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synced 2025-03-04 23:27:17 +00:00
Auto-merging via docker-versions-create
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 154 additions and 39 deletions
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ By default, the container will download the latest version of the "vanilla" [Min
* [Running on RaspberryPi](#running-on-raspberrypi)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
<!-- Added by: runner, at: Tue Dec 7 03:43:47 UTC 2021 -->
<!-- Added by: runner, at: Sat Dec 11 22:09:10 UTC 2021 -->
@ -846,30 +846,35 @@ values.
> **NOTE** it is very important to set this with servers exposed to the internet where you want only limited players to join.
To whitelist players for your Minecraft server, pass the Minecraft usernames separated by commas via the `WHITELIST` environment variable, such as
To whitelist players for your Minecraft server, you can:
- Provide the url or path to a whitelist file via `WHITELIST_FILE` environment variable
`docker run -d -e WHITELIST_FILE=/extra/whitelist.json ...`
- Provide a list of usernames and/or UUIDs separated by commas via the `WHITELIST` environment variable
`docker run -d -e WHITELIST=user1,uuid2 ...`
docker run -d -e WHITELIST=user1,user2 ...
To enforce the whitelist and auto-kick players not included in whitelist configuration, set `ENFORCE_WHITELIST=TRUE`. **By default** any user can join your Minecraft server if it's publicly accessible, regardless of your whitelist configuration.
If whitelist configuration already exists, `WHITELIST_FILE` will not be retrieved and any usernames in `WHITELIST` are **added** to the whitelist configuration. You can enforce regeneration of the whitelist on each server startup by setting `OVERRIDE_WHITELIST` to "true". This will delete the whitelist file before processing whitelist configuration.
docker run -d -e WHITELIST=uuid1,uuid2 ...
> NOTE: You can provide both `WHITELIST_FILE` and `WHITELIST`, which are processed in that order.
If the `WHITELIST` environment variable is not used, any user can join your Minecraft server if it's publicly accessible.
> NOTE: UUIDs passed via `WHITELIST` need to be the dashed variant, otherwise it not be recognised and instead added as a username.
> NOTE: When using uuids in the whitelist, please make sure it is the dashed variant otherwise it will not parse correctly.
> If running Minecraft 1.7.5 or earlier, these variables will apply to `white-list.txt`, with 1.7.6 implementing support for `whitelist.json`. Make sure your `WHITELIST_FILE` is in the appropriate format.
> NOTE: When `WHITELIST` is used the server properties `white-list` and `whitelist` will automatically get set to `true`.
If either `WHITELIST_FILE` or `WHITELIST` is provided, the server property `white-list` is automatically set to `true`, enabline whitelist functionality. Alternatively you can set `ENABLE_WHITELIST=TRUE` to only set the server property `white-list` without modifying the whitelist file. In this case the whitelist can be managed using the `whitelist add` and `whitelist remove` commands. Remember you can set enforcement via the `ENFORCE_WHITELIST` variable.
> By default, the players in `WHITELIST` are **added** to the final `whitelist.json` file by the Minecraft server. If you set `OVERRIDE_WHITELIST` to "true" then the `whitelist.json` file will be recreated on each server startup.
Alternatively, you can set `ENABLE_WHITELIST=true` to only set the server properties `white-list` and `whitelist` without modifying the whitelist file. In this case the whitelist is solely managed using the `whitelist add` and `whitelist remove` commands.
### Op/Administrator Players
To add more "op" (aka adminstrator) users to your Minecraft server, pass the Minecraft usernames separated by commas via the `OPS` environment variable, such as
Similar to the whitelist, to add users as operators (aka adminstrators) to your Minecraft server, you can:
- Provide te url or path to an ops file via `OPS_FILE` environment variable
`docker run -d -e OPS_FILE=https://config.example.com/extra/ops.json ...`
- Provide a list of usernames and/or UUIDs separated by commas via the `OPS` environment variable
`docker run -d -e OPS=user1,uuid2 ...`
docker run -d -e OPS=user1,user2 ...
If ops configuration already exists, `OPS_FILE` will not be retrieved and any usernames in `OPS` are **added** to the ops configuration. You can enforce regeneration of the ops configuration on each server startup by setting `OVERRIDE_OPS` to "true". This will delete the ops file before processing ops configuration.
> By default, the players in `OPS` are **added** to the final `ops.json` file by the Minecraft server. If you set `OVERRIDE_OPS` to "true" then the `ops.json` file will be recreated on each server startup.
