#!/bin/bash if [ -n "$OPS" -a ! -e ops.txt.converted ]; then echo "Setting ops" echo $OPS | awk -v RS=, '{print}' >> ops.txt fi if [ -n "$WHITELIST" -a ! -e white-list.txt.converted ]; then echo "Setting whitelist" echo $WHITELIST | awk -v RS=, '{print}' >> white-list.txt fi if [ -n "$ICON" -a ! -e server-icon.png ]; then echo "Using server icon from $ICON..." # Not sure what it is yet...call it "img" wget -q -O /tmp/icon.img $ICON specs=$(identify /tmp/icon.img | awk '{print $2,$3}') if [ "$specs" = "PNG 64x64" ]; then mv /tmp/icon.img /data/server-icon.png else echo "Converting image to 64x64 PNG..." convert /tmp/icon.img -resize 64x64! /data/server-icon.png fi fi # Make sure files exist and are valid JSON (for pre-1.12 to 1.12 upgrades) for j in *.json; do if [[ $(python -c "print open('$j').read().strip()==''") = True ]]; then echo "Fixing JSON $j" echo '[]' > $j fi done # If any modules have been provided, copy them over mkdir -p /data/mods for m in /mods/*.{jar,zip} do if [ -f "$m" -a ! -f "/data/mods/$m" ]; then echo Copying mod `basename "$m"` cp "$m" /data/mods fi done [ -d /data/config ] || mkdir /data/config for c in /config/* do if [ -f "$c" ]; then echo Copying configuration `basename "$c"` cp -rf "$c" /data/config fi done if [ "$TYPE" = "SPIGOT" ]; then if [ -d /plugins ]; then echo Copying any Bukkit plugins over cp -r /plugins /data fi fi EXTRA_ARGS="" # Optional disable console if [[ ${CONSOLE} = false || ${CONSOLE} = FALSE ]]; then EXTRA_ARGS+="--noconsole" fi # Optional disable GUI for headless servers if [[ ${GUI} = false || ${GUI} = FALSE ]]; then EXTRA_ARGS="${EXTRA_ARGS} nogui" fi # put these prior JVM_OPTS at the end to give any memory settings there higher precedence echo "Setting initial memory to ${INIT_MEMORY:-${MEMORY}} and max to ${MAX_MEMORY:-${MEMORY}}" JVM_OPTS="-Xms${INIT_MEMORY:-${MEMORY}} -Xmx${MAX_MEMORY:-${MEMORY}} ${JVM_OPTS}" if [[ ${TYPE} == "FEED-THE-BEAST" ]]; then cp -f $SERVER_PROPERTIES ${FTB_DIR}/server.properties cp -f /data/{eula,ops,white-list}.txt ${FTB_DIR}/ cd ${FTB_DIR} echo "Running FTB server modpack start ..." exec ${FTB_SERVER_START} else # If we have a bootstrap.txt file... feed that in to the server stdin if [ -f /data/bootstrap.txt ]; then exec java $JVM_XX_OPTS $JVM_OPTS -jar $SERVER "$@" $EXTRA_ARGS < /data/bootstrap.txt else exec java $JVM_XX_OPTS $JVM_OPTS -jar $SERVER "$@" $EXTRA_ARGS fi fi