2021-01-29 11:57:52 -05:00

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//! <div align="center">
//! <h1>🌗🚀 📦 Dioxus</h1>
//! <p>
//! <strong>A concurrent, functional, virtual DOM for Rust</strong>
//! </p>
//! </div>
//! Dioxus: a concurrent, functional, reactive virtual dom for any renderer in Rust.
//! This crate aims to maintain a uniform hook-based, renderer-agnostic UI framework for cross-platform development.
//! ## Components
//! The base unit of Dioxus is the `component`. Components can be easily created from just a function - no traits required:
//! ```
//! use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
//! #[derive(Properties)]
//! struct Props { name: String }
//! fn Example(ctx: &mut Context<Props>) -> VNode {
//! html! { <div> "Hello {ctx.props.name}!" </div> }
//! }
//! ```
//! Components need to take a "Context" parameter which is generic over some properties. This defines how the component can be used
//! and what properties can be used to specify it in the VNode output. Component state in Dioxus is managed by hooks - if you're new
//! to hooks, check out the hook guide in the official guide.
//! Components can also be crafted as static closures, enabling type inference without all the type signature noise:
//! ```
//! use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
//! #[derive(Properties)]
//! struct Props { name: String }
//! static Example: FC<Props> = |ctx| {
//! html! { <div> "Hello {ctx.props.name}!" </div> }
//! }
//! ```
//! If the properties struct is too noisy for you, we also provide a macro that converts variadic functions into components automatically.
//! ```
//! use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
//! #[functional_component]
//! static Example: FC = |ctx, name: String| {
//! html! { <div> "Hello {name}!" </div> }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Hooks
//! Dioxus uses hooks for state management. Hooks are a form of state persisted between calls of the function component. Instead of
//! using a single struct to store data, hooks use the "use_hook" building block which allows the persistence of data between
//! function component renders.
//! This allows functions to reuse stateful logic between components, simplify large complex components, and adopt more clear context
//! subscription patterns to make components easier to read.
//! ## Supported Renderers
//! Instead of being tightly coupled to a platform, browser, or toolkit, Dioxus implements a VirtualDOM object which
//! can be consumed to draw the UI. The Dioxus VDOM is reactive and easily consumable by 3rd-party renderers via
//! the `Patch` object. See [Implementing a Renderer](docs/8-custom-renderer.md) and the `StringRenderer` classes for information
//! on how to implement your own custom renderer. We provide 1st-class support for these renderers:
//! - dioxus-desktop (via WebView)
//! - dioxus-web (via WebSys)
//! - dioxus-ssr (via StringRenderer)
//! - dioxus-liveview (SSR + StringRenderer)
/// Re-export common types for ease of development use.
/// Essential when working with the html! macro
pub mod prelude {
use crate::nodes;
pub use crate::virtual_dom::{Context, VirtualDom, FC};
pub use nodes::iterables::IterableNodes;
pub use nodes::*;
// TODO @Jon, fix this
// hack the VNode type until VirtualNode is fixed in the macro crate
pub type VirtualNode = VNode;
// Re-export from the macro crate
pub use dioxus_html_macro::html;
/// The Dioxus Virtual Dom integrates an event system and virtual nodes to create reactive user interfaces.
/// This module includes all life-cycle related mechanics, including the virtual dom, scopes, properties, and lifecycles.
pub mod virtual_dom {
use super::*;
use crate::nodes::VNode;
use generational_arena::Arena;
/// An integrated virtual node system that progresses events and diffs UI trees.
/// Differences are converted into patches which a renderer can use to draw the UI.
pub struct VirtualDom {
/// All mounted components are arena allocated to make additions, removals, and references easy to work with
/// A generational arean is used to re-use slots of deleted scopes without having to resize the underlying arena.
components: Arena<Scope>,
/// Components generate lifecycle events
event_queue: Vec<LifecycleEvent>,
impl VirtualDom {
/// Create a new instance of the Dioxus Virtual Dom with no properties for the root component.
/// This means that the root component must either consumes its own context, or statics are used to generate the page.
/// The root component can access things like routing in its context.
pub fn new(root: FC<()>) -> Self {
/// Start a new VirtualDom instance with a dependent props.
/// Later, the props can be updated by calling "update" with a new set of props, causing a set of re-renders.
