services: minecraft: image: ${IMAGE_TO_TEST:-itzg/minecraft-server} ports: - "25565:25565" volumes: - "mc:/data" environment: EULA: "TRUE" TYPE: FABRIC MEMORY: "2G" CURSEFORGE_FILES: | fabric-api chunky-pregenerator # allocate from and set in .env file CF_API_KEY: ${CF_API_KEY} # YAML Heredoc, be sure to use '|-' this will remove the first newline and final new line. # This is versus '|' that will leaving with two empty strings at top and bottom. RCON_CMDS_STARTUP: |- /gamerule doFireTick false /team add New /team add Old /chunky radius 1000 /chunky start RCON_CMDS_ON_CONNECT: |- /team join New @a[team=] /give @a[team=New] birch_boat /team join Old @a[team=New] RCON_CMDS_FIRST_CONNECT: |- /chunky pause RCON_CMDS_LAST_DISCONNECT: |- /kill @e[type=minecraft:boat] /chunky continue restart: unless-stopped volumes: mc: {}