Discord Rich Presence for Plex is a Python script which displays your [Plex](https://www.plex.tv/) status on [Discord](https://discord.com/) using [Rich Presence](https://discord.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to).
When the script runs for the first time, a directory named `data` will be created in the current working directory along with a `config.yaml` file inside of it. You will be prompted to complete authentication to allow the script to retrieve an access token for your Plex account.
*`mediaTypes` (list, optional) - If set, the button is displayed only for the specified media types. Valid media types are `movie`, `episode`, `track` and `clip`.
*`token` (string) - An access token associated with your Plex account. ([X-Plex-Token](https://support.plex.tv/articles/204059436-finding-an-authentication-token-x-plex-token/), [Authenticating with Plex](https://forums.plex.tv/t/authenticating-with-plex/609370))
*`listenForUser` (string, optional) - The script reacts to alerts originating only from this username. Defaults to the parent user's username if not set.
*`ipcPipeNumber` (int, optional) - A number in the range of `0-9` to specify the Discord IPC pipe to connect to. Defaults to `-1`, which specifies that the first existing pipe in the range should be used. When a Discord client is launched, it binds to the first unbound pipe number, which is typically `0`.
Due to a strange Discord bug, these buttons may be unresponsive or exhibit strange behaviour towards your own clicks, but other users are able to click on them to open their corresponding URLs.
*`DRPP_PLEX_SERVER_NAME_INPUT` - This is used only during the initial setup (when there are no users in the config) as the name of the Plex server to be added to the config file after user authentication. If this isn't set, in interactive environments, the user is prompted for an input, and in non-interactive environments, "ServerName" is used as a placeholder, which can later be changed by editing the config file and restarting the script.
The runtime directory where Discord stores its inter-process communication Unix socket file needs to be mounted into the container at `/run/app`. The path for this would be the first non-null value from the values of the following environment variables in the environment Discord is running in: ([source](https://github.com/discord/discord-rpc/blob/963aa9f3e5ce81a4682c6ca3d136cddda614db33/src/connection_unix.cpp#L29C33-L29C33))
For example, if the environment variable `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` is set to `/run/user/1000`, that would be the runtime directory that needs to be mounted into the container at `/run/app`. If none of the environment variables are set, you need to mount `/tmp` into the container at `/run/app`.
The environment variables `DRPP_UID` and `DRPP_GID` can be used to specify the UID and GID of the user Discord is running as. You can determine these by running `id` in your terminal as such user.
If both of the above environment variables are set, the script will change the ownership of `/run/app` and its contents to be in line with the specified UID and GID to prevent issues caused due to insufficient permissions. To skip this ownership change, set the environment variable `DRPP_NO_RUNTIME_DIR_CHOWN` to `true`. Skipping this is necessary only in cases where the runtime directory isn't dedicated exclusively to a single user.
The ownership of `/app` and its contents will be changed as well. If both of the above environment variables are set, they will determine the ownership. Otherwise, the existing ownership information of `/run/app` will be used.
If you're running the container for the first time (when there are no users in the config), set the `DRPP_PLEX_SERVER_NAME_INPUT` environment variable to the name of the Plex server to be added to the config file after user authentication, and check the container logs for the authentication link.
If you wish to run Discord in a container as well, you need to mount a designated directory from the host machine into your Discord container at the path where Discord would store its Unix socket file. You can determine this path by checking the environment variables inside the container as per the [volumes](#volumes) section above, or you can set one of the environment variables yourself. That same host directory needs to be mounted into this script's container at `/run/app`. Ensure that the designated directory being mounted into the containers is owned by the user the containerised Discord process is running as.
The container image for this script is based on Linux. Docker uses virtualisation to run Linux containers on Windows and macOS. In such cases, if you want to run this script's container, you need to run Discord in a Linux container as well, as per the instructions above.