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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:33 +00:00
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// #![allow(unused, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
// use bumpalo::Bump;
// use dioxus_core::nodebuilder::*;
// use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
// use std::{collections::HashMap, future::Future, marker::PhantomData};
fn main() {}
// fn main() {
// let mut vdom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(
// component,
// Props {
// blah: false,
// text: "blah".into(),
// },
// );
// vdom.progress();
// let somet = String::from("asd");
// let text = somet.as_str();
// /*
// this could be auto-generated via the macro
// this props is allocated in this
// but the component and props would like need to be cached
// we could box this fn, abstracting away the props requirement and just keep the entrance and allocator requirement
// How do we keep cached things around?
// Need some sort of caching mechanism
// how do we enter into a childscope from a parent scope?
// Problems:
// 1: Comp props need to be stored somewhere so we can re-evalute components when they receive updates
// 2: Trees are not evaluated
// */
// let example_caller = move |ctx: &Bump| {
// todo!()
// // let p = Props { blah: true, text };
// // let c = Context { props: &p };
// // let r = component(&c);
// };
// // check the edit list
// }
// // ~~~ Text shared between components via props can be done with lifetimes! ~~~
// // Super duper efficient :)
// struct Props {
// blah: bool,
// text: String,
// // text: &'src str,
// }
// impl Properties for Props {
// fn new() -> Self {
// todo!()
// }
// }
// fn component<'a>(ctx: Context<'a, Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
// // Write asynchronous rendering code that immediately returns a "suspended" VNode
// // The concurrent API will then progress this component when the future finishes
// // You can suspend the entire component, or just parts of it
// let product_list = ctx.suspend(async {
// // Suspend the rendering that completes when the future is done
// match fetch_data().await {
// Ok(data) => html! { <div> "success!" </div>},
// Err(_) => html! { <div> "failure :(" </div>},
// }
// });
// // todo!()
// ctx.view(html! {
// <div>
// <h1> "Products" </h1>
// <button> "hello!" </button>
// // Subnodes can even be suspended
// // When completely rendered, they won't cause the component itself to re-render, just their slot
// // <p> { product_list } </p>
// </div>
// })
// }
// fn BuilderComp<'a>(ctx: Context<'a, Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
// // VNodes can be constructed via a builder or the html! macro
// // However, both of these are "lazy" - they need to be evaluated (aka, "viewed")
// // We can "view" them with Context for ultimate speed while inside components
// ctx.view(|bump| {
// div(bump)
// .attr("class", "edit")
// .child(text("Hello"))
// .child(text(ctx.props.text.as_ref()))
// .finish()
// })
// }
// #[fc]
// fn EffcComp(ctx: Context, name: &str) -> VNode {
// // VNodes can be constructed via a builder or the html! macro
// // However, both of these are "lazy" - they need to be evaluated (aka, "viewed")
// // We can "view" them with Context for ultimate speed while inside components
// // use "phase" style allocation;
// ctx.view(html! {
// <div>
// // your template goes here
// // feel free to directly use "name"
// </div>
// })
// }
// fn FullySuspended<'a>(ctx: &'a Context<Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
// ctx.suspend(async {
// let i: i32 = 0;
// // full suspended works great with just returning VNodes!
// // Feel free to capture the html! macro directly
// // Anything returned here is automatically viewed
// let tex = match i {
// 1 => html! { <div> </div> },
// 2 => html! { <div> </div> },
// _ => html! { <div> </div> },
// };
// if ctx.props.blah {
// html! { <div> </div> }
// } else {
// tex
// }
// })
// }
// /// An example of a datafetching service
// async fn fetch_data() -> Result<String, ()> {
// todo!()
// }