2021-10-16 17:37:28 -04:00

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//! Built-in hooks
//! This module contains all the low-level built-in hooks that require 1st party support to work.
//! Hooks:
//! - [`use_hook`]
//! - [`use_state_provider`]
//! - [`use_state_consumer`]
//! - [`use_task`]
//! - [`use_suspense`]
use crate::innerlude::*;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use std::{any::Any, cell::RefCell, future::Future, ops::Deref, rc::Rc};
/// Awaits the given task, forcing the component to re-render when the value is ready.
/// Returns the handle to the task and the value (if it is ready, else None).
/// ```
/// static Example: FC<()> = |(cx, props)| {
/// let (task, value) = use_task(|| async {
/// timer::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
/// "Hello World"
/// });
/// match contents {
/// Some(contents) => rsx!(cx, div { "{title}" }),
/// None => rsx!(cx, div { "Loading..." }),
/// }
/// };
/// ```
pub fn use_task<'src, Out, Fut, Init>(
cx: Context<'src>,
task_initializer: Init,
) -> (&'src TaskHandle, &'src Option<Out>)
Out: 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Out> + 'static,
Init: FnOnce() -> Fut + 'src,
struct TaskHook<T> {
handle: TaskHandle,
task_dump: Rc<RefCell<Option<T>>>,
value: Option<T>,
// whenever the task is complete, save it into th
move |_| {
let task_fut = task_initializer();
let task_dump = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
let slot = task_dump.clone();
let updater = cx.schedule_update_any();
let originator = cx.scope.our_arena_idx;
let handle = cx.submit_task(Box::pin(task_fut.then(move |output| async move {
*slot.as_ref().borrow_mut() = Some(output);
TaskHook {
value: None,
|hook| {
if let Some(val) = hook.task_dump.as_ref().borrow_mut().take() {
hook.value = Some(val);
(&hook.handle, &hook.value)
|_| {},
/// Asynchronously render new nodes once the given future has completed.
/// # Easda
/// # Example
pub fn use_suspense<'src, Out, Fut, Cb>(
cx: Context<'src>,
task_initializer: impl FnOnce() -> Fut,
user_callback: Cb,
) -> DomTree<'src>
Fut: Future<Output = Out> + 'static,
Out: 'static,
Cb: for<'a> Fn(SuspendedContext<'a>, &Out) -> DomTree<'a> + 'static,
General strategy:
- Create a slot for the future to dump its output into
- Create a new future feeding off the user's future that feeds the output into that slot
- Submit that future as a task
- Take the task handle id and attach that to our suspended node
- when the hook runs, check if the value exists
- if it does, then we can render the node directly
- if it doesn't, then we render a suspended node along with with the callback and task id
move |_| {
let value = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
let slot = value.clone();
let originator = cx.scope.our_arena_idx;
let handle = cx.submit_task(Box::pin(task_initializer().then(
move |output| async move {
*slot.borrow_mut() = Some(Box::new(output) as Box<dyn Any>);
SuspenseHook { handle, value }
move |hook| match hook.value.borrow().as_ref() {
Some(value) => {
let out = value.downcast_ref::<Out>().unwrap();
let sus = SuspendedContext {
inner: Context { scope: cx.scope },
user_callback(sus, out)
None => {
let value = hook.value.clone();
cx.render(LazyNodes::new(|f| {
let bump = f.bump();
use bumpalo::boxed::Box as BumpBox;
let f: &mut dyn FnMut(SuspendedContext<'src>) -> DomTree<'src> =
bump.alloc(move |sus| {
let val = value.borrow();
let out = val
user_callback(sus, out)
let callback = unsafe { BumpBox::from_raw(f) };
VNode::Suspended(bump.alloc(VSuspended {
dom_id: empty_cell(),
task_id: hook.handle.our_id,
callback: RefCell::new(Some(callback)),
|_| {},
pub(crate) struct SuspenseHook {
pub handle: TaskHandle,
pub value: Rc<RefCell<Option<Box<dyn Any>>>>,
pub struct SuspendedContext<'a> {
pub(crate) inner: Context<'a>,
impl<'src> SuspendedContext<'src> {
pub fn render<F: FnOnce(NodeFactory<'src>) -> VNode<'src>>(
lazy_nodes: LazyNodes<'src, F>,
) -> DomTree<'src> {
let bump = &self.inner.scope.frames.wip_frame().bump;
Some(lazy_nodes.into_vnode(NodeFactory { bump }))
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct NodeRef<'src, T: 'static>(&'src RefCell<Option<T>>);
impl<'a, T> Deref for NodeRef<'a, T> {
type Target = RefCell<Option<T>>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
pub fn use_node_ref<T, P>(cx: Context) -> NodeRef<T> {
cx.use_hook(|_| RefCell::new(None), |f| NodeRef { 0: f }, |_| {})