#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=start-utils . "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-utils" : "${SERVER_PORT:=25565}" export SERVER_PORT log "Autostop functionality enabled" isDebugging && set -x if ! [[ $AUTOSTOP_PERIOD =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then AUTOSTOP_PERIOD=10 export AUTOSTOP_PERIOD log "Warning: AUTOSTOP_PERIOD is not numeric, set to 10 (seconds)" fi if [ "$AUTOSTOP_PERIOD" -eq "0" ] ; then AUTOSTOP_PERIOD=10 export AUTOSTOP_PERIOD log "Warning: AUTOSTOP_PERIOD must not be 0, set to 10 (seconds)" fi if ! [[ $AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_EST =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_EST=3600 export AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_EST log "Warning: AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_EST is not numeric, set to 3600 (seconds)" fi if ! [[ $AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_INIT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_INIT=1800 export AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_INIT log "Warning: AUTOSTOP_TIMEOUT_INIT is not numeric, set to 1800 (seconds)" fi /autostop/autostop-daemon.sh &