#!/bin/sh if [ -f /conf/env ]; then . /conf/env fi if [ ! -e /conf/elasticsearch.* ]; then cp $ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml /conf fi if [ ! -e /conf/logging.* ]; then cp $ES_HOME/config/logging.yml /conf fi OPTS="-Des.path.conf=/conf \ -Des.path.data=/data \ -Des.path.logs=/data \ -Des.transport.tcp.port=9300 \ -Des.http.port=9200" if [ -n "$CLUSTER" ]; then OPTS="$OPTS -Des.cluster.name=$CLUSTER" if [ -n "$CLUSTER_FROM" ]; then if [ -d /data/$CLUSTER_FROM -a ! -d /data/$CLUSTER ]; then echo "Performing cluster data migration from $CLUSTER_FROM to $CLUSTER" mv /data/$CLUSTER_FROM /data/$CLUSTER fi fi fi if [ -n "$NODE_NAME" ]; then OPTS="$OPTS -Des.node.name=$NODE_NAME" fi if [ -n "$UNICAST_HOSTS" ]; then OPTS="$OPTS -Des.discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts=$UNICAST_HOSTS" fi if [ -n "$PUBLISH_AS" ]; then OPTS="$OPTS -Des.transport.publish_host=$(echo $PUBLISH_AS | awk -F: '{print $1}')" OPTS="$OPTS -Des.transport.publish_port=$(echo $PUBLISH_AS | awk -F: '{if ($2) print $2; else print 9300}')" fi if [ -n "$PLUGINS" ]; then for p in $(echo $PLUGINS | awk -v RS=, '{print}') do echo "Installing the plugin $p" $ES_HOME/bin/plugin --install $p done fi echo "Starting Elasticsearch with the options $OPTS" $ES_HOME/bin/elasticsearch $OPTS