/// This is useful when a component tree can be driven by external state (IE SSR) but it would be too expensive
/// to toss out the entire tree.
pub fn new_with_props<T>(root: FC<T>) -> Self {
// Set a first lifecycle event to add the component
let first_event = LifecycleEvent::Add;
Self {
components: Arena::new(),
event_queue: vec![first_event],
enum LifecycleEvent {
/// Functional Components leverage the type FC to
pub type FC<T> = fn(&mut Context<T>) -> VNode;
/// The Scope that wraps a functional component
/// Scope's hold subscription, context, and hook information, however, it is allocated on the heap.
pub struct Scope {
hook_idx: i32,
hooks: Vec<()>,
impl Scope {
fn new<T>() -> Self {
Self {
hook_idx: 0,
hooks: vec![],
pub struct HookState {}
/// Components in Dioxus use the "Context" object to interact with their lifecycle.
/// This lets components schedule updates, integrate hooks, and expose their context via the context api.
/// Properties passed down from the parent component are also directly accessible via the exposed "props" field.
/// ```ignore
/// #[derive(Properties)]
/// struct Props {
/// name: String
/// }
/// fn example(ctx: &Context<Props>) -> VNode {
/// html! {
/// <div> "Hello, {ctx.props.name}" </div>
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Context<'source, T> {
/// Direct access to the properties used to create this component.
pub props: &'source T,
impl<'a, T> Context<'a, T> {
/// Access the children elements passed into the component
pub fn children(&self) -> Vec<VNode> {
todo!("Children API not yet implemented for component Context")
/// Access a parent context
pub fn parent_context<C>(&self) -> C {
todo!("Context API is not ready yet")
/// Create a subscription that schedules a future render for the reference component
pub fn subscribe(&self) -> impl FnOnce() -> () {
todo!("Subscription API is not ready yet");
|| {}
/// The `Enter` API is an internal way of tracking the location in the Dioxus Virtual DOM
/// The Context object consumes itself, producing a new lifetime without reallocating
fn enter(self) -> Self {
todo!("Entrance API for reusing Context object not ready yet")
pub trait Properties: PartialEq + 'static {
Props cannot contain references (as of today) :(
Use a smart pointer
// Auto derive for pure components
impl Properties for () {}
// Set up a derive macro
// #[derive(Macro)]
/// Virtual Node Support
/// VNodes represent lazily-constructed VDom trees that support diffing and event handlers.
/// These VNodes should be *very* cheap and *very* fast to construct - building a full tree should be insanely quick.
pub mod nodes {
pub use vcomponent::VComponent;
pub use velement::VElement;
pub use vnode::VNode;
pub use vtext::VText;
/// Tools for the base unit of the virtual dom - the VNode
/// VNodes are intended to be quickly-allocated, lightweight enum values.
/// Components will be generating a lot of these very quickly, so we want to
/// limit the amount of heap allocations / overly large enum sizes.
mod vnode {
use super::*;
pub enum VNode {
/// An element node (node type `ELEMENT_NODE`).
/// A text node (node type `TEXT_NODE`).
/// Note: This wraps a `VText` instead of a plain `String` in
/// order to enable custom methods like `create_text_node()` on the
/// wrapped type.
/// A User-defined componen node (node type COMPONENT_NODE)
impl VNode {
/// Create a new virtual element node with a given tag.
/// These get patched into the DOM using `document.createElement`
/// ```ignore
/// let div = VNode::element("div");
/// ```
pub fn element<S>(tag: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
/// Create a new virtual text node with the given text.
/// These get patched into the DOM using `document.createTextNode`
/// ```ignore
/// let div = VNode::text("div");
/// ```
pub fn text<S>(text: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
/// Return a [`VElement`] reference, if this is an [`Element`] variant.
/// [`VElement`]: struct.VElement.html
/// [`Element`]: enum.VNode.html#variant.Element
pub fn as_velement_ref(&self) -> Option<&VElement> {
match self {
VNode::Element(ref element_node) => Some(element_node),
_ => None,
/// Return a mutable [`VElement`] reference, if this is an [`Element`] variant.
/// [`VElement`]: struct.VElement.html
/// [`Element`]: enum.VNode.html#variant.Element
pub fn as_velement_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VElement> {
match self {
VNode::Element(ref mut element_node) => Some(element_node),
_ => None,
/// Return a [`VText`] reference, if this is an [`Text`] variant.
