{ lib ? import , rootMountPoint ? "/mnt" , makeTest ? import , eval-config ? import }: with lib; with builtins; let outputs = import ../default.nix { inherit lib diskoLib; }; diskoLib = { # like make-disk-image.nix from nixpkgs, but with disko config makeDiskImages = args: (import ./make-disk-image.nix ({ inherit diskoLib; } // args)).pure; # a version of makeDiskImage which runs outside of the store makeDiskImagesScript = args: (import ./make-disk-image.nix ({ inherit diskoLib; } // args)).impure; makeVMRunner = args: (import ./interactive-vm.nix ({ inherit diskoLib; } // args)).pure; testLib = import ./tests.nix { inherit lib makeTest eval-config; }; # like lib.types.oneOf but instead of a list takes an attrset # uses the field "type" to find the correct type in the attrset subType = { types, extraArgs ? { parent = { type = "rootNode"; name = "root"; }; } }: lib.mkOptionType { name = "subType"; description = "one of ${concatStringsSep "," (attrNames types)}"; check = x: if x ? type then types.${x.type}.check x else throw "No type option set in:\n${generators.toPretty {} x}"; merge = loc: foldl' (_res: def: types.${def.value.type}.merge loc [ # we add a dummy root parent node to render documentation (lib.recursiveUpdate { value._module.args = extraArgs; } def) ]) { }; nestedTypes = types; }; # option for valid contents of partitions (basically like devices, but without tables) partitionType = extraArgs: lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { types = { inherit (diskoLib.types) btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; }; inherit extraArgs; }); default = null; description = "The type of partition"; }; # option for valid contents of devices deviceType = extraArgs: lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr (diskoLib.subType { types = { inherit (diskoLib.types) table gpt btrfs filesystem zfs mdraid luks lvm_pv swap; }; inherit extraArgs; }); default = null; description = "The type of device"; }; /* deepMergeMap takes a function and a list of attrsets and deep merges them deepMergeMap :: (AttrSet -> AttrSet ) -> [ AttrSet ] -> Attrset Example: deepMergeMap (x: x.t = "test") [ { x = { y = 1; z = 3; }; } { x = { bla = 234; }; } ] => { x = { y = 1; z = 3; bla = 234; t = "test"; }; } */ deepMergeMap = f: foldr (attr: acc: (recursiveUpdate acc (f attr))) { }; /* get a device and an index to get the matching device name deviceNumbering :: str -> int -> str Example: deviceNumbering "/dev/sda" 3 => "/dev/sda3" deviceNumbering "/dev/disk/by-id/xxx" 2 => "/dev/disk/by-id/xxx-part2" */ deviceNumbering = dev: index: if match "/dev/([vs]|(xv)d).+" dev != null then dev + toString index # /dev/{s,v,xv}da style else if match "/dev/(disk|zvol)/.+" dev != null then "${dev}-part${toString index}" # /dev/disk/by-id/xxx style, also used by zfs's zvolumes else if match "/dev/((nvme|mmcblk).+|md/.*[[:digit:]])" dev != null then "${dev}p${toString index}" # /dev/nvme0n1p1 style else if match "/dev/md/.+" dev != null then "${dev}${toString index}" # /dev/md/raid1 style else if match "/dev/mapper/.+" dev != null then "${dev}${toString index}" # /dev/mapper/vg-lv1 style else if match "/dev/loop[[:digit:]]+" dev != null then "${dev}p${toString index}" # /dev/mapper/vg-lv1 style else abort '' ${dev} seems not to be a supported disk format. Please add this to disko in https://github.com/nix-community/disko/blob/master/lib/default.nix ''; /* get the index an item in a list indexOf :: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> int -> int Example: indexOf (x: x == 2) [ 1 2 3 ] 0 => 2 indexOf (x: x == "x") [ 1 2 3 ] 0 => 0 */ indexOf = f: list: fallback: let iter = index: list: if list == [ ] then fallback else if f (head list) then index else iter (index + 1) (tail list); in iter 1 list; /* indent takes a multiline string and indents it by 2 spaces starting on the second line indent :: str -> str Example: indent "test\nbla" => "test\n bla" */ indent = replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "\n " ]; /* A nix option type representing a json datastructure, vendored from nixpkgs to avoid dependency on pkgs */ jsonType = let valueType = lib.types.nullOr (lib.types.oneOf [ lib.types.bool lib.types.int lib.types.float lib.types.str lib.types.path (lib.types.attrsOf valueType) (lib.types.listOf valueType) ]) // { description = "JSON value"; }; in valueType; /* Given a attrset of deviceDependencies and a devices attrset returns a sorted list by deviceDependencies. aborts if a loop is found sortDevicesByDependencies :: AttrSet -> AttrSet -> [ [ str str ] ] */ sortDevicesByDependencies = deviceDependencies: devices: let dependsOn = a: b: elem a (attrByPath b [ ] deviceDependencies); maybeSortedDevices = toposort dependsOn (diskoLib.deviceList devices); in if (hasAttr "cycle" maybeSortedDevices) then abort "detected a cycle in your disk setup: ${maybeSortedDevices.cycle}" else maybeSortedDevices.result; /* Takes a devices attrSet and returns it as a list deviceList :: AttrSet -> [ [ str str ] ] Example: deviceList { zfs.pool1 = {}; zfs.pool2 = {}; mdadm.raid1 = {}; } => [ [ "zfs" "pool1" ] [ "zfs" "pool2" ] [ "mdadm" "raid1" ] ] */ deviceList = devices: concatLists (mapAttrsToList (n: v: (map (x: [ n x ]) (attrNames v))) devices); /* Takes either a string or null and returns the string or an empty string maybeStr :: Either (str null) -> str Example: maybeStr null => "" maybeSTr "hello world" => "hello world" */ maybeStr = x: optionalString (x != null) x; /* Takes a Submodules config and options argument and returns a serializable subset of config variables as a shell script snippet. */ defineHookVariables = { options }: let sanitizeName = lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ]; isAttrsOfSubmodule = o: o.type.name == "attrsOf" && o.type.nestedTypes.elemType.name == "submodule"; isSerializable = n: o: !( lib.hasPrefix "_" n || lib.hasSuffix "Hook" n || isAttrsOfSubmodule o # TODO don't hardcode diskoLib.subType options. || n == "content" || n == "partitions" || n == "datasets" || n == "swap" ); in lib.toShellVars (lib.mapAttrs' (n: o: lib.nameValuePair (sanitizeName n) o.value) (lib.filterAttrs isSerializable options)); mkHook = description: lib.mkOption { inherit description; type = lib.types.lines; default = ""; }; mkSubType = module: lib.types.submodule [ module { options = { preCreateHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run before create"; postCreateHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run after create"; preMountHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run before mount"; postMountHook = diskoLib.mkHook "shell commands to run after mount"; }; config._module.args = { inherit diskoLib rootMountPoint; }; } ]; mkCreateOption = { config, options, default }@attrs: lib.mkOption { internal = true; readOnly = true; type = lib.types.str; default = '' ( # ${config.type} ${concatMapStringsSep " " (n: toString (config.${n} or "")) ["name" "device" "format" "mountpoint"]} # ${diskoLib.indent (diskoLib.defineHookVariables { inherit options; })} ${diskoLib.indent config.preCreateHook} ${diskoLib.indent attrs.default} ${diskoLib.indent config.postCreateHook} ) ''; description = "Creation script"; }; mkMountOption = { config, options, default }@attrs: lib.mkOption { internal = true; readOnly = true; type = diskoLib.jsonType; default = lib.mapAttrsRecursive (_name: value: if builtins.isString value then '' ( ${diskoLib.indent (diskoLib.defineHookVariables { inherit options; })} ${diskoLib.indent config.preMountHook} ${diskoLib.indent value} ${diskoLib.indent config.postMountHook} ) '' else value) attrs.default; description = "Mount script"; }; /* Writer for optionally checking bash scripts before writing them to the store writeCheckedBash :: AttrSet -> str -> str -> derivation */ writeCheckedBash = { pkgs, checked ? false, noDeps ? false }: pkgs.writers.makeScriptWriter { interpreter = if noDeps then "/usr/bin/env bash" else "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; check = lib.optionalString (checked && !pkgs.hostPlatform.isRiscV64 && !pkgs.hostPlatform.isx86_32) (pkgs.writeScript "check" '' set -efu ${pkgs.shellcheck}/bin/shellcheck -e SC2034 "$1" ''); }; /* Takes a disko device specification, returns an attrset with metadata meta :: lib.types.devices -> AttrSet */ meta = toplevel: toplevel._meta; /* Takes a disko device specification and returns a string which formats the disks create :: lib.types.devices -> str */ create = toplevel: toplevel._create; /* Takes a disko device specification and returns a string which mounts the disks mount :: lib.types.devices -> str */ mount = toplevel: toplevel._mount; /* takes a disko device specification and returns a string which unmounts, destroys all disks and then runs create and mount zapCreateMount :: lib.types.devices -> str */ zapCreateMount = toplevel: '' set -efux ${toplevel._disko} ''; /* Takes a disko device specification and returns a nixos configuration config :: lib.types.devices -> nixosConfig */ config = toplevel: toplevel._config; /* Takes a disko device specification and returns a function to get the needed packages to format/mount the disks packages :: lib.types.devices -> pkgs -> [ derivation ] */ packages = toplevel: toplevel._packages; optionTypes = rec { filename = lib.mkOptionType { name = "filename"; check = isString; merge = mergeOneOption; description = "A filename"; }; absolute-pathname = lib.mkOptionType { name = "absolute pathname"; check = x: isString x && substring 0 1 x == "/" && pathname.check x; merge = mergeOneOption; description = "An absolute path"; }; pathname = lib.mkOptionType { name = "pathname"; check = x: let # The filter is used to normalize paths, i.e. to remove duplicated and # trailing slashes. It also removes leading slashes, thus we have to # check for "/" explicitly below. xs = filter (s: stringLength s > 0) (splitString "/" x); in isString x && (x == "/" || (length xs > 0 && all filename.check xs)); merge = mergeOneOption; description = "A path name"; }; }; /* topLevel type of the disko config, takes attrsets of disks, mdadms, zpools, nodevs, and lvm vgs. */ toplevel = lib.types.submodule (cfg: let devices = { inherit (cfg.config) disk mdadm zpool lvm_vg nodev; }; in { options = { disk = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.disk; default = { }; description = "Block device"; }; mdadm = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.mdadm; default = { }; description = "mdadm device"; }; zpool = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.zpool; default = { }; description = "ZFS pool device"; }; lvm_vg = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.lvm_vg; default = { }; description = "LVM VG device"; }; nodev = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf diskoLib.types.nodev; default = { }; description = "A non-block device"; }; _meta = lib.mkOption { internal = true; description = '' meta informationen generated by disko currently used for building a dependency list so we know in which order to create the devices ''; default = diskoLib.deepMergeMap (dev: dev._meta) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices))); }; _packages = lib.mkOption { internal = true; description = '' packages required by the disko configuration coreutils is always included ''; default = pkgs: unique ((flatten (map (dev: dev._pkgs pkgs) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices))))) ++ [ pkgs.coreutils-full ]); }; _scripts = lib.mkOption { internal = true; description = '' The scripts generated by disko ''; default = { pkgs, checked ? false }: { destroyScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-destroy" '' export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ util-linux e2fsprogs mdadm zfs lvm2 bash jq gnused gawk coreutils-full ])}:$PATH ${cfg.config._destroy} ''; formatScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-format" '' export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (cfg.config._packages pkgs)}:$PATH ${cfg.config._create} ''; mountScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko-mount" '' export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath (cfg.config._packages pkgs)}:$PATH ${cfg.config._mount} ''; diskoScript = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; }) "disko" '' export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath ((cfg.config._packages pkgs) ++ [ pkgs.bash ])}:$PATH ${cfg.config._disko} ''; # These are useful to skip copying executables