complete-c cdrecord -o version --description"Display version and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -s v --description"Increment the level of general verbosity by one"
complete-c cdrecord -s V --description"Increment the verbose level in respect of SCSI command transport by one"
complete-c cdrecord -a"debug={1,2,3,4,5}"--description"Set the misc debug value to #"
complete-c cdrecord -s d --description"Increment the misc debug level by one"-a"1 2 3 4 5"
complete-c cdrecord -s s -o silent --description"Do not print out a status report for failed SCSI commands"
complete-c cdrecord -o force --description"Force to continue on some errors"
complete-c cdrecord -o immed --description"Tell cdrecord to set the SCSI IMMED flag in certain commands"
complete-c cdrecord -a"minbuf={25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95}"--description"Defines the minimum drive buffer fill ratio for the experimental ATAPI wait mode intended to free the IDE bus to allow hard disk and CD/DVD writer on the same IDE cable"
complete-c cdrecord -o dummy --description"Complete CD/DVD-Recorder recording process with the laser turned off"
complete-c cdrecord -o clone --description"Tells cdrecord to handle images created by readcd -clone"
complete-c cdrecord -o sao --description"Set SAO (Session At Once) mode, usually called Disk At Once mode"
complete-c cdrecord -o tao --description"Set TAO (Track At Once) writing mode"
complete-c cdrecord -o raw --description"Set RAW writing mode"
complete-c cdrecord -o raw96r --description"Select Set RAW writing, the preferred raw writing mode"
complete-c cdrecord -o raw96p --description"Select Set RAW writing, the less preferred raw writing mode"
complete-c cdrecord -o raw16 --description"Select Set RAW writing, the preferred raw writing mode if raw96r is not supported"
complete-c cdrecord -o multi --description"Allow multi session CDs to be made"
complete-c cdrecord -o msinfo --description"Retrieve multi session info in a form suitable for mkisofs-1.10 or later"
complete-c cdrecord -o toc --description"Retrieve and print out the table of content or PMA of a CD"
complete-c cdrecord -o atip --description"Retrieve and print out the ATIP (absolute Time in Pre-groove) info"
complete-c cdrecord -o fix --description"The disk will only be fixated"
complete-c cdrecord -o nofix --description"Do not fixate the disk after writing the tracks"
complete-c cdrecord -o waiti --description"Wait for input to become available on standard input before trying to open the SCSI driver"
complete-c cdrecord -o load --description"Load the media and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -o lock --description"Load the media, lock the door and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -o eject --description"Eject disk after doing the work"
complete-c cdrecord -a"speed={0,150,172,1385}"--description"Set the speed factor of the writing process to #"
complete-c cdrecord -a"blank={help,all,fast,track,unreserve,trtail,unclose,session}"--description"Blank a CD-RW and exit or blank a CD-RW before writing"
complete-c cdrecord -o format --description"Format a CD-RW/DVD-RW/DVD+RW disc"
complete-c cdrecord -a"fs="--description"Set the FIFO (ring buffer) size to #"
complete-c cdrecord -a"ts="--description"Set the maximum transfer size for a single SCSI command to #"
complete-c cdrecord -a"dev="--description"Sets the SCSI target for the CD/DVD-Recorder"
complete-c cdrecord -a"gracetime="--description"Set the grace time before starting to write to ># seconds"
complete-c cdrecord -a"timeout="--description"Set the default SCSI command timeout value to # seconds"
complete-c cdrecord -a"driver={help,mmc_cd,mmc_cd_dvd,mmc_cdr,mmc_cdr_sony,mmc_dvd,mmc_dvdplus,mmc_dvdplusr,mmc_dvdplusrw,cw_7501,kodak_pcd_600,philips_cdd521,philips_cdd521_old,philips_cdd522,philips_dumb,pioneer_dws114x,plasmon_rf4100,ricoh_ro1060c,ricoh_ro1420c,scsi2_cd,sony_cdu924,teac_cdr50,tyuden_ew50,yamaha_cdr100,cdr_simul,dvd_simul}"--description"Allows the user to manually select a driver for the device"
complete-c cdrecord -a"driveropts="--description"Set driver specific options"
complete-c cdrecord -o setdropts --description"Set the driveropts specified by driveropts=option list, the speed of the drive and the dummy flag and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -o checkdrive --description"Checks if a driver for the current drive is present and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -o prcap --description"Print the drive capabilities for SCSI-3/mmc compliant drives as obtained from mode page 0x2A"
complete-c cdrecord -o inq --description"Do an inquiry for the drive, print the inquiry info and exit"
complete-c cdrecord -o scanbus --description"Scan all SCSI devices on all SCSI busses and print the inquiry strings"
complete-c cdrecord -o reset --description"Try to reset the SCSI bus where the CD recorder is located"
complete-c cdrecord -o abort --description"Try to send an abort sequence to the drive"
complete-c cdrecord -o overburn --description"Allow cdrecord to write more than the official size of a medium"
complete-c cdrecord -o ignsize --description"Ignore the known size of the medium, use for debugging only"
complete-c cdrecord -a"isrc="--description"Set the International Standard Recording Number for the next track"
complete-c cdrecord -a"index="--description"Sets an index list for the next track"
complete-c cdrecord -o audio --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-DA audio format"
complete-c cdrecord -o swab --description"Audio data is assumed to be in byte-swapped (little-endian) order"
complete-c cdrecord -o data --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-ROM mode 1 (Yellow Book) format"
complete-c cdrecord -o mode2 --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-ROM mode 2 format"
complete-c cdrecord -o xa --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 format"
complete-c cdrecord -o xa1 --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 format"
complete-c cdrecord -o xa2 --description"All subsequent tracks are written in CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 2 format"
complete-c cdrecord -o xamix --description"All subsequent tracks are written in a way that allows a mix of CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1/2 format"
complete-c cdrecord -o cdi --description"The TOC type for the disk is set to CDI, with XA only"
complete-c cdrecord -o isosize --description"Use the ISO-9660 file system size as the size of the next track"
complete-c cdrecord -o pad --description"15 sectors of zeroed data will be added to the end of this and each subsequent data track"
complete-c cdrecord -a"padsize="--description"Set the amount of data to be appended as padding to the next track"
complete-c cdrecord -o nopad --description"Do not pad the following tracks - the default"
complete-c cdrecord -o shorttrack --description"Allow all subsequent tracks to violate the Red Book track length standard (min 4 s)"
complete-c cdrecord -o noshorttrack --description"Re-enforce the Red Book track length standard (min 4 s)"
complete-c cdrecord -a"pregap="--description"Set the pre-gap size for the next track"
complete-c cdrecord -o preemp --description"All TOC entries for subsequent audio tracks will indicate that the audio data has been sampled with 50/15 microsec pre-emphasis"
complete-c cdrecord -o nopreemp --description"All TOC entries for subsequent audio tracks will indicate that the audio data has been mastered with linear data"
complete-c cdrecord -o copy --description"All TOC entries for subsequent audio tracks of the resulting CD will indicate that the audio data has permission to be copied without limit"
complete-c cdrecord -o nocopy --description"All TOC entries for subsequent audio tracks of the resulting CD will indicate that the audio data has permission to be copied only once for personal use"
complete-c cdrecord -o scms --description"All TOC entries for subsequent audio tracks of the resulting CD will indicate that the audio data has no permission to be copied"
complete-c cdrecord -a"tsize="--description"If the master image for the next track has been stored on a raw disk, use this option to specify the valid amount of data on this disk"