/// [`VText`]: struct.VText.html
/// [`Text`]: enum.VNode.html#variant.Text
pub fn as_vtext_ref(&self) -> Option<&VText> {
match self {
VNode::Text(ref text_node) => Some(text_node),
_ => None,
/// Return a mutable [`VText`] reference, if this is an [`Text`] variant.
/// [`VText`]: struct.VText.html
/// [`Text`]: enum.VNode.html#variant.Text
pub fn as_vtext_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VText> {
match self {
VNode::Text(ref mut text_node) => Some(text_node),
_ => None,
/// Used by html-macro to insert space before text that is inside of a block that came after
/// an open tag.
/// html! { <div> {world}</div> }
/// So that we end up with <div> world</div> when we're finished parsing.
pub fn insert_space_before_text(&mut self) {
match self {
VNode::Text(text_node) => {
text_node.text = " ".to_string() + &text_node.text;
_ => {}
/// Used by html-macro to insert space after braced text if we know that the next block is
/// another block or a closing tag.
/// html! { <div>{Hello} {world}</div> } -> <div>Hello world</div>
/// html! { <div>{Hello} </div> } -> <div>Hello </div>
/// So that we end up with <div>Hello world</div> when we're finished parsing.
pub fn insert_space_after_text(&mut self) {
match self {
VNode::Text(text_node) => {
text_node.text += " ";
_ => {}
// -----------------------------------------------
// Convert from DOM elements to the primary enum
// -----------------------------------------------
impl From<VText> for VNode {
fn from(other: VText) -> Self {
impl From<VElement> for VNode {
fn from(other: VElement) -> Self {
impl From<&str> for VNode {
fn from(other: &str) -> Self {
impl From<String> for VNode {
fn from(other: String) -> Self {
// -----------------------------------------------
// Allow VNodes to be iterated for map-based UI
// -----------------------------------------------
impl IntoIterator for VNode {
type Item = VNode;
// TODO: Is this possible with an array [VNode] instead of a vec?
type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<VNode>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Into<::std::vec::IntoIter<VNode>> for VNode {
fn into(self) -> ::std::vec::IntoIter<VNode> {
// -----------------------------------------------
// Allow debug/display adherent to the HTML spec
// -----------------------------------------------
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for VNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
VNode::Element(e) => write!(f, "Node::{:?}", e),
VNode::Text(t) => write!(f, "Node::{:?}", t),
VNode::Component(c) => write!(f, "Node::{:?}", c),
// Turn a VNode into an HTML string (delegate impl to variants)
impl fmt::Display for VNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
VNode::Element(element) => write!(f, "{}", element),
VNode::Text(text) => write!(f, "{}", text),
VNode::Component(c) => write!(f, "{}", c),
mod velement {
use super::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct VElement {
/// The HTML tag, such as "div"
pub tag: String,
/// HTML attributes such as id, class, style, etc
pub attrs: HashMap<String, String>,
// TODO: @JON Get this to not heap allocate, but rather borrow
// pub attrs: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str>,
// TODO @Jon, re-enable "events"
// /// Events that will get added to your real DOM element via `.addEventListener`
// pub events: Events,
pub events: HashMap<String, ()>,
/// The children of this `VNode`. So a <div> <em></em> </div> structure would
/// have a parent div and one child, em.
pub children: Vec<VNode>,
impl VElement {
pub fn new<S>(tag: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
VElement {
tag: tag.into(),
attrs: HashMap::new(),
events: HashMap::new(),
// events: Events(HashMap::new()),
children: vec![],
// -----------------------------------------------
// Allow debug/display adherent to the HTML spec
// -----------------------------------------------
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for VElement {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"Element(<{}>, attrs: {:?}, children: {:?})",
self.tag, self.attrs, self.children,
impl fmt::Display for VElement {
// Turn a VElement and all of it's children (recursively) into an HTML string
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "<{}", self.tag).unwrap();
for (attr, value) in self.attrs.iter() {
write!(f, r#" {}="{}""#, attr, value)?;
write!(f, ">")?;
for child in self.children.iter() {
write!(f, "{}", child.to_string())?;
if !crate::validation::is_self_closing(&self.tag) {
write!(f, "</{}>", self.tag)?;
mod vtext {
pub struct VText {
pub text: String,
impl VText {
/// Create an new `VText` instance with the specified text.
