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synced 2025-03-01 13:57:18 +00:00
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225 lines
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use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_elements::input_data::keyboard_types::Key;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FilterState {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct TodoItem {
pub id: u32,
pub checked: bool,
pub contents: String,
pub fn app() -> Element {
let mut todos = use_signal(|| HashMap::<u32, TodoItem>::new());
let mut filter = use_signal(|| FilterState::All);
let active_todo_count =
use_selector(move || todos.read().values().filter(|item| !item.checked).count());
let filtered_todos = use_selector(move || {
let mut filtered_todos = todos
.filter(|(_, item)| match filter() {
FilterState::All => true,
FilterState::Active => !item.checked,
FilterState::Completed => item.checked,
.map(|f| *f.0)
rsx! {
section { class: "todoapp",
style { {include_str!("./assets/todomvc.css")} }
TodoHeader { todos }
section { class: "main",
if !todos.read().is_empty() {
input {
id: "toggle-all",
class: "toggle-all",
r#type: "checkbox",
onchange: move |_| {
let check = active_todo_count() != 0;
for (_, item) in todos.write().iter_mut() {
item.checked = check;
checked: active_todo_count() == 0,
label { r#for: "toggle-all" }
ul { class: "todo-list",
for id in filtered_todos.read().iter().copied() {
TodoEntry { key: "{id}", id, todos }
if !todos.read().is_empty() {
ListFooter { active_todo_count, todos, filter }
PageFooter {}
pub fn TodoHeader(mut todos: Signal<HashMap<u32, TodoItem>>) -> Element {
let mut draft = use_signal(|| "".to_string());
let mut todo_id = use_signal(|| 0);
let onkeydown = move |evt: KeyboardEvent| {
if evt.key() == Key::Enter && !draft.read().is_empty() {
let id = todo_id();
let todo = TodoItem {
checked: false,
contents: draft.to_string(),
todos.write().insert(id, todo);
todo_id += 1;
rsx! {
header { class: "header",
h1 { "todos" }
input {
class: "new-todo",
placeholder: "What needs to be done?",
value: "{draft}",
autofocus: "true",
oninput: move |evt| draft.set(evt.value().clone()),
pub fn TodoEntry(mut todos: Signal<HashMap<u32, TodoItem>>, id: u32) -> Element {
let mut is_editing = use_signal(|| false);
let checked = use_selector(move || todos.read().get(&id).unwrap().checked);
let contents = use_selector(move || todos.read().get(&id).unwrap().contents.clone());
rsx! {
li { class: if checked() { "completed" }, class: if is_editing() { "editing" },
div { class: "view",
input {
class: "toggle",
r#type: "checkbox",
id: "cbg-{id}",
checked: "{checked}",
oninput: move |evt| todos.write().get_mut(&id).unwrap().checked = evt.value().parse().unwrap(),
label {
r#for: "cbg-{id}",
ondoubleclick: move |_| is_editing.set(true),
prevent_default: "onclick",
button {
class: "destroy",
onclick: move |_| { todos.write().remove(&id); },
prevent_default: "onclick"
if is_editing() {
input {
class: "edit",
value: "{contents}",
oninput: move |evt| todos.write().get_mut(&id).unwrap().contents = evt.value(),
autofocus: "true",
onfocusout: move |_| is_editing.set(false),
onkeydown: move |evt| {
match evt.key() {
Key::Enter | Key::Escape | Key::Tab => is_editing.set(false),
_ => {}
pub fn ListFooter(
mut todos: Signal<HashMap<u32, TodoItem>>,
active_todo_count: ReadOnlySignal<usize>,
mut filter: Signal<FilterState>,
) -> Element {
let show_clear_completed = use_selector(move || todos.read().values().any(|todo| todo.checked));
rsx! {
footer { class: "footer",
span { class: "todo-count",
strong { "{active_todo_count} " }
span {
match active_todo_count() {
1 => "item",
_ => "items",
" left"
ul { class: "filters",
for (state , state_text , url) in [
(FilterState::All, "All", "#/"),
(FilterState::Active, "Active", "#/active"),
(FilterState::Completed, "Completed", "#/completed"),
] {
li {
a {
href: url,
class: if filter() == state { "selected" },
onclick: move |_| filter.set(state),
prevent_default: "onclick",
if show_clear_completed() {
button {
class: "clear-completed",
onclick: move |_| todos.write().retain(|_, todo| !todo.checked),
"Clear completed"
pub fn PageFooter() -> Element {
rsx! {
footer { class: "info",
p { "Double-click to edit a todo" }
p {
"Created by "
a { href: "http://github.com/jkelleyrtp/", "jkelleyrtp" }
p {
"Part of "
a { href: "http://todomvc.com", "TodoMVC" }