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synced 2024-12-30 06:23:07 +00:00
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136 lines
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use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
pub enum FilterState {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct TodoItem {
pub id: u32,
pub checked: bool,
pub contents: String,
pub fn app(cx: Scope<()>) -> Element {
let todos = use_state(&cx, || im_rc::HashMap::<u32, TodoItem>::default());
let filter = use_state(&cx, || FilterState::All);
let draft = use_state(&cx, || "".to_string());
let mut todo_id = use_state(&cx, || 0);
// Filter the todos based on the filter state
let mut filtered_todos = todos
.filter(|(_, item)| match *filter {
FilterState::All => true,
FilterState::Active => !item.checked,
FilterState::Completed => item.checked,
.map(|f| *f.0)
let show_clear_completed = todos.values().any(|todo| todo.checked);
let items_left = filtered_todos.len();
let item_text = match items_left {
1 => "item",
_ => "items",
section { class: "todoapp",
style { [include_str!("./assets/todomvc.css")] }
div {
header { class: "header",
h1 {"todos"}
input {
class: "new-todo",
placeholder: "What needs to be done?",
value: "{draft}",
autofocus: "true",
oninput: move |evt| draft.set(evt.value.clone()),
onkeydown: move |evt| {
if evt.key == "Enter" {
if !draft.is_empty() {
TodoItem {
id: *todo_id,
checked: false,
contents: draft.get().clone(),
todo_id += 1;
ul { class: "todo-list",
filtered_todos.iter().map(|id| rsx!(todo_entry( key: "{id}", id: *id, todos: todos )))
(!todos.is_empty()).then(|| rsx!(
footer { class: "footer",
span { class: "todo-count",
strong {"{items_left} "}
span {"{item_text} left"}
ul { class: "filters",
li { class: "All", a { onclick: move |_| filter.set(FilterState::All), "All" }}
li { class: "Active", a { onclick: move |_| filter.set(FilterState::Active), "Active" }}
li { class: "Completed", a { onclick: move |_| filter.set(FilterState::Completed), "Completed" }}
(show_clear_completed).then(|| rsx!(
button {
class: "clear-completed",
onclick: move |_| todos.modify().retain(|_, todo| todo.checked == false),
"Clear completed"
footer { class: "info",
p {"Double-click to edit a todo"}
p { "Created by ", a { href: "http://github.com/jkelleyrtp/", "jkelleyrtp" }}
p { "Part of ", a { href: "http://todomvc.com", "TodoMVC" }}
pub struct TodoEntryProps<'a> {
todos: UseState<'a, im_rc::HashMap<u32, TodoItem>>,
id: u32,
pub fn todo_entry<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, TodoEntryProps<'a>>) -> Element {
let todo = &cx.props.todos[&cx.props.id];
let is_editing = use_state(&cx, || false);
let completed = if todo.checked { "completed" } else { "" };
rsx!(cx, li { class: "{completed}",
div { class: "view",
input { class: "toggle", r#type: "checkbox", id: "cbg-{todo.id}", checked: "{todo.checked}",
onchange: move |evt| {
cx.props.todos.modify()[&cx.props.id].checked = evt.value.parse().unwrap();
label { r#for: "cbg-{todo.id}", pointer_events: "none", "{todo.contents}" }
is_editing.then(|| rsx!{
input {
value: "{todo.contents}",
oninput: move |evt| cx.props.todos.modify()[&cx.props.id].contents = evt.value.clone(),