pub fn new<S>(text: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
VText { text: text.into() }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Convert from primitives directly into VText
// -----------------------------------------------
impl From<&str> for VText {
fn from(text: &str) -> Self {
VText {
text: text.to_string(),
impl From<String> for VText {
fn from(text: String) -> Self {
VText { text }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Allow debug/display adherent to the HTML spec
// -----------------------------------------------
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for VText {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Text({})", self.text)
// Turn a VText into an HTML string
impl fmt::Display for VText {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.text)
/// Virtual Components for custom user-defined components
/// Only supports the functional syntax
mod vcomponent {
use crate::{
prelude::{Context, FC},
use std::{any::TypeId, fmt, future::Future};
use super::VNode;
pub struct VComponent {
props_id: TypeId,
// callerIDs are unsafely coerced to function pointers
// This is okay because #1, we store the props_id and verify and 2# the html! macro rejects components not made this way
// Manually constructing the VComponent is not possible from 3rd party crates
impl VComponent {
/// Construct a VComponent directly from a function component
/// This should be *very* fast - we store the function pointer and props type ID. It should also be small on the stack
pub fn from_fn<P: Properties>(f: FC<P>, props: P) -> Self {
// Props needs to be static
let props_id = std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
// Cast the caller down
Self { props_id }
/// Construct a VComponent directly from a concurrent component
pub fn from_asyncfn<P: Properties, F>(f: fn(&mut Context<P>) -> F, props: P) -> Self
F: Future<Output = VNode>,
// Props needs to be static
let props_id = std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
// Cast the caller down
Self { props_id }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Allow debug/display adherent to the HTML spec
// -----------------------------------------------
impl fmt::Debug for VComponent {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// TODO: @JON Implement how components should be formatted when spit out to html
// It probably can't be as straightforward as renderinng their VNodes
// It _could_ be, but we can't really implement that directly
// Instead, we should drop a vnode labeled with the component id/key
// write!(
// f,
// "Element(<{}>, attrs: {:?}, children: {:?})",
// self.tag, self.attrs, self.children,
// )
impl fmt::Display for VComponent {
// Turn a VElement and all of it's children (recursively) into an HTML string
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// write!(f, "<{}", self.tag).unwrap();
// for (attr, value) in self.attrs.iter() {
// write!(f, r#" {}="{}""#, attr, value)?;
// }
// write!(f, ">")?;
// for child in self.children.iter() {
// write!(f, "{}", child.to_string())?;
// }
// if !crate::validation::is_self_closing(&self.tag) {
// write!(f, "</{}>", self.tag)?;
// }
pub mod iterables {
use super::*;
/// Used by the html! macro for all braced child nodes so that we can use any type
/// that implements Into<IterableNodes>
/// html! { <div> { nodes } </div> }
/// nodes can be a String .. VNode .. Vec<VNode> ... etc
pub struct IterableNodes(Vec<VNode>);
impl IterableNodes {
/// Retrieve the first node mutably
pub fn first(&mut self) -> &mut VNode {
/// Retrieve the last node mutably
pub fn last(&mut self) -> &mut VNode {
impl IntoIterator for IterableNodes {
type Item = VNode;
// TODO: Is this possible with an array [VNode] instead of a vec?
type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<VNode>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl From<VNode> for IterableNodes {
fn from(other: VNode) -> Self {
impl From<&str> for IterableNodes {
fn from(other: &str) -> Self {
impl From<String> for IterableNodes {
fn from(other: String) -> Self {
impl From<Vec<VNode>> for IterableNodes {
fn from(other: Vec<VNode>) -> Self {
// TODO @Jon
// Set this up so instead of the view trait, we can just take functions
// Functions with no context should just be rendered
// But functions with a context should be treated as regular components
// impl<V: View> From<Vec<V>> for IterableNodes {
// fn from(other: Vec<V>) -> Self {
// IterableNodes(other.into_iter().map(|it| it.render()).collect())
// }
// }
// impl<V: View> From<&Vec<V>> for IterableNodes {
// fn from(other: &Vec<V>) -> Self {
// IterableNodes(other.iter().map(|it| it.render()).collect())
// }
// }
// impl<V: View> From<&[V]> for IterableNodes {
// fn from(other: &[V]) -> Self {
// IterableNodes(other.iter().map(|it| it.render()).collect())
// }
// }
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn self_closing_tag_to_string() {
let node = VNode::element("br");
// No </br> since self closing tag
assert_eq!(&node.to_string(), "<br>");
fn to_string() {
let mut node = VNode::Element(VElement::new("div"));
.insert("id".into(), "some-id".into());
let mut child = VNode::Element(VElement::new("span"));
let mut text = VNode::Text(VText::new("Hello world"));
let expected = r#"<div id="some-id"><span>Hello world</span></div>"#;
assert_eq!(node.to_string(), expected);
/// The diffing algorithm to compare two VNode trees and generate a list of patches to update the VDom.
