installation or upgrading even if the architectures of the binary package and host don't match"
complete$rpm_install-l ignoreos -d"Allow installation or upgrading even if the operating systems of the binary package and host don't match"
complete$rpm_install-l oldpackage -d'Allow an upgrade to replace a newer package with an older one'
complete$rpm_install-l percent -d'Print percentages as files are unpacked from the package archive. This is intended to make rpm easy to run from other tools'
complete$rpm_install-l prefix -d'For relocatable binary packages, translate all file paths that start with the installation prefix in the package relocation hint(s) to NEWPATH'-xa"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Directory prefix for relocatable packages')"
complete$rpm_install-l relocate -x-d"Translate all paths that start with first half of following parameter to second half of following parameter"
complete$rpm_install-l repackage -d'Re-package the files before erasing'
complete$rpm_install-l replacefiles -d'Install the packages even if they replace files from other, already installed, packages'
complete$rpm_install-l replacepkgs -d'Install the packages even if some of them are already installed on this system'
complete$rpm_install-l test -d"Don't install the package, simply check for and report potential conflicts"
complete$rpm_select-s a -l all -d'Query all installed packages'
complete$rpm_select-s f -l file -d'Query package owning specified file'-r
complete$rpm_select-l fileid -d'Query package that contains a given file identifier, i.e. the MD5 digest of the file contents'-x
complete$rpm_select-s g -l group -d'Query packages with the specified group'-x
complete$rpm_select-l hdrid -d'Query package that contains a given header identifier, i.e. the SHA1 digest of the immutable header region'-x
complete$rpm_select-s p -l package -d'Query an (uninstalled) package in specified file'-xa"(__fish_complete_suffix .rpm)"
complete$rpm_select-l pkgid -d'Query package that contains a given package identifier, i.e. the MD5 digest of the combined header and payload contents'-x
complete$rpm_select-l specfile -d'Parse and query specified spec-file as if it were a package'-xa"(__fish_complete_suffix .spec)"
complete$rpm_select-l tid -d'Query package(s) that have the specified TID (transaction identifier)'-x
complete$rpm_select-l triggeredby -d'Query packages that are triggered by the specified packages'-x-a"(__fish_print_packages)"
complete$rpm_select-l whatprovides -d'Query all packages that provide the specified capability'-x
complete$rpm_select-l whatrequires -d'Query all packages that requires the specified capability for functioning'-x