2021-09-09 20:58:48 -04:00

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//! # VirtualDOM Implementation for Rust
//! This module provides the primary mechanics to create a hook-based, concurrent VDOM for Rust.
//! In this file, multiple items are defined. This file is big, but should be documented well to
//! navigate the innerworkings of the Dom. We try to keep these main mechanics in this file to limit
//! the possible exposed API surface (keep fields private). This particular implementation of VDOM
//! is extremely efficient, but relies on some unsafety under the hood to do things like manage
//! micro-heaps for components. We are currently working on refactoring the safety out into safe(r)
//! abstractions, but current tests (MIRI and otherwise) show no issues with the current implementation.
//! Included is:
//! - The [`VirtualDom`] itself
//! - The [`Scope`] object for mangning component lifecycle
//! - The [`ActiveFrame`] object for managing the Scope`s microheap
//! - The [`Context`] object for exposing VirtualDOM API to components
//! - The [`NodeFactory`] object for lazyily exposing the `Context` API to the nodebuilder API
//! This module includes just the barebones for a complete VirtualDOM API.
//! Additional functionality is defined in the respective files.
use crate::innerlude::*;
use futures_util::{Future, FutureExt};
use std::{any::Any, pin::Pin};
/// An integrated virtual node system that progresses events and diffs UI trees.
/// Differences are converted into patches which a renderer can use to draw the UI.
/// If you are building an App with Dioxus, you probably won't want to reach for this directly, instead opting to defer
/// to a particular crate's wrapper over the [`VirtualDom`] API.
/// Example
/// ```rust
/// static App: FC<()> = |cx| {
/// cx.render(rsx!{
/// div {
/// "Hello World"
/// }
/// })
/// }
/// async fn main() {
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(App);
/// let mut inital_edits = dom.rebuild();
/// initialize_screen(inital_edits);
/// loop {
/// let next_frame = TimeoutFuture::new(Duration::from_millis(16));
/// let edits = dom.run_with_deadline(next_frame).await;
/// apply_edits(edits);
/// render_frame();
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct VirtualDom {
scheduler: Scheduler,
base_scope: ScopeId,
root_fc: Box<dyn Any>,
root_props: Pin<Box<dyn Any>>,
impl VirtualDom {
/// Create a new VirtualDOM with a component that does not have special props.
/// # Description
/// Later, the props can be updated by calling "update" with a new set of props, causing a set of re-renders.
/// This is useful when a component tree can be driven by external state (IE SSR) but it would be too expensive
/// to toss out the entire tree.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// fn Example(cx: Context<()>) -> DomTree {
/// cx.render(rsx!( div { "hello world" } ))
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(Example);
/// ```
/// Note: the VirtualDOM is not progressed, you must either "run_with_deadline" or use "rebuild" to progress it.
pub fn new(root: FC<()>) -> Self {
Self::new_with_props(root, ())
/// Create a new VirtualDOM with the given properties for the root component.
/// # Description
/// Later, the props can be updated by calling "update" with a new set of props, causing a set of re-renders.
/// This is useful when a component tree can be driven by external state (IE SSR) but it would be too expensive
/// to toss out the entire tree.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Props)]
/// struct SomeProps {
/// name: &'static str
/// }
/// fn Example(cx: Context<SomeProps>) -> DomTree {
/// cx.render(rsx!{ div{ "hello {cx.name}" } })
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(Example);
/// ```
/// Note: the VirtualDOM is not progressed on creation. You must either "run_with_deadline" or use "rebuild" to progress it.
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(Example, SomeProps { name: "jane" });
/// let mutations = dom.rebuild();
/// ```
pub fn new_with_props<P: Properties + 'static>(root: FC<P>, root_props: P) -> Self {
let scheduler = Scheduler::new();
let root_props: Pin<Box<dyn Any>> = Box::pin(root_props);
let props_ptr = root_props.downcast_ref::<P>().unwrap() as *const P;
let base_scope = scheduler.pool.insert_scope_with_key(|myidx| {
let caller = NodeFactory::create_component_caller(root, props_ptr as *const _);
Self {
root_fc: Box::new(root),
/// Get the [`Scope`] for the root component.
/// This is useful for traversing the tree from the root for heuristics or altnerative renderers that use Dioxus
/// directly.
pub fn base_scope(&self) -> &Scope {
/// Get the [`Scope`] for a component given its [`ScopeId`]
pub fn get_scope(&self, id: ScopeId) -> Option<&Scope> {
/// Update the root props of this VirtualDOM.
/// This method retuns None if the old props could not be removed. The entire VirtualDOM will be rebuilt immediately,
/// so calling this method will block the main thread until computation is done.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust
/// #[derive(Props, PartialEq)]
/// struct AppProps {
/// route: &'static str
/// }
/// static App: FC<AppProps> = |cx| cx.render(rsx!{ "route is {cx.route}" });
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(App, AppProps { route: "start" });
/// let mutations = dom.update_root_props(AppProps { route: "end" }).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn update_root_props<'s, P: 'static>(&'s mut self, root_props: P) -> Option<Mutations<'s>> {
let root_scope = self.scheduler.pool.get_scope_mut(self.base_scope).unwrap();
let mut root_props: Pin<Box<dyn Any>> = Box::pin(root_props);
if let Some(props_ptr) = root_props.downcast_ref::<P>().map(|p| p as *const P) {
std::mem::swap(&mut self.root_props, &mut root_props);
let root = *self.root_fc.downcast_ref::<FC<P>>().unwrap();
let new_caller = NodeFactory::create_component_caller(root, props_ptr as *const _);
root_scope.update_scope_dependencies(new_caller, ScopeChildren(&[]));
} else {
/// Performs a *full* rebuild of the virtual dom, returning every edit required to generate the actual dom from scratch
/// The diff machine expects the RealDom's stack to be the root of the application.
/// Tasks will not be polled with this method, nor will any events be processed from the event queue. Instead, the
/// root component will be ran once and then diffed. All updates will flow out as mutations.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// static App: FC<()> = |cx| cx.render(rsx!{ "hello world" });
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new();
/// let edits = dom.rebuild();
/// apply_edits(edits);
/// ```
pub fn rebuild<'s>(&'s mut self) -> Mutations<'s> {
let mut shared = self.scheduler.pool.clone();
let mut diff_machine = DiffMachine::new(Mutations::new(), &mut shared);
let cur_component = self
.expect("The base scope should never be moved");
// We run the component. If it succeeds, then we can diff it and add the changes to the dom.
if cur_component.run_scope(&self.scheduler.pool) {
.create_node(cur_component.frames.fin_head(), MountType::Append);
diff_machine.work(|| false);
} else {
// todo: should this be a hard error?
"Component failed to run succesfully during rebuild.
This does not result in a failed rebuild, but indicates a logic failure within your app."
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(diff_machine.mutations) }
/// Compute a manual diff of the VirtualDOM between states.
/// This can be useful when state inside the DOM is remotely changed from the outside, but not propogated as an event.
pub fn diff<'s>(&'s mut self) -> Mutations<'s> {
let cur_component = self
.expect("The base scope should never be moved");
if cur_component.run_scope(&self.scheduler.pool) {
let mut diff_machine: DiffMachine<'s> =
DiffMachine::new(Mutations::new(), &mut self.scheduler.pool);
} else {
/// Runs the virtualdom immediately, not waiting for any suspended nodes to complete.
/// This method will not wait for any suspended nodes to complete. If there is no pending work, then this method will
/// return "None"
pub fn run_immediate<'s>(&'s mut self) -> Option<Vec<Mutations<'s>>> {
if self.scheduler.has_any_work() {
} else {
/// Run the virtualdom with a deadline.
/// This method will progress async tasks until the deadline is reached. If tasks are completed before the deadline,
/// and no tasks are pending, this method will return immediately. If tasks are still pending, then this method will
/// exhaust the deadline working on them.
/// This method is useful when needing to schedule the virtualdom around other tasks on the main thread to prevent
/// "jank". It will try to finish whatever work it has by the deadline to free up time for other work.
/// Due to platform differences in how time is handled, this method accepts a future that resolves when the deadline
/// is exceeded. However, the deadline won't be met precisely, so you might want to build some wiggle room into the
/// deadline closure manually.
/// The deadline is polled before starting to diff components. This strikes a balance between the overhead of checking
/// the deadline and just completing the work. However, if an individual component takes more than 16ms to render, then
/// the screen will "jank" up. In debug, this will trigger an alert.
/// If there are no in-flight fibers when this method is called, it will await any possible tasks, aborting early if
/// the provided deadline future resolves.
/// For use in the web, it is expected that this method will be called to be executed during "idle times" and the
/// mutations to be applied during the "paint times" IE "animation frames". With this strategy, it is possible to craft
/// entirely jank-free applications that perform a ton of work.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// static App: FC<()> = |cx| rsx!(in cx, div {"hello"} );
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(App);
/// loop {
/// let deadline = TimeoutFuture::from_ms(16);
/// let mutations = dom.run_with_deadline(deadline).await;
/// apply_mutations(mutations);
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Mutations
/// This method returns "mutations" - IE the necessary changes to get the RealDOM to match the VirtualDOM. It also
/// includes a list of NodeRefs that need to be applied and effects that need to be triggered after the RealDOM has
/// applied the edits.
/// Mutations are the only link between the RealDOM and the VirtualDOM.
pub async fn run_with_deadline<'s>(
&'s mut self,
deadline: impl Future<Output = ()>,
) -> Vec<Mutations<'s>> {
let mut deadline = Box::pin(deadline.fuse());
pub fn get_event_sender(&self) -> futures_channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<SchedulerMsg> {
pub fn has_work(&self) -> bool {
pub async fn wait_for_any_work(&mut self) {
let mut timeout = Box::pin(futures_util::future::pending().fuse());
self.scheduler.wait_for_any_trigger(&mut timeout).await;
// TODO!
// These impls are actually wrong. The DOM needs to have a mutex implemented.
unsafe impl Sync for VirtualDom {}
unsafe impl Send for VirtualDom {}