/// Currently, using an index-based patching algorithm
pub mod diff {
use super::*;
use crate::nodes::{VNode, VText};
use std::cmp::min;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem;
// pub use apply_patches::patch;
/// A Patch encodes an operation that modifies a real DOM element.
/// To update the real DOM that a user sees you'll want to first diff your
/// old virtual dom and new virtual dom.
/// This diff operation will generate `Vec<Patch>` with zero or more patches that, when
/// applied to your real DOM, will make your real DOM look like your new virtual dom.
/// Each Patch has a u32 node index that helps us identify the real DOM node that it applies to.
/// Our old virtual dom's nodes are indexed depth first, as shown in this illustration
/// (0 being the root node, 1 being it's first child, 2 being it's first child's first child).
/// ```text
/// .─.
/// ( 0 )
/// `┬'
/// ┌────┴──────┐
/// │ │
/// ▼ ▼
/// .─. .─.
/// ( 1 ) ( 4 )
/// `┬' `─'
/// ┌────┴───┐ │
/// │ │ ├─────┬─────┐
/// ▼ ▼ │ │ │
/// .─. .─. ▼ ▼ ▼
/// ( 2 ) ( 3 ) .─. .─. .─.
/// `─' `─' ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 )
/// `─' `─' `─'
/// ```
/// The patching process is tested in a real browser in crates/virtual-dom-rs/tests/diff_patch.rs
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Patch<'a> {
/// Append a vector of child nodes to a parent node id.
AppendChildren(NodeIdx, Vec<&'a VNode>),
/// For a `node_i32`, remove all children besides the first `len`
TruncateChildren(NodeIdx, usize),
/// Replace a node with another node. This typically happens when a node's tag changes.
/// ex: <div> becomes <span>
Replace(NodeIdx, &'a VNode),
/// Add attributes that the new node has that the old node does not
AddAttributes(NodeIdx, HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>),
/// Remove attributes that the old node had that the new node doesn't
RemoveAttributes(NodeIdx, Vec<&'a str>),
/// Change the text of a Text node.
ChangeText(NodeIdx, &'a VText),
type NodeIdx = usize;
impl<'a> Patch<'a> {
/// Every Patch is meant to be applied to a specific node within the DOM. Get the
/// index of the DOM node that this patch should apply to. DOM nodes are indexed
/// depth first with the root node in the tree having index 0.
pub fn node_idx(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Patch::AppendChildren(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::TruncateChildren(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::Replace(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::AddAttributes(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::RemoveAttributes(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
Patch::ChangeText(node_idx, _) => *node_idx,
/// Given two VNode's generate Patch's that would turn the old virtual node's
/// real DOM node equivalent into the new VNode's real DOM node equivalent.
pub fn diff_vnodes<'a>(old: &'a VNode, new: &'a VNode) -> Vec<Patch<'a>> {
diff_recursive(&old, &new, &mut 0)
fn diff_recursive<'a, 'b>(
old: &'a VNode,
new: &'a VNode,
cur_node_idx: &'b mut usize,
) -> Vec<Patch<'a>> {
let mut patches = vec![];
let mut replace = false;
// Different enum variants, replace!
// VNodes are of different types, and therefore will cause a re-render.
// TODO: Handle previously-mounted children so they don't get re-mounted
if mem::discriminant(old) != mem::discriminant(new) {
replace = true;
if let (VNode::Element(old_element), VNode::Element(new_element)) = (old, new) {
// Replace if there are different element tags
if old_element.tag != new_element.tag {
replace = true;
// Replace if two elements have different keys
// TODO: More robust key support. This is just an early stopgap to allow you to force replace
// an element... say if it's event changed. Just change the key name for now.