> Similar to whitelists, you can provide both `OPS_FILE` and `OPS`, and Minecraft 1.7.5 or earlier will use `ops.txt` rather than `ops.json`.
### Server icon
@ -1327,6 +1332,8 @@ If you would like to `docker attach` to the Minecraft server console with color
> This will bypass graceful server shutdown handling when using `docker stop`, so be sure the server console's `stop` command.
> Make to enable stdin and tty with `-it` when using `docker run` or `stdin_open: true` and `tty: true` when using docker compose.
> This feature is incompatible with Autopause and cannot be set when `ENABLE_AUTOPAUSE=true`.
### Server Shutdown Options
@ -1444,6 +1451,8 @@ Enable the Autopause functionality by setting:
Autopause is not compatible with `EXEC_DIRECTLY=true` and the two cannot be set together.
The following environment variables define the behaviour of auto-pausing:
* `AUTOPAUSE_TIMEOUT_EST`, default `3600` (seconds)
describes the time between the last client disconnect and the pausing of the process (read as timeout established)
@ -130,3 +130,28 @@ EOL
if [[ $tag ]]; then
if [ -f "$HOME/.github.env" ]; then
source "$HOME/.github.env"
if [[ $GITHUB_TOKEN ]]
auth=(-u ":$GITHUB_TOKEN")
: "${owner:=itzg}"
: "${repo:=docker-minecraft-server}"
read -r -d '' releaseBody << EOF
"tag_name": "$tag",
"name": "$tag",
"generate_release_notes": true
if ! echo curl "${auth[@]}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
"${base}/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases" -d "$releaseBody"; then
echo "ERROR failed to create github release $tag"
exit 1
@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ if [ ! -e /data/eula.txt ]; then
if isTrue "${ENABLE_AUTOPAUSE}" && isTrue "${EXEC_DIRECTLY:-false}"; then
log "EXEC_DIRECTLY=true is incompatible with ENABLE_AUTOPAUSE=true"
exit 1
if [[ $PROXY ]]; then
export http_proxy="$PROXY"
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
set -euo pipefail
. ${SCRIPTS:-/}start-utils
set -euo pipefail
isDebugging && set -x
if [ "${VERSION}" != "LATEST" ] && [ "${VERSION}" != "1.16" ] && [ "${VERSION}" != "1.17" ] && [ "${VERSION}" != "PURPUR" ] && [ "${VERSION}" != "PURPUR-1.16" ] ; then
log "ERROR: Airplane server type only supports VERSION=LATEST, VERSION=1.17, VERSION=1.16, VERSION=PURPUR or VERSION=PURPUR-1.16. Note that these are branches, not #.#.# versions."
exit 1
@ -35,6 +36,12 @@ log "Using Airplane-${AIRPLANE_BRANCH} branch"
log "Removing old Airplane versions ..."
shopt -s nullglob
for f in airplane-*.jar; do
[[ $f != $SERVER ]] && rm $f
if [ ! -f "$SERVER" ] || isTrue "${FORCE_REDOWNLOAD:-false}"; then
log "Downloading Airplane from $downloadUrl ..."
@ -3,28 +3,93 @@
. ${SCRIPTS:-/}start-utils
isDebugging && set -x
if [ -n "$OPS" ]; then
log "Updating ops"
rm -f /data/ops.txt.converted
echo $OPS | awk -v RS=, '{print}' > /data/ops.txt
if isTrue "${OVERRIDE_OPS}"; then
log "Recreating ops.json file at server startup"
rm -f /data/ops.json
if versionLessThan 1.7.6; then
if [ -n "$WHITELIST" ]; then
log "Updating whitelist"
rm -f /data/white-list.txt.converted
if [[ $WHITELIST == *"-"* ]]; then
echo $WHITELIST | awk -v RS=, '{print}' | xargs -l -i curl -s https://playerdb.co/api/player/minecraft/{} | jq -r '.["data"]["player"] | {"uuid": .id, "name": .username}' | jq -s . > "whitelist.json"
function process_user_file() {
local output=$1
local source=$2
if isURL "$source"; then
log "Downloading $output from $source"
if ! get -o /data/$output "$source"; then
log "ERROR: failed to download from $source"
exit 2
echo $WHITELIST | awk -v RS=, '{print}' > /data/white-list.txt
log "Copying $output from $source"
if ! cp "$source" /data/$output; then
log "ERROR: failed to copy from $source"
exit 1
function process_user_csv() {
local output=$1
local list=$2
local playerDataList
if [[ "$output" == *"ops"* ]]; then
# Extra data for ops.json
userData='{"uuid": .id, "name": .username, "level": 4}'
userData='{"uuid": .id, "name": .username}'
log "Updating ${output%.*}"
for i in ${list//,/ }
if [ -e "$output" ] && grep -q "$i" "$output"; then
log "$i already present in $output, skipping"
if ! playerData=$(get "https://playerdb.co/api/player/minecraft/$i" | jq -re ".data.player"); then
log "WARNING: Could not lookup user $i for ${output} addition"
playerDataList=$playerDataList$(echo $playerData | jq -r "$userData")
local newUsers=$(echo $playerDataList | jq -s .)
