#!/bin/bash . "/start-utils" : "${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE:=/tmp/minecraft-console-in}" if isFalse "${CREATE_CONSOLE_IN_PIPE:-false}"; then echo "ERROR: console pipe needs to be enabled by setting CREATE_CONSOLE_IN_PIPE to true" fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: pass console commands as arguments" exit 1 fi if [ ! -p "${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE}" ]; then echo "ERROR: named pipe ${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE} is missing" exit 1 fi if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then if [[ $(getDistro) == alpine ]]; then exec su-exec minecraft bash -c "echo '$*' > '${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE:-/tmp/minecraft-console-in}'" else exec gosu minecraft bash -c "echo '$*' > '${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE:-/tmp/minecraft-console-in}'" fi else echo "$@" >"${CONSOLE_IN_NAMED_PIPE:-/tmp/minecraft-console-in}" fi