// In the future we want keys to be used to create a Patch::ReOrder to re-order siblings
if old_element.attrs.get("key").is_some()
&& old_element.attrs.get("key") != new_element.attrs.get("key")
replace = true;
// Handle replacing of a node
if replace {
patches.push(Patch::Replace(*cur_node_idx, &new));
if let VNode::Element(old_element_node) = old {
for child in old_element_node.children.iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(child, cur_node_idx);
return patches;
// The following comparison can only contain identical variants, other
// cases have already been handled above by comparing variant
// discriminants.
match (old, new) {
// We're comparing two text nodes
(VNode::Text(old_text), VNode::Text(new_text)) => {
if old_text != new_text {
patches.push(Patch::ChangeText(*cur_node_idx, &new_text));
// We're comparing two element nodes
(VNode::Element(old_element), VNode::Element(new_element)) => {
let mut add_attributes: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
let mut remove_attributes: Vec<&str> = vec![];
// TODO: -> split out into func
for (new_attr_name, new_attr_val) in new_element.attrs.iter() {
match old_element.attrs.get(new_attr_name) {
Some(ref old_attr_val) => {
if old_attr_val != &new_attr_val {
add_attributes.insert(new_attr_name, new_attr_val);
None => {
add_attributes.insert(new_attr_name, new_attr_val);
// TODO: -> split out into func
for (old_attr_name, old_attr_val) in old_element.attrs.iter() {
if add_attributes.get(&old_attr_name[..]).is_some() {
match new_element.attrs.get(old_attr_name) {
Some(ref new_attr_val) => {
if new_attr_val != &old_attr_val {
None => {
if add_attributes.len() > 0 {
patches.push(Patch::AddAttributes(*cur_node_idx, add_attributes));
if remove_attributes.len() > 0 {
patches.push(Patch::RemoveAttributes(*cur_node_idx, remove_attributes));
let old_child_count = old_element.children.len();
let new_child_count = new_element.children.len();
if new_child_count > old_child_count {
let append_patch: Vec<&'a VNode> =
patches.push(Patch::AppendChildren(*cur_node_idx, append_patch))
if new_child_count < old_child_count {
patches.push(Patch::TruncateChildren(*cur_node_idx, new_child_count))
let min_count = min(old_child_count, new_child_count);
for index in 0..min_count {
*cur_node_idx = *cur_node_idx + 1;
let old_child = &old_element.children[index];
let new_child = &new_element.children[index];
patches.append(&mut diff_recursive(&old_child, &new_child, cur_node_idx))
if new_child_count < old_child_count {
for child in old_element.children[min_count..].iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(child, cur_node_idx);
(VNode::Text(_), VNode::Element(_)) | (VNode::Element(_), VNode::Text(_)) => {
unreachable!("Unequal variant discriminants should already have been handled");
_ => todo!("Diffing Not yet implemented for all node types"),
// new_root.create_element()
fn increment_node_idx_for_children<'a, 'b>(old: &'a VNode, cur_node_idx: &'b mut usize) {
*cur_node_idx += 1;
if let VNode::Element(element_node) = old {
for child in element_node.children.iter() {
increment_node_idx_for_children(&child, cur_node_idx);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
type VirtualNode = VNode;
/// Test that we generate the right Vec<Patch> for some start and end virtual dom.