if [[ $output =~ .*\.txt ]]; then
# username list for txt config (Minecraft <= 1.7.5)
echo $newUsers | jq -r '.[].name' >> /data/${output}
sort -u /data/${output} -o /data/${output}
elif [ -e /data/${output} ]; then
# Merge with existing json file
local currentUsers=$(cat /data/${output})
jq --argjson current "$currentUsers" --argjson new "$newUsers" -n '$new + $current | unique_by(.uuid)' > /data/${output}
# New json file
echo $newUsers > /data/${output}
if isTrue "${OVERRIDE_OPS}"; then
log "Recreating ${opsFile} file at server startup"
rm -f /data/${opsFile}
if [ -n "${OPS_FILE}" ] && [ ! -e "/data/${opsFile}" ]; then
process_user_file ${opsFile} "$OPS_FILE"
if [ -n "${OPS}" ]; then
process_user_csv ${opsFile} "$OPS"
if isTrue "${OVERRIDE_WHITELIST}"; then
log "Recreating whitelist.json file at server startup"
rm -f /data/whitelist.json
log "Recreating ${whitelistFile} file at server startup"
rm -f /data/${whitelistFile}
if [ -n "${WHITELIST_FILE}" ] && [ ! -e "/data/${whitelistFile}" ]; then
process_user_file ${whitelistFile} "$WHITELIST_FILE"
if [ -n "${WHITELIST}" ]; then
process_user_csv ${whitelistFile} "$WHITELIST"
if [ -n "$ICON" ]; then
@ -96,7 +161,10 @@ patchLog4jConfig() {
# Patch Log4j remote code execution vulnerability
if isFamily VANILLA && versionLessThan 1.12; then
# See https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/important-message--security-vulnerability-java-edition
if versionLessThan 1.7; then
: # No patch required here.
elif isFamily VANILLA && versionLessThan 1.12; then
patchLog4jConfig log4j2_17-111.xml https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/dd2b723346a8dcd48e7f4d245f6bf09e98db9696/log4j2_17-111.xml
elif isFamily VANILLA && versionLessThan 1.17; then
patchLog4jConfig log4j2_112-116.xml https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/02937d122c86ce73319ef9975b58896fc1b491d1/log4j2_112-116.xml
@ -33,15 +33,18 @@ function setServerProp {
function customizeServerProps {
if [ -n "$WHITELIST" ] || isTrue "${ENABLE_WHITELIST:-false}"; then
log "Creating whitelist"
setServerPropValue "whitelist" "true"
# Whitelist processing
if [ -n "$WHITELIST" ] || [ -n "$WHITELIST_FILE" ] || isTrue "${ENABLE_WHITELIST:-false}"; then
log "Enabling whitelist functionality"
setServerPropValue "white-list" "true"
log "Disabling whitelist"
setServerPropValue "whitelist" "false"
log "Disabling whitelist functionality"
setServerPropValue "white-list" "false"
setServerProp "enforce-whitelist" ENFORCE_WHITELIST
if [[ $(grep "enforce-whitelist" $SERVER_PROPERTIES) != *true ]]; then
log "WARNING: whitelist enabled but not enforced. Set ENFORCE_WHITELIST=TRUE or update 'enforce-whitelist' in server.properties to enforce the whitelist."
# If not provided, generate a reasonable default message-of-the-day,
# which shows up in the server listing in the client
@ -104,7 +107,6 @@ function customizeServerProps {
setServerProp "op-permission-level" OP_PERMISSION_LEVEL
setServerProp "prevent-proxy-connections" PREVENT_PROXY_CONNECTIONS
setServerProp "use-native-transport" USE_NATIVE_TRANSPORT
setServerProp "enforce-whitelist" ENFORCE_WHITELIST
setServerProp "simulation-distance" SIMULATION_DISTANCE
setServerPropValue "motd" "$(echo "$MOTD" | mc-image-helper asciify)"
[[ $LEVEL_TYPE ]] && setServerPropValue "level-type" "${LEVEL_TYPE^^}"
Add table
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