Evan Almloff cab573eefd
Synchronous prevent default (#2792)
* add prevent default methods to the event

* sync prevent default almost working

* sync prevent default working

* Move event handling into the runtime

* update core tests

* restore desktop file dialog

* implement prevent default on web

* add a hint about the new prevent default method

* fix web prevent default

* Fix CTRL+click on links

* fix values memorize in place test

* Fix a few more tests

* Add a playwright test for sync prevent default

* Fix core doc tests

* create a deprecated VirtualDom::handle_event

* fix macos imports in desktop

* Fix onmounted event

* Fix liveview support

* switch to RefCell for metadata

* Remove println

* remove prevent default attribute

* remove web specific link behavior

* Fix liveview links

* more liveview fixes for link

* Fix merge conflicts

* Fix clippy

* use the new prevent default in the file upload example
2024-08-13 11:57:54 -07:00

101 lines
3.1 KiB

//! This example shows how to use the `file` methods on FormEvent and DragEvent to handle file uploads and drops.
//! Dioxus intercepts these events and provides a Rusty interface to the file data. Since we want this interface to
//! be crossplatform,
use std::sync::Arc;
use dioxus::prelude::*;
use dioxus::{html::HasFileData, prelude::dioxus_elements::FileEngine};
const STYLE: &str = asset!("./examples/assets/file_upload.css");
fn main() {
struct UploadedFile {
name: String,
contents: String,
fn app() -> Element {
let mut enable_directory_upload = use_signal(|| false);
let mut files_uploaded = use_signal(|| Vec::new() as Vec<UploadedFile>);
let mut hovered = use_signal(|| false);
let read_files = move |file_engine: Arc<dyn FileEngine>| async move {
let files = file_engine.files();
for file_name in &files {
if let Some(contents) = file_engine.read_file_to_string(file_name).await {
files_uploaded.write().push(UploadedFile {
name: file_name.clone(),
let upload_files = move |evt: FormEvent| async move {
if let Some(file_engine) = evt.files() {
rsx! {
head::Link { rel: "stylesheet", href: STYLE }
h1 { "File Upload Example" }
p { "Drop a .txt, .rs, or .js file here to read it" }
button { onclick: move |_| files_uploaded.write().clear(), "Clear files" }
div {
label { r#for: "directory-upload", "Enable directory upload" }
input {