## Building image locally with alternate Java base The following shows how to change the base Java image used by the build: ```shell docker build --build-arg BASE_IMG=ghcr.io/graalvm/graalvm-ce:ol8-java11 -t IMG_PREFIX/minecraft-server:java11-graalvm . ``` ## Building a multi-architecture image Ensure buildx/BuildKit support is enabled and run the following to build multi-architecture and push to the repository as named by the image: ```shell docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 --platform=linux/arm/v7 --platform=linux/amd64 --tag IMG_PREFIX/minecraft-server --push . ``` To build for local images, multi-architecture is not supported, use the following with buildx to load the image into the local daemon: ```shell docker buildx build --tag IMG_PREFIX/minecraft-server --load . ``` or just a plain build ```shell docker build -t IMG_PREFIX/minecraft-server . ```