pub struct DiffTestCase<'a> {
// ex: "Patching root level nodes works"
pub description: &'static str,
// ex: html! { <div> </div> }
pub old: VNode,
// ex: html! { <strong> </strong> }
pub new: VNode,
// ex: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
pub expected: Vec<Patch<'a>>,
impl<'a> DiffTestCase<'a> {
pub fn test(&self) {
// ex: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
let patches = diff_vnodes(&self.old, &self.new);
assert_eq!(patches, self.expected, "{}", self.description);
use super::*;
use crate::nodes::{VNode, VText};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn replace_node() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace the root if the tag changed",
old: html! { <div> </div> },
new: html! { <span> </span> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! { <span></span> })],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace a child node",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <strong></strong> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(1, &html! { <strong></strong> })],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace node with a child",
old: html! { <div> <b>1</b> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <i>1</i> <i></i> </div>},
expected: vec![
Patch::Replace(1, &html! { <i>1</i> }),
Patch::Replace(3, &html! { <i></i> }),
], //required to check correct index
fn add_children() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Added a new node to the root node",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <b></b> <span></span> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AppendChildren(0, vec![&html! { <span></span> }])],
fn remove_nodes() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Remove all child nodes at and after child sibling index 1",
old: html! { <div> <b></b> <span></span> </div> },
new: html! { <div> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::TruncateChildren(0, 0)],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Remove a child and a grandchild node",
old: html! {
// This `i` tag will get removed
// This `strong` tag will get removed
</div> },
new: html! {
</div> },
expected: vec![Patch::TruncateChildren(0, 1), Patch::TruncateChildren(1, 1)],
DiffTestCase {
description: "Removing child and change next node after parent",
old: html! { <div> <b> <i></i> <i></i> </b> <b></b> </div> },
new: html! { <div> <b> <i></i> </b> <i></i> </div>},
expected: vec![
Patch::TruncateChildren(1, 1),
Patch::Replace(4, &html! { <i></i> }),
], //required to check correct index
fn add_attributes() {
let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
attributes.insert("id", "hello");
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div> </div> },
new: html! { <div id="hello"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes.clone())],
description: "Add attributes",
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div id="foobar"> </div> },
new: html! { <div id="hello"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes)],
description: "Change attribute",
fn remove_attributes() {
DiffTestCase {
old: html! { <div id="hey-there"></div> },
new: html! { <div> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::RemoveAttributes(0, vec!["id"])],
description: "Add attributes",
fn change_attribute() {
let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
attributes.insert("id", "changed");
DiffTestCase {
description: "Add attributes",
old: html! { <div id="hey-there"></div> },
new: html! { <div id="changed"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::AddAttributes(0, attributes)],
fn replace_text_node() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "Replace text node",
old: html! { Old },
new: html! { New },
expected: vec![Patch::ChangeText(0, &VText::new("New"))],
// Initially motivated by having two elements where all that changed was an event listener
// because right now we don't patch event listeners. So.. until we have a solution
// for that we can just give them different keys to force a replace.
fn replace_if_different_keys() {
DiffTestCase {
description: "If two nodes have different keys always generate a full replace.",
old: html! { <div key="1"> </div> },
new: html! { <div key="2"> </div> },
expected: vec![Patch::Replace(0, &html! {<div key="2"> </div>})],
// // TODO: Key support
// #[test]
// fn reorder_chldren() {
// let mut attributes = HashMap::new();
// attributes.insert("class", "foo");
// let old_children = vec![
// // old node 0
// html! { <div key="hello", id="same-id", style="",></div> },
// // removed
// html! { <div key="gets-removed",> { "This node gets removed"} </div>},
// // old node 2
// html! { <div key="world", class="changed-class",></div>},
// // removed
// html! { <div key="this-got-removed",> { "This node gets removed"} </div>},
// ];
// let new_children = vec![
// html! { <div key="world", class="foo",></div> },
// html! { <div key="new",> </div>},
// html! { <div key="hello", id="same-id",></div>},
// ];
// test(DiffTestCase {
// old: html! { <div> { old_children } </div> },
// new: html! { <div> { new_children } </div> },
// expected: vec![
// // TODO: Come up with the patch structure for keyed nodes..
// // keying should only work if all children have keys..
// ],
// description: "Add attributes",
// })
// }
/// TODO @Jon
/// Figure out if validation should be its own crate, or embedded directly into dioxus
/// Should we even be bothered with validation?
mod validation {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::collections::HashSet;
// Used to uniquely identify elements that contain closures so that the DomUpdater can
// look them up by their unique id.
// When the DomUpdater sees that the element no longer exists it will drop all of it's
// Rc'd Closures for those events.
static SELF_CLOSING_TAGS: Lazy<HashSet<&'static str>> = Lazy::new(|| {
"area", "base", "br", "col", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "command",
"keygen", "source",
/// Whether or not this tag is self closing
/// ```ignore
/// use dioxus_core::validation::is_self_closing;
/// assert_eq!(is_self_closing("br"), true);
/// assert_eq!(is_self_closing("div"), false);
/// ```
pub fn is_self_closing(tag: &str) -> bool {
// SELF_CLOSING_TAGS.contains(tag) || is_self_closing_svg_tag(tag)