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synced 2025-02-16 21:58:25 +00:00
* wip: fix manganis import path * upgrade tauri bundler, convert todo!() to unimplemented!() * feat: mobile hotreloading + ios asset configuration * remove oid demo and its associated env vars * nuke all the things that cause cache thrashing * swap to Asset type * add some more logs * display impl for attrvalue * dont panic on collect failure * cut down web deps to 150 * clean up deps in a lot of places, simplify build scripts * clean up asset resolution and cli-dev profile * wire up absolute paths for manganis asset in a particular mode * move document related things around to shorten compile times * move most things to `document::Item` and then decompose the cli-config * switch link to stylesheet for clarity in examples * move manganis workspace example to examples folder * decompose manganis-cli-support * dont need mobile demo anymore * remove gloo dialogs * html doesnt need document * rename hotreload to devtools * really clean up the html crate * fix weird rsx spacing * clean up desktop to use callback * clean up document a bit * re-wire up devsocket * fix utf css * yeeeet that js out of here * synthetic web system works * web crate almost done being cleaned up * desktop mostly cleaned up too * clean up cli a bit * more cli cleanup * cli builds again * clean up cli, inline structs, cut down number of unique types where possible * hotreload works again for desktop and this time, mobile too * cfg out tungstenite * devserver err * more refactor to cli builder * switch to unbounded_send * new structure is much cleaner * add http serve subcommand * bundled hotreload * kick stylsheets * clean up a bit more, split up eventloop * amazingly serve seems done * change from pub to pub(crate) in cli * remove tools * bit more polish to cli * fix issue with join * gracefully handle fullstack without a server * fullstack mobile demo * fix launch function, move projects into example-projects folder * hoist examples * add "run" command * clean up launch * remove old manual websocket receiver * doctor command * allow desktop to scroll * cut apart router crate * dont put launch in prelude * use dioxus::launch where possible * rename rsx, cut out hotreload tests * remove liveview project * bump native * fix compile for renderers * move sync event response out of interpreter * move render in serve * rollback settings change * cli compiles, huzzah! * change uris for asset * fix asset * new tui screen * new cargo-like tui works * very very verty close * it works! very small bug with incorrect grapheme calc * Clean up devserver a bit * status sytem * tidy up debug filters * clean up logging situation * Fix a number of bugs with log printing * new printing system is more reliable * wire up more stuff * things working but fullstack is having issues * fullstack works again! * hotreloading bundled assets works again * bundled hotreload and beginnings of macos bundling * Hotreload desktop * combined server builds * add build handle * fix fullstack assets * make open async, add some hooks for ios * migrate filemap to runner * wip global crate system * fixup bundles + organize asset * fix asset location bug * all the bundled reloading! * open ios simulator! * full hotreload support for mobile + serverfn * basic cleanups * clean up dx * Move filemap * fix cutting of newlines * assets workibg, some android * hoist wry/tao * use sync locks and headers to fix issues with android * desktop -> mac/win/linux with alias * better logging * feat: workspace (entire computer!) hotreload * should rebuild toggle, ios simulator bootup * proper mobile support in launch * more robust handling of assets * fix cargo * bring back some of tauri bundle * make warnings go away, clippy happy on cli * some final clippy cleanups * fmt * move manganis to its own folder * upgrade bundle to stable * drastically slim down manganis, prepping for merge * typos, failing test, docsrs config * remove static gen test * nix static gen test * we use --platform web instead of --platform fullstack now * only bind dev urls in desktop/mobile * install gtk * nix static gen * split build dir by app name
172 lines
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172 lines
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//! Tiny CRM - A simple CRM app using the Router component and global signals
//! This shows how to use the `Router` component to manage different views in your app. It also shows how to use global
//! signals to manage state across the entire app.
//! We could simply pass the state as a prop to each component, but this is a good example of how to use global state
//! in a way that works across pages.
//! We implement a number of important details here too, like focusing inputs, handling form submits, navigating the router,
//! platform-specific configuration, and importing 3rd party CSS libraries.
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
use dioxus::desktop::{LogicalSize, WindowBuilder};
.with_window(WindowBuilder::new().with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(800, 600)))
.launch(|| {
rsx! {
document::Link {
rel: "stylesheet",
href: "https://unpkg.com/purecss@2.0.6/build/pure-min.css",
integrity: "sha384-Uu6IeWbM+gzNVXJcM9XV3SohHtmWE+3VGi496jvgX1jyvDTXfdK+rfZc8C1Aehk5",
crossorigin: "anonymous",
document::Link {
rel: "stylesheet",
href: asset!("/examples/assets/crm.css"),
document::Link {
rel: "stylesheet",
href: asset!("./examples/assets/crm.css"),
h1 { "Dioxus CRM Example" }
Router::<Route> {}
/// We only have one list of clients for the whole app, so we can use a global signal.
static CLIENTS: GlobalSignal<Vec<Client>> = Signal::global(Vec::new);
struct Client {
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
description: String,
/// The pages of the app, each with a route
#[derive(Routable, Clone)]
enum Route {
fn List() -> Element {
rsx! {
h2 { "List of Clients" }
Link { to: Route::New, class: "pure-button pure-button-primary", "Add Client" }
Link { to: Route::Settings, class: "pure-button", "Settings" }
for client in CLIENTS.read().iter() {
div { class: "client", style: "margin-bottom: 50px",
p { "Name: {client.first_name} {client.last_name}" }
p { "Description: {client.description}" }
fn New() -> Element {
let mut first_name = use_signal(String::new);
let mut last_name = use_signal(String::new);
let mut description = use_signal(String::new);
let submit_client = move |_| {
// Write the client
CLIENTS.write().push(Client {
first_name: first_name(),
last_name: last_name(),
description: description(),
// And then navigate back to the client list
rsx! {
h2 { "Add new Client" }
form { class: "pure-form pure-form-aligned", onsubmit: submit_client,
fieldset {
div { class: "pure-control-group",
label { r#for: "first_name", "First Name" }
input {
id: "first_name",
r#type: "text",
placeholder: "First Name…",
required: true,
value: "{first_name}",
oninput: move |e| first_name.set(e.value()),
// when the form mounts, focus the first name input
onmounted: move |e| async move {
_ = e.set_focus(true).await;
div { class: "pure-control-group",
label { r#for: "last_name", "Last Name" }
input {
id: "last_name",
r#type: "text",
placeholder: "Last Name…",
required: true,
value: "{last_name}",
oninput: move |e| last_name.set(e.value()),
div { class: "pure-control-group",
label { r#for: "description", "Description" }
textarea {
id: "description",
placeholder: "Description…",
value: "{description}",
oninput: move |e| description.set(e.value()),
div { class: "pure-controls",
button {
r#type: "submit",
class: "pure-button pure-button-primary",
Link {
to: Route::List,
class: "pure-button pure-button-primary red",
fn Settings() -> Element {
rsx! {
h2 { "Settings" }
button {
class: "pure-button pure-button-primary red",
onclick: move |_| {
"Remove all Clients"
Link { to: Route::List, class: "pure-button", "Go back" }