# since lsblk lacks zfs support, we have to do it this way def remove: if .fstype == "zfs_member" then "if type zpool >/dev/null; then zpool destroy -f \(.label); zpool labelclear -f \(.label); fi" elif .fstype == "LVM2_member" then [ "vg=$(pvs \(.path) --noheadings --options vg_name | grep -o '[a-zA-Z0-9-]*')", "vgchange -a n \"$vg\"", "vgremove -f \"$vg\"" ] elif .fstype == "swap" then "swapoff \(.path)" elif .fstype == null then # maybe its zfs [ # the next line has some horrible escaping "zpool=$(if type zdb >/dev/null; then zdb -l \(.path) | sed -nr $'s/ +name: \\'(.*)\\'/\\\\1/p'; fi)", "if [[ -n \"${zpool}\" ]]; then zpool destroy -f \"$zpool\"; zpool labelclear -f \"$zpool\"; fi", "unset zpool" ] else [] end ; def deactivate: if .type == "disk" or .type == "loop" then [ # If this disk is a member of raid, stop that raid "md_dev=$(lsblk \(.path) -l -p -o type,name | awk 'match($1,\"raid.*\") {print $2}')", "if [[ -n \"${md_dev}\" ]]; then umount \"$md_dev\"; mdadm --stop \"$md_dev\"; fi", # Remove all file-systems and other magic strings "wipefs --all -f \(.path)", # Remove the MBR bootstrap code "dd if=/dev/zero of=\(.path) bs=440 count=1" ] elif .type == "part" then [ "wipefs --all -f \(.path)" ] elif .type == "crypt" then [ "cryptsetup luksClose \(.path)", "wipefs --all -f \(.path)" ] elif .type == "lvm" then (.name | split("-")[0]) as $vgname | (.name | split("-")[1]) as $lvname | [ "lvremove -fy \($vgname)/\($lvname)" ] elif (.type | contains("raid")) then [ "mdadm --stop \(.name)" ] else ["echo Warning: unknown type '\(.type)'. Consider handling this in https://github.com/nix-community/disko/blob/master/disk-deactivate/disk-deactivate.jq"] end ; def walk: [ (.mountpoints[] | select(. != null) | "umount -R \(.)"), ((.children // []) | map(walk)), remove, deactivate ] ; def init: "/dev/\(.name)" as $disk | "/dev/disk/by-id/\(."id-link")" as $disk_by_id | "/dev/disk/by-id/\(.tran)-\(.id)" as $disk_by_id2 | "/dev/disk/by-id/\(.tran)-\(.wwn)" as $disk_by_wwn | if $disk == $disk_to_clear or $disk_by_id == $disk_to_clear or $disk_by_id2 == $disk_to_clear or $disk_by_wwn == $disk_to_clear then [ "set -fu", walk ] else [] end ; .blockdevices | map(init) | flatten | join("\n")