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synced 2025-03-04 23:27:17 +00:00
docs: group related mods and worlds sections
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 195 additions and 191 deletions
@ -335,6 +335,37 @@ The [examples directory](https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server/tree/ma
If you're looking for a simple way to deploy this to the Amazon Web Services Cloud, check out the [Minecraft Server Deployment (CloudFormation) repository](https://github.com/vatertime/minecraft-spot-pricing). This repository contains a CloudFormation template that will get you up and running in AWS in a matter of minutes. Optionally it uses Spot Pricing so the server is very cheap, and you can easily turn it off when not in use.
### Using Docker Compose
Rather than type the server options below, the port mappings above, etc
every time you want to create new Minecraft server, you can now use
[Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/). Start with a
`docker-compose.yml` file like the following:
version: "3.8"
image: itzg/minecraft-server
- "25565:25565"
tty: true
stdin_open: true
restart: always
and in the same directory as that file run
docker-compose up -d
Now, go play...or adjust the `environment` section to configure
this server instance.
## Server types
### Running a Forge Server
@ -610,7 +641,9 @@ then you apply a workaround by adding this to the run invocation:
## Optional plugins, mods, and config attach points
## Working with mods and plugins
### Optional plugins, mods, and config attach points
There are optional volume paths that can be attached to supply content to be copied into the data area:
@ -633,7 +666,7 @@ These paths work well if you want to have a common set of modules in a separate
> For more flexibility with mods/plugins preparation, you can declare directories to use in [the `MODS` variable](#downloadable-modplugin-pack-for-forge-bukkit-and-spigot-servers)
## Auto-downloading SpigotMC/Bukkit/PaperMC plugins
### Auto-downloading SpigotMC/Bukkit/PaperMC plugins
The `SPIGET_RESOURCES` variable can be set with a comma-separated list of SpigotMC resource IDs to automatically download [SpigotMC resources/plugins](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/) using [the spiget API](https://spiget.org/). Resources that are zip files will be expanded into the plugins directory and resources that are simply jar files will be moved there.
@ -648,159 +681,65 @@ For example, the following will auto-download the [EssentialsX](https://www.spig
-e SPIGET_RESOURCES=9089,34315
## Replacing variables inside configs
### Downloadable mod/plugin pack for Forge, Bukkit, and Spigot Servers
Sometimes you have mods or plugins that require configuration information that is only available at runtime.
For example if you need to configure a plugin to connect to a database,
you don't want to include this information in your Git repository or Docker image.
Or maybe you have some runtime information like the server name that needs to be set
in your config files after the container starts.
Like the `WORLD` option above, you can specify the URL or path of a "mod pack"
to download and install into `mods` for Forge or `plugins` for Bukkit/Spigot.
To use this option pass the environment variable `MODPACK`, such as
For those cases there is the option to replace defined variables inside your configs
with environment variables defined at container runtime.
docker run -d -e MODPACK=http://www.example.com/mods/modpack.zip ...
If you set the enviroment variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES` to `TRUE` the startup script
will go thru all files inside your `/data` volume and replace variables that match your
defined environment variables. Variables that you want to replace need to be wrapped
inside `${YOUR_VARIABLE}` curly brackets and prefixed with a dollar sign. This is the regular
syntax for enviromment variables inside strings or config files.
**NOTE:** The referenced URL must be a zip file with one or more jar files at the
top level of the zip archive. Make sure the jars are compatible with the
particular `TYPE` of server you are running.
Optionally you can also define a prefix to only match predefined environment variables.
You may also download or copy over individual mods using the `MODS` environment variable. `MODS` contains a comma-separated list of
- URL of a jar file
- container path to a jar file
- container path to a directory containing jar files
`ENV_VARIABLE_PREFIX="CFG_"` <-- this is the default prefix
docker run -d -e MODS=https://www.example.com/mods/mod1.jar,/plugins/common,/plugins/special/mod2.jar ...
If you want use file for value (like when use secrets) you can add suffix `_FILE` to your variable name (in run command).
### Remove old mods/plugins
There are some limitations to what characters you can use.
When the option above is specified (`MODPACK`) you can also instruct script to
delete old mods/plugins prior to installing new ones. This behaviour is desirable
in case you want to upgrade mods/plugins from downloaded zip file.
To use this option pass the environment variable `REMOVE_OLD_MODS="TRUE"`, such as
| Type | Allowed Characters |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| Name | `0-9a-zA-Z_-` |
| Value | `0-9a-zA-Z_-:/=?.+` |
docker run -d -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS="TRUE" -e MODPACK=http://www.example.com/mods/modpack.zip ...
Variables will be replaced in files with the following extensions:
`.yml`, `.yaml`, `.txt`, `.cfg`, `.conf`, `.properties`.
**WARNING:** All content of the `mods` or `plugins` directory will be deleted
before unpacking new content from the MODPACK or MODS.
Specific files can be excluded by listing their name (without path) in the variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDES`.
## Working with world data
Paths can be excluded by listing them in the variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDE_PATHS`. Path
excludes are recursive. Here is an example:
REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDE_PATHS="/data/plugins/Essentials/userdata /data/plugins/MyPlugin"
### Downloadable world
Here is a full example where we want to replace values inside a `database.yml`.
Instead of mounting the `/data` volume, you can instead specify the URL of a ZIP file containing an archived world. It will be searched for a file `level.dat` and the containing subdirectory moved to the directory named by `$LEVEL`. This means that most of the archived Minecraft worlds downloadable from the Internet will already be in the correct format.
docker run -d -e WORLD=http://www.example.com/worlds/MySave.zip ...
host: ${CFG_DB_HOST}
name: ${CFG_DB_NAME}
password: ${CFG_DB_PASSWORD}
**NOTE:** This URL must be accessible from inside the container. Therefore,
you should use an IP address or a globally resolvable FQDN, or else the
name of a linked container.
This is how your `docker-compose.yml` file could look like:
**NOTE:** If the archive contains more than one `level.dat`, then the one to select can be picked with `WORLD_INDEX`, which defaults to 1.
version: "3.8"
# Other docker-compose examples in /examples
### Cloning world from a container path
image: itzg/minecraft-server
- "25565:25565"
- "mc:/data"
RCON_PASSWORD: "testing"
RCON_PORT: 28016
# enable env variable replacement
# define an optional prefix for your env variables you want to replace
# and here are the actual variables
CFG_DB_HOST: "http://localhost:3306"
CFG_DB_NAME: "minecraft"
CFG_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: "/run/secrets/db_password"
restart: always
image: itzg/rcon
- "4326:4326"
- "4327:4327"
- "rcon:/opt/rcon-web-admin/db"
The `WORLD` option can also be used to reference a directory or zip file that will be used as a source to clone or unzip the world directory.
file: ./db_password
The content of `db_password`:
## Running with a custom server JAR
If you would like to run a custom server JAR, set `-e TYPE=CUSTOM` and pass the custom server
JAR via `CUSTOM_SERVER`. It can either be a URL or a container path to an existing JAR file.
If it is a URL, it will only be downloaded into the `/data` directory if it wasn't already. As
such, if you need to upgrade or re-download the JAR, then you will need to stop the container,
remove the file from the container's `/data` directory, and start again.
## Force re-download of the server file
`$FORCE_REDOWNLOAD` to some value (e.g. 'true) to force a re-download of the server file for
the particular server type. by adding a `-e FORCE_REDOWNLOAD=true` to your command-line.
For example, with PaperSpigot, it would look something like this:
For example, the following would initially clone the world's content
from `/worlds/basic`. Also notice in the example that you can use a
read-only volume attachment to ensure the clone source remains pristine.
docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data \
-p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server
docker run ... -v $HOME/worlds:/worlds:ro -e WORLD=/worlds/basic
## Using Docker Compose
Rather than type the server options below, the port mappings above, etc
every time you want to create new Minecraft server, you can now use
[Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/). Start with a
`docker-compose.yml` file like the following:
version: "3.8"
image: itzg/minecraft-server
- "25565:25565"
tty: true
stdin_open: true
restart: always
and in the same directory as that file run
docker-compose up -d
Now, go play...or adjust the `environment` section to configure
this server instance.
### Overwrite world on start
The world will only be downloaded or copied if it doesn't exist already. Set `FORCE_WORLD_COPY=TRUE` to force overwrite the world on every server start.
## Server configuration
@ -1080,64 +1019,6 @@ where the default is "world":
**NOTE:** if running multiple containers be sure to either specify a different `-v` host directory for each
`LEVEL` in use or don't use `-v` and the container's filesystem will keep things encapsulated.
### Downloadable world
Instead of mounting the `/data` volume, you can instead specify the URL of a ZIP file containing an archived world. It will be searched for a file `level.dat` and the containing subdirectory moved to the directory named by `$LEVEL`. This means that most of the archived Minecraft worlds downloadable from the Internet will already be in the correct format.
docker run -d -e WORLD=http://www.example.com/worlds/MySave.zip ...
**NOTE:** This URL must be accessible from inside the container. Therefore,
you should use an IP address or a globally resolvable FQDN, or else the
name of a linked container.
**NOTE:** If the archive contains more than one `level.dat`, then the one to select can be picked with `WORLD_INDEX`, which defaults to 1.
### Cloning world from a container path
The `WORLD` option can also be used to reference a directory or zip file that will be used as a source to clone or unzip the world directory.
For example, the following would initially clone the world's content
from `/worlds/basic`. Also notice in the example that you can use a
read-only volume attachment to ensure the clone source remains pristine.
docker run ... -v $HOME/worlds:/worlds:ro -e WORLD=/worlds/basic
### Overwrite world on start
The world will only be downloaded or copied if it doesn't exist already. Set `FORCE_WORLD_COPY=TRUE` to force overwrite the world on every server start.
### Downloadable mod/plugin pack for Forge, Bukkit, and Spigot Servers
Like the `WORLD` option above, you can specify the URL or path of a "mod pack"
to download and install into `mods` for Forge or `plugins` for Bukkit/Spigot.
To use this option pass the environment variable `MODPACK`, such as
docker run -d -e MODPACK=http://www.example.com/mods/modpack.zip ...
**NOTE:** The referenced URL must be a zip file with one or more jar files at the
top level of the zip archive. Make sure the jars are compatible with the
particular `TYPE` of server you are running.
You may also download or copy over individual mods using the `MODS` environment variable. `MODS` contains a comma-separated list of
- URL of a jar file
- container path to a jar file
- container path to a directory containing jar files
docker run -d -e MODS=https://www.example.com/mods/mod1.jar,/plugins/common,/plugins/special/mod2.jar ...
### Remove old mods/plugins
When the option above is specified (`MODPACK`) you can also instruct script to
delete old mods/plugins prior to installing new ones. This behaviour is desirable
in case you want to upgrade mods/plugins from downloaded zip file.
To use this option pass the environment variable `REMOVE_OLD_MODS="TRUE"`, such as
docker run -d -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS="TRUE" -e MODPACK=http://www.example.com/mods/modpack.zip ...
**WARNING:** All content of the `mods` or `plugins` directory will be deleted
before unpacking new content from the MODPACK or MODS.
### Online mode
By default, server checks connecting players against Minecraft's account database. If you want to create an offline server or your server is not connected to the internet, you can disable the server to try connecting to minecraft.net to authenticate players with environment variable `ONLINE_MODE`, like this
@ -1170,6 +1051,129 @@ Allows users to use flight on your server while in Survival mode, if they have a
## Miscellaneous Options
### Replacing variables inside configs
Sometimes you have mods or plugins that require configuration information that is only available at runtime.
For example if you need to configure a plugin to connect to a database,
you don't want to include this information in your Git repository or Docker image.
Or maybe you have some runtime information like the server name that needs to be set
in your config files after the container starts.
For those cases there is the option to replace defined variables inside your configs
with environment variables defined at container runtime.
If you set the enviroment variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES` to `TRUE` the startup script
will go thru all files inside your `/data` volume and replace variables that match your
defined environment variables. Variables that you want to replace need to be wrapped
inside `${YOUR_VARIABLE}` curly brackets and prefixed with a dollar sign. This is the regular
syntax for enviromment variables inside strings or config files.
Optionally you can also define a prefix to only match predefined environment variables.
`ENV_VARIABLE_PREFIX="CFG_"` <-- this is the default prefix
If you want use file for value (like when use secrets) you can add suffix `_FILE` to your variable name (in run command).
There are some limitations to what characters you can use.
| Type | Allowed Characters |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| Name | `0-9a-zA-Z_-` |
| Value | `0-9a-zA-Z_-:/=?.+` |
Variables will be replaced in files with the following extensions:
`.yml`, `.yaml`, `.txt`, `.cfg`, `.conf`, `.properties`.
Specific files can be excluded by listing their name (without path) in the variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDES`.
Paths can be excluded by listing them in the variable `REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDE_PATHS`. Path
excludes are recursive. Here is an example:
REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDE_PATHS="/data/plugins/Essentials/userdata /data/plugins/MyPlugin"
Here is a full example where we want to replace values inside a `database.yml`.
host: ${CFG_DB_HOST}
name: ${CFG_DB_NAME}
password: ${CFG_DB_PASSWORD}
This is how your `docker-compose.yml` file could look like:
version: "3.8"
# Other docker-compose examples in /examples
image: itzg/minecraft-server
- "25565:25565"
- "mc:/data"
RCON_PASSWORD: "testing"
RCON_PORT: 28016
# enable env variable replacement
# define an optional prefix for your env variables you want to replace
# and here are the actual variables
CFG_DB_HOST: "http://localhost:3306"
CFG_DB_NAME: "minecraft"
CFG_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: "/run/secrets/db_password"
restart: always
image: itzg/rcon
- "4326:4326"
- "4327:4327"
- "rcon:/opt/rcon-web-admin/db"
file: ./db_password
The content of `db_password`:
### Running with a custom server JAR
If you would like to run a custom server JAR, set `-e TYPE=CUSTOM` and pass the custom server
JAR via `CUSTOM_SERVER`. It can either be a URL or a container path to an existing JAR file.
If it is a URL, it will only be downloaded into the `/data` directory if it wasn't already. As
such, if you need to upgrade or re-download the JAR, then you will need to stop the container,
remove the file from the container's `/data` directory, and start again.
### Force re-download of the server file
`$FORCE_REDOWNLOAD` to some value (e.g. 'true) to force a re-download of the server file for
the particular server type. by adding a `-e FORCE_REDOWNLOAD=true` to your command-line.
For example, with PaperSpigot, it would look something like this:
docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data \
-p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server
### Running as alternate user/group ID
By default, the container will switch to user ID 1000 and group ID 1000;
Add table
Reference in a new issue