#!/bin/bash set -e # shellcheck source=start-utils . "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-utils" loadForgeVars() { cfgFile=${1?} pat='^([^#;][^=]+)=[:space:]*([^;]*)' while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]] ; do if [[ $line =~ $pat ]]; then #echo "MATCHED $line" k=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} v=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} case $k in FORGEURL) forgeInstallerUrl="$v" ;; esac fi done < "$cfgFile" } isDebugging && set -x : "${FTB_BASE_DIR:=${CF_BASE_DIR:-/data/FeedTheBeast}}" export FTB_BASE_DIR legacyJavaFixerUrl=https://ftb.forgecdn.net/FTB2/maven/net/minecraftforge/lex/legacyjavafixer/1.0/legacyjavafixer-1.0.jar export TYPE=CURSEFORGE FTB_SERVER_MOD=${FTB_SERVER_MOD:-$CF_SERVER_MOD} log "Looking for Feed-The-Beast / CurseForge server modpack." requireVar FTB_SERVER_MOD if ! isTrue "${USE_MODPACK_START_SCRIPT:-true}"; then if ! [ -f "${FTB_SERVER_MOD}" ]; then log "ERROR unable to find requested modpack file ${FTB_SERVER_MOD}" exit 2 fi needsInstall=true installMarker=/data/.curseforge-installed if [ -f $installMarker ]; then if [ "$(cat $installMarker)" != "${FTB_SERVER_MOD}" ]; then log "Upgrading modpack" serverJar=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -not -name "forge*installer.jar" -name "forge*.jar") if [[ "${serverJar}" ]]; then rm -rf "$(dirname "${serverJar}")"/{mods,*.jar,libraries,resources,scripts,config} fi else needsInstall=false fi fi if $needsInstall; then log "Unpacking FTB server modpack ${FTB_SERVER_MOD} ..." mkdir -p "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" unzip -o "${FTB_SERVER_MOD}" -d "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" | awk '{printf "."} END {print ""}' serverJar=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -type f \( -path "*/libraries/*" -o -path "*/mods/*" \) -prune -o -name "forge*.jar" -not -name "forge*installer.jar" -print) if [[ -z "$serverJar" ]]; then if [ -f "${FTB_BASE_DIR}/settings.cfg" ]; then loadForgeVars "${FTB_BASE_DIR}/settings.cfg" if [[ $forgeInstallerUrl ]]; then forgeInstallerJar="${FTB_BASE_DIR}/forge-installer.jar" if ! curl -fsSL -o "$forgeInstallerJar" "$forgeInstallerUrl" ; then log "ERROR failed to download Forge installer from $forgeInstallerUrl" exit 2 fi fi else forgeInstallerJar=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -name "forge*installer.jar") fi if [[ -z "${forgeInstallerJar}" ]]; then log "ERROR Unable to find forge installer in modpack" log " or download using modpack config." log " Make sure you downloaded the server files." exit 2 fi log "Installing forge server" dirOfInstaller=$(dirname "${forgeInstallerJar}") (cd "${dirOfInstaller}"; java -jar "$(basename "${forgeInstallerJar}")" --installServer) fi echo "${FTB_SERVER_MOD}" > $installMarker fi SERVER=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -maxdepth 2 -type f \( -path "/libraries/*" -o -path "/mods/*" \) -prune -o -name "forge*.jar" -not -name "forge*installer.jar" -print) if [[ -z "${SERVER}" || ! -f "${SERVER}" ]]; then log "ERROR unable to locate installed forge server jar" isDebugging && find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -name "forge*.jar" exit 2 fi export SERVER FTB_DIR=$(dirname "${SERVER}") export FTB_DIR exec "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-setupWorld" "$@" fi entryScriptExpr=" -name ServerStart.sh -o -name serverstart.sh -o -name ServerStartLinux.sh -o -name LaunchServer.sh -o -name server-start.sh -o -name start-server.sh -o -name startserver.sh -o -name StartServer.sh " if [[ -d ${FTB_BASE_DIR} ]]; then startScriptCount=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" $entryScriptExpr |wc -l) if (( startScriptCount > 1 )); then log "Conflicting FTB/CurseForge packages have been installed. Please cleanup ${FTB_BASE_DIR}" exit 2 fi else startScriptCount=0 fi # only download and install if a mod pack isn't already installed # also check for the start script rather than just the folder # this allows saving just the world separate from the rest of the data directory if [[ $startScriptCount = 0 ]]; then srv_modpack=${FTB_SERVER_MOD} if isURL "${srv_modpack}"; then log "Downloading modpack from ${srv_modpack}..." if ! srv_modpack=$(get -o /data --output-filename --skip-existing "${srv_modpack}"); then log "ERROR: failed to download modpack" exit 1 fi fi if [[ "${srv_modpack:0:5}" == "data/" ]]; then # Prepend with "/" srv_modpack="/${srv_modpack}" fi if [[ ! "${srv_modpack:0:1}" == "/" ]]; then # If not an absolute path, assume file is in "/data" srv_modpack=/data/${srv_modpack} fi if [[ ! -f "${srv_modpack}" ]]; then log "FTB server modpack ${srv_modpack} not found." exit 2 fi if [[ ! "${srv_modpack: -4}" == ".zip" ]]; then log "FTB server modpack ${srv_modpack} is not a zip archive." log "Please set FTB_SERVER_MOD to a file with a .zip extension." exit 2 fi log "Unpacking FTB server modpack ${srv_modpack} ..." mkdir -p "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" unzip -o "${srv_modpack}" -d "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" | awk '{printf "."} END {print ""}' installScript=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -maxdepth 2 -type f -name install.sh) if [[ "$installScript" ]]; then ( cd "$(dirname "${installScript}")" chmod +x ./install.sh log "Running included install.sh" ./install.sh ) fi fi if [[ $(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" $entryScriptExpr | wc -l) = 0 ]]; then # Allow up to 2 levels since some modpacks have a top-level directory named # for the modpack forgeJar=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" -maxdepth 2 -type f \( -path "/libraries/*" -o -path "/mods/*" \) -prune -o -name "forge*.jar" -not -name "forge*installer.jar" -print) if [[ "$forgeJar" ]]; then FTB_BASE_DIR=$(dirname "${forgeJar}") export FTB_BASE_DIR log "No entry script found, so building one for ${forgeJar}" cat > "${FTB_BASE_DIR}/ServerStart.sh" < 1 )); then log "Ambiguous startup scripts in FTB modpack! Found:" find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" $entryScriptExpr exit 2 fi FTB_SERVER_START=$(find "${FTB_BASE_DIR}" $entryScriptExpr) export FTB_SERVER_START FTB_DIR=$(dirname "${FTB_SERVER_START}") export FTB_DIR chmod a+x "${FTB_SERVER_START}" grep fml.queryResult=confirm "${FTB_SERVER_START}" > /dev/null || \ sed -i 's/-jar/-Dfml.queryResult=confirm -jar/' "${FTB_SERVER_START}" sed -i 's/.*read.*Restart now/#\0/' "${FTB_SERVER_START}" legacyJavaFixerPath="${FTB_DIR}/mods/legacyjavafixer.jar" if isTrue "${FTB_LEGACYJAVAFIXER}" && [ ! -e "${legacyJavaFixerPath}" ]; then log "Installing legacy java fixer to ${legacyJavaFixerPath}" if ! get -o "${legacyJavaFixerPath}" ${legacyJavaFixerUrl}; then log "ERROR failed to download legacy java fixer from ${legacyJavaFixerUrl}" exit 1 fi fi if [ -e "${FTB_DIR}/FTBInstall.sh" ]; then pushd "${FTB_DIR}" sh FTBInstall.sh popd elif [ -e "${FTB_DIR}/Install.sh" ]; then pushd "${FTB_DIR}" sh Install.sh popd fi export FAMILY=FORGE exec "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-setupWorld" "$@"