uploading a script to an in-memory installer destroyScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-destroy" '' ${cfg.config._destroy} ''; formatScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-format" '' ${cfg.config._create} ''; mountScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko-mount" '' ${cfg.config._mount} ''; diskoScriptNoDeps = (diskoLib.writeCheckedBash { inherit pkgs checked; noDeps = true; }) "disko" '' ${cfg.config._disko} ''; }; }; _destroy = lib.mkOption { internal = true; type = lib.types.str; description = '' The script to unmount (& destroy) all devices defined by disko.devices ''; default = '' umount -Rv "${rootMountPoint}" || : # shellcheck disable=SC2043 for dev in ${toString (lib.catAttrs "device" (lib.attrValues devices.disk))}; do $BASH ${../disk-deactivate}/disk-deactivate "$dev" done ''; }; _create = lib.mkOption { internal = true; type = lib.types.str; description = '' The script to create all devices defined by disko.devices ''; default = let sortedDeviceList = diskoLib.sortDevicesByDependencies (cfg.config._meta.deviceDependencies or { }) devices; in '' set -efux disko_devices_dir=$(mktemp -d) trap 'rm -rf "$disko_devices_dir"' EXIT mkdir -p "$disko_devices_dir" ${concatMapStrings (dev: (attrByPath (dev ++ [ "_create" ]) {} devices)) sortedDeviceList} ''; }; _mount = lib.mkOption { internal = true; type = lib.types.str; description = '' The script to mount all devices defined by disko.devices ''; default = let fsMounts = diskoLib.deepMergeMap (dev: dev._mount.fs or { }) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices))); sortedDeviceList = diskoLib.sortDevicesByDependencies (cfg.config._meta.deviceDependencies or { }) devices; in '' set -efux # first create the necessary devices ${concatMapStrings (dev: (attrByPath (dev ++ [ "_mount" ]) {} devices).dev or "") sortedDeviceList} # and then mount the filesystems in alphabetical order ${concatStrings (attrValues fsMounts)} ''; }; _disko = lib.mkOption { internal = true; type = lib.types.str; description = '' The script to umount, create and mount all devices defined by disko.devices ''; default = '' ${cfg.config._destroy} ${cfg.config._create} ${cfg.config._mount} ''; }; _config = lib.mkOption { internal = true; description = '' The NixOS config generated by disko ''; default = let configKeys = flatten (map attrNames (flatten (map (dev: dev._config) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices)))))); collectedConfigs = flatten (map (dev: dev._config) (flatten (map attrValues (attrValues devices)))); in lib.genAttrs configKeys (key: lib.mkMerge (lib.catAttrs key collectedConfigs)); }; }; }); # import all the types from the types directory types = lib.listToAttrs ( map (file: lib.nameValuePair (lib.removeSuffix ".nix" file) (diskoLib.mkSubType ./types/${file}) ) (lib.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./types)) ); # render types into an json serializable format serializeType = type: let options = lib.filter (x: !lib.hasPrefix "_" x) (lib.attrNames type.options); in lib.listToAttrs ( map (option: lib.nameValuePair option type.options.${option} ) options ); typesSerializerLib = { rootMountPoint = ""; options = null; config._module.args.name = "self.name"; lib = { mkOption = option: { inherit (option) type description; default = option.default or null; }; types = { attrsOf = subType: { type = "attrsOf"; inherit subType; }; listOf = subType: { type = "listOf"; inherit subType; }; nullOr = subType: { type = "nullOr"; inherit subType; }; enum = choices: { type = "enum"; inherit choices; }; str = "str"; bool = "bool"; int = "int"; submodule = x: x { inherit (diskoLib.typesSerializerLib) lib config options; }; }; }; diskoLib = { optionTypes.absolute-pathname = "absolute-pathname"; deviceType = "devicetype"; partitionType = "partitiontype"; subType = types: "onOf ${toString (lib.attrNames types)}"; }; }; jsonTypes = lib.listToAttrs ( map (file: lib.nameValuePair (lib.removeSuffix ".nix" file) (diskoLib.serializeType (import ./types/${file} diskoLib.typesSerializerLib)) ) (lib.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./types)) ); } // outputs; in diskoLib