services: mc: # make sure this java version matches with pack java version image: itzg/minecraft-server:java21 tty: true stdin_open: true ports: - "25565:25565" environment: EULA: "TRUE" TYPE: CUSTOM GENERIC_PACKS: GT_New_Horizons_2.7.1_Server_Java_17-21 GENERIC_PACKS_SUFFIX: .zip GENERIC_PACKS_PREFIX: # if this isn't true, then the container tries to download the modpack every run : "true" # Make sure that this matches what is in your pack's startserver bash file CUSTOM_JAR_EXEC: "-Xms6G -Xmx6G -Dfml.readTimeout=180 @java9args.txt -jar lwjgl3ify-forgePatches.jar nogui" volumes: # attach the relative directory 'data' to the container's /data path - mc-data:/data volumes: mc-data: