
128 lines
3.9 KiB

with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
with builtins;
let {
body.config = config-f {};
body.create = create-f {};
body.mount = mount-f {};
config-f = q: x: config.${x.type} q x;
config.filesystem = q: x: {
fileSystems.${x.mountpoint} = {
device = q.device;
fsType = x.format;
${if x ? options then "options" else null} = x.options;
config.devices = q: x:
foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (mapAttrsToList (name: config-f { device = "/dev/${name}"; }) x.content);
config.luks = q: x: {
boot.initrd.luks.devices.${x.name}.device = q.device;
} // config-f { device = "/dev/mapper/${x.name}"; } x.content;
config.lv = q: x:
config-f { device = "/dev/${q.vgname}/${q.name}"; } x.content;
config.lvm = q: x:
foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (mapAttrsToList (name: config-f { inherit name; vgname = x.name; }) x.lvs);
config.partition = q: x:
config-f { device = q.device + toString q.index; } x.content;
config.table = q: x:
foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (imap (index: config-f (q // { inherit index; })) x.partitions);
create-f = q: x: create.${x.type} q x;
create.filesystem = q: x: ''
mkfs.${x.format} ${q.device}
create.devices = q: x: ''
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: create-f { device = "/dev/${name}"; }) x.content)}
create.luks = q: x: ''
cryptsetup -q luksFormat ${q.device} ${x.keyfile} ${toString (x.extraArgs or [])}
cryptsetup luksOpen ${q.device} ${x.name} --key-file ${x.keyfile}
${create-f { device = "/dev/mapper/${x.name}"; } x.content}
create.lv = q: x: ''
lvcreate -L ${x.size} -n ${q.name} ${q.vgname}
${create-f { device = "/dev/${q.vgname}/${q.name}"; } x.content}
create.lvm = q: x: ''
pvcreate ${q.device}
vgcreate ${x.name} ${q.device}
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: create-f { inherit name; vgname = x.name; }) x.lvs)}
create.partition = q: x: ''
parted -s ${q.device} mkpart ${x.part-type} ${x.fs-type or ""} ${x.start} ${x.end}
${optionalString (x.bootable or false) ''
parted -s ${q.device} set ${toString q.index} boot on
${create-f { device = q.device + toString q.index; } x.content}
create.table = q: x: ''
parted -s ${q.device} mklabel ${x.format}
${concatStrings (imap (index: create-f (q // { inherit index; })) x.partitions)}
mount-f = q: x: mount.${x.type} q x;
mount.filesystem = q: x: {
fs.${x.mountpoint} = ''
if ! [ "$(mount | sed -n 's:\([^ ]\+\) on /mnt${x.mountpoint} .*:\1:p')" = ${q.device} ]; then
mkdir -p /mnt${x.mountpoint}
mount ${q.device} /mnt${x.mountpoint}
mount.devices = q: x: let
z = foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (mapAttrsToList (name: mount-f { device = "/dev/${name}"; }) x.content);
# attrValues returns values sorted by name. This is important, because it
# ensures that "/" is processed before "/foo" etc.
in ''
${optionalString (hasAttr "luks" z) (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues z.luks))}
${optionalString (hasAttr "lvm" z) (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues z.lvm))}
${optionalString (hasAttr "fs" z) (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues z.fs))}
mount.luks = q: x: (
(mount-f { device = "/dev/mapper/${x.name}"; } x.content)
{luks.${q.device} = ''
cryptsetup luksOpen ${q.device} ${x.name} --key-file ${x.keyfile}
mount.lv = q: x:
mount-f { device = "/dev/${q.vgname}/${q.name}"; } x.content;
mount.lvm = q: x: (
(foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (mapAttrsToList (name: mount-f { inherit name; vgname = x.name; }) x.lvs))
{lvm.${q.device} = ''
vgchange -a y
mount.partition = q: x:
mount-f { device = q.device + toString q.index; } x.content;
mount.table = q: x:
foldl' recursiveUpdate {} (imap (index: mount-f (q // { inherit index; })) x.partitions);