#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=start-utils . "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-utils" isDebugging && set -x set -o pipefail resolveVersion export SERVER="minecraft_server.${VERSION// /_}.jar" if [ ! -e "$SERVER" ] || [ -n "$FORCE_REDOWNLOAD" ]; then debug "Finding version manifest for $VERSION" versionManifestUrl=$(get 'https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json' | jq --arg VERSION "$VERSION" --raw-output '[.versions[]|select(.id == $VERSION)][0].url') result=$? if [ $result != 0 ]; then logError "Failed to obtain version manifest URL ($result)" exit 1 fi if [ "$versionManifestUrl" = "null" ]; then logError "Couldn't find a matching manifest entry for $VERSION" exit 1 fi debug "Found version manifest at $versionManifestUrl" if ! serverDownloadUrl=$(get --json-path '$.downloads.server.url' "${versionManifestUrl}"); then logError "Failed to obtain version manifest from $versionManifestUrl ($result)" exit 1 elif [ "$serverDownloadUrl" = "null" ]; then logError "There is not a server download for version $VERSION" exit 1 fi log "Downloading $VERSION server..." debug "Downloading server from $serverDownloadUrl" get -o "$SERVER" "$serverDownloadUrl" result=$? if [ $result != 0 ]; then logError "Failed to download server from $serverDownloadUrl ($result)" exit 1 fi fi minecraftServerJarPath=/data/minecraft_server.jar if versionLessThan 1.6; then if ! [[ -L $minecraftServerJarPath && $minecraftServerJarPath -ef "/data/$SERVER" ]]; then rm -f $minecraftServerJarPath ln -s "/data/$SERVER" $minecraftServerJarPath fi SERVER=minecraft_server.jar elif [[ -L $minecraftServerJarPath ]]; then rm -f $minecraftServerJarPath fi isDebugging && ls -l export FAMILY=VANILLA exec "${SCRIPTS:-/}start-setupWorld" "$@"