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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This example is a simple iOS-style calculator. This particular example can run any platform - Web, Mobile, Desktop.
This calculator version uses React-style state management. All state is held as individual use_states.
use dioxus::events::*;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
dioxus::desktop::launch(APP, |cfg| cfg);
const APP: FC<()> = |(cx, _)| {
let cur_val = use_state(cx, || 0.0_f64);
let operator = use_state(cx, || None as Option<&'static str>);
let display_value = use_state(cx, || String::from(""));
let clear_display = display_value == "0";
let clear_text = if clear_display { "C" } else { "AC" };
let input_digit = move |num: u8| display_value.modify().push_str(num.to_string().as_str());
let input_dot = move || display_value.modify().push_str(".");
let perform_operation = move || {
if let Some(op) = operator.as_ref() {
let rhs = display_value.parse::<f64>().unwrap();
let new_val = match *op {
"+" => *cur_val + rhs,
"-" => *cur_val - rhs,
"*" => *cur_val * rhs,
"/" => *cur_val / rhs,
_ => unreachable!(),
let toggle_sign = move |_| {
if display_value.starts_with("-") {
} else {
display_value.set(format!("-{}", *display_value))
let toggle_percent = move |_| todo!();
let clear_key = move |_| {
if !clear_display {
let keydownhandler = move |evt: KeyboardEvent| match evt.key_code {
KeyCode::Add => operator.set(Some("+")),
KeyCode::Subtract => operator.set(Some("-")),
KeyCode::Divide => operator.set(Some("/")),
KeyCode::Multiply => operator.set(Some("*")),
KeyCode::Num0 => input_digit(0),
KeyCode::Num1 => input_digit(1),
KeyCode::Num2 => input_digit(2),
KeyCode::Num3 => input_digit(3),
KeyCode::Num4 => input_digit(4),
KeyCode::Num5 => input_digit(5),
KeyCode::Num6 => input_digit(6),
KeyCode::Num7 => input_digit(7),
KeyCode::Num8 => input_digit(8),
KeyCode::Num9 => input_digit(9),
KeyCode::Backspace => {
if !display_value.as_str().eq("0") {
_ => {}
use separator::Separatable;
let formatted_display = cur_val.separated_string();
rsx!(cx, div {
class: "calculator", onkeydown: {keydownhandler}
div { class: "calculator-display", "{formatted_display}" }
div { class: "input-keys"
div { class: "function-keys"
CalculatorKey { name: "key-clear", onclick: {clear_key} "{clear_text}" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-sign", onclick: {toggle_sign}, "±"}
CalculatorKey { name: "key-percent", onclick: {toggle_percent} "%"}
div { class: "digit-keys"
CalculatorKey { name: "key-0", onclick: move |_| input_digit(0), "0" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-dot", onclick: move |_| input_dot(), "" }
{(1..9).map(|k| rsx!{
CalculatorKey { key: "{k}", name: "key-{k}", onclick: move |_| input_digit(k), "{k}" }
div { class: "operator-keys"
CalculatorKey { name: "key-divide", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some("/")) "÷" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-multiply", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some("*")) "×" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-subtract", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some("-")) "" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-add", onclick: move |_| operator.set(Some("+")) "+" }
CalculatorKey { name: "key-equals", onclick: move |_| perform_operation() "=" }
struct CalculatorKeyProps<'a> {
name: &'static str,
onclick: &'a dyn Fn(MouseEvent),
fn CalculatorKey<'a>((cx, props): Scope<'a, CalculatorKeyProps>) -> Element<'a> {
rsx!(cx, button {
class: "calculator-key {props.name}"
onclick: {props.onclick}