2023-12-09 16:51:41 +01:00

242 lines
7.1 KiB

#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/79236386")]
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use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
use crate::writer::*;
use collect_macros::byte_offset;
use dioxus_rsx::{BodyNode, CallBody, IfmtInput};
use proc_macro2::LineColumn;
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::{ExprMacro, MacroDelimiter};
mod buffer;
mod collect_macros;
mod component;
mod element;
mod expr;
mod indent;
mod writer;
pub use indent::{IndentOptions, IndentType};
/// A modification to the original file to be applied by an IDE
/// Right now this re-writes entire rsx! blocks at a time, instead of precise line-by-line changes.
/// In a "perfect" world we would have tiny edits to preserve things like cursor states and selections. The API here makes
/// it possible to migrate to a more precise modification approach in the future without breaking existing code.
/// Note that this is tailored to VSCode's TextEdit API and not a general Diff API. Line numbers are not accurate if
/// multiple edits are applied in a single file without tracking text shifts.
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct FormattedBlock {
/// The new contents of the block
pub formatted: String,
/// The line number of the first line of the block.
pub start: usize,
/// The end of the block, exclusive.
pub end: usize,
/// Format a file into a list of `FormattedBlock`s to be applied by an IDE for autoformatting.
/// This function expects a complete file, not just a block of code. To format individual rsx! blocks, use fmt_block instead.
/// The point here is to provide precise modifications of a source file so an accompanying IDE tool can map these changes
/// back to the file precisely.
/// Nested blocks of RSX will be handled automatically
pub fn fmt_file(contents: &str, indent: IndentOptions) -> Vec<FormattedBlock> {
let mut formatted_blocks = Vec::new();
let parsed = syn::parse_file(contents).unwrap();
let mut macros = vec![];
collect_macros::collect_from_file(&parsed, &mut macros);
// No macros, no work to do
if macros.is_empty() {
return formatted_blocks;
let mut writer = Writer::new(contents);
writer.out.indent = indent;
// Don't parse nested macros
let mut end_span = LineColumn { column: 0, line: 0 };
for item in macros {
let macro_path = &item.path.segments[0].ident;
// this macro is inside the last macro we parsed, skip it
if macro_path.span().start() < end_span {
let body = item.parse_body::<CallBody>().unwrap();
let rsx_start = macro_path.span().start();
writer.out.indent_level = writer
.count_indents(writer.src[rsx_start.line - 1]);
write_body(&mut writer, &body);
// writing idents leaves the final line ended at the end of the last ident
if writer.out.buf.contains('\n') {
let span = match item.delimiter {
MacroDelimiter::Paren(b) => b.span,
MacroDelimiter::Brace(b) => b.span,
MacroDelimiter::Bracket(b) => b.span,
let mut formatted = String::new();
std::mem::swap(&mut formatted, &mut writer.out.buf);
let start = byte_offset(contents, span.start()) + 1;
let end = byte_offset(contents, span.end()) - 1;
// Rustfmt will remove the space between the macro and the opening paren if the macro is a single expression
let body_is_solo_expr = body.roots.len() == 1
&& matches!(body.roots[0], BodyNode::RawExpr(_) | BodyNode::Text(_));
if formatted.len() <= 80 && !formatted.contains('\n') && !body_is_solo_expr {
formatted = format!(" {formatted} ");
end_span = span.end();
if contents[start..end] == formatted {
formatted_blocks.push(FormattedBlock {
pub fn write_block_out(body: CallBody) -> Option<String> {
let mut buf = Writer::new("");
write_body(&mut buf, &body);
fn write_body(buf: &mut Writer, body: &CallBody) {
let is_short = buf.is_short_children(&body.roots).is_some();
let is_empty = buf.is_empty_children(&body.roots);
if (is_short && !buf.out.indent.split_line_attributes()) || is_empty {
// write all the indents with spaces and commas between
for idx in 0..body.roots.len() - 1 {
let ident = &body.roots[idx];
write!(&mut buf.out.buf, ", ").unwrap();
// write the last ident without a comma
let ident = &body.roots[body.roots.len() - 1];
} else {
pub fn fmt_block_from_expr(raw: &str, expr: ExprMacro) -> Option<String> {
let body = syn::parse2::<CallBody>(expr.mac.tokens).unwrap();
let mut buf = Writer::new(raw);
write_body(&mut buf, &body);
pub fn fmt_block(block: &str, indent_level: usize, indent: IndentOptions) -> Option<String> {
let body = syn::parse_str::<dioxus_rsx::CallBody>(block).unwrap();
let mut buf = Writer::new(block);
buf.out.indent = indent;
buf.out.indent_level = indent_level;
write_body(&mut buf, &body);
// writing idents leaves the final line ended at the end of the last ident
if buf.out.buf.contains('\n') {
pub fn apply_format(input: &str, block: FormattedBlock) -> String {
let start = block.start;
let end = block.end;
let (left, _) = input.split_at(start);
let (_, right) = input.split_at(end);
format!("{}{}{}", left, block.formatted, right)
// Apply all the blocks
pub fn apply_formats(input: &str, blocks: Vec<FormattedBlock>) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
let mut last = 0;
for FormattedBlock {
} in blocks
let prefix = &input[last..start];
last = end;
let suffix = &input[last..];
struct DisplayIfmt<'a>(&'a IfmtInput);
impl Display for DisplayIfmt<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let inner_tokens = self.0.source.as_ref().unwrap().to_token_stream();
pub(crate) fn ifmt_to_string(input: &IfmtInput) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
let display = DisplayIfmt(input);
write!(&mut buf, "{}", display).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn write_ifmt(input: &IfmtInput, writable: &mut impl Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
let display = DisplayIfmt(input);
write!(writable, "{}", display)