Jonathan Kelley f4fb5bb454 feat: integrate serialization and string borrowing
This commit adds lifetimes to the diff and realdom methods so consumers may borrow the contents of the DOM for serialization or asynchronous modifications.
2021-06-28 12:05:17 -04:00

37 lines
1.4 KiB

use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus_core as dioxus;
use dioxus_web::WebsysRenderer;
fn main() {
static Example: FC<()> = |cx| {
let (name, set_name) = use_state(&cx, || "...?");
cx.render(rsx! {
section { class: "py-12 px-4 text-center"
div { class: "w-full max-w-2xl mx-auto"
span { class: "text-sm font-semibold"
"Dioxus Example: Jack and Jill"
h2 { class: "text-5xl mt-2 mb-6 leading-tight font-semibold font-heading"
"Hello, {name}"
div {
button {
class:"inline-block py-4 px-8 m-2 leading-none text-white bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-900 font-semibold rounded shadow"
onclick: move |_| set_name("jack")
button {
class:"inline-block py-4 px-8 m-2 leading-none text-white bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-900 font-semibold rounded shadow"
onclick: move |_| set_name("jill")