2022-01-30 18:19:43 +00:00
#RUN: %fish %s
#REQUIRES: command -v tmux
2022-03-13 10:48:52 +00:00
# disable on github actions because it's flakey
#REQUIRES: test -z "$CI"
2022-01-30 18:19:43 +00:00
2024-03-03 22:11:13 +00:00
# The default history-pager-delete binding is shift-delete which
# may not have a terminfo entry for screen-256color, so rebind to F1.
2023-01-17 08:14:54 +00:00
set -g isolated_tmux_fish_extra_args -C '
set -g fish_autosuggestion_enabled 0
2024-03-03 22:11:13 +00:00
bind -k f1 history-pager-delete or backward-delete-char
2023-01-17 08:14:54 +00:00
2022-01-30 18:19:43 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys 'true needle' Enter
# CHECK: prompt 0> true needle
isolated-tmux send-keys 'true hay ee hay' Enter
# CHECK: prompt 1> true hay ee hay
2022-07-17 00:46:12 +00:00
2022-01-30 18:19:43 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys C-p C-a M-f M-f M-f M-.
# CHECK: prompt 2> true hay needle hay
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p
2023-01-17 08:14:54 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys C-e C-u true Up Up Escape
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2'
# CHECK: prompt 2> true
isolated-tmux send-keys C-z _
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2'
# CHECK: prompt 2> _
2023-08-08 19:53:42 +00:00
# When history pager fails to find a result, copy the search field to the command line.
isolated-tmux send-keys C-e C-u C-r "echo no such command in history"
isolated-tmux send-keys Enter
# CHECK: prompt 2> echo no such command in history
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2'
2024-01-26 17:26:39 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys C-c
isolated-tmux send-keys C-r hay/shmay
isolated-tmux send-keys C-w C-h
isolated-tmux send-keys Enter
# CHECK: prompt 2> true hay ee hay
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2>'
isolated-tmux send-keys C-c
2024-02-16 17:43:16 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys "echo sdifjsdoifjsdoifj" Enter
2024-02-17 00:33:29 +00:00
2024-02-16 17:43:16 +00:00
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep "^sdifjsdoifjsdoifj\|prompt 3>"
# CHECK: sdifjsdoifjsdoifj
# CHECK: prompt 3>
isolated-tmux send-keys C-e C-u C-r
isolated-tmux send-keys "echo sdifjsdoifjsdoifj"
2024-03-03 22:11:13 +00:00
isolated-tmux send-keys F1
2024-03-30 16:02:53 +00:00
2024-02-16 17:43:16 +00:00
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep "(no matches)"
# CHECK: (no matches)
isolated-tmux send-keys Enter C-e C-u "echo foo" Enter
2024-02-17 00:33:29 +00:00
2024-02-16 17:43:16 +00:00
isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep "^foo\|prompt 4>"
# CHECK: foo
# CHECK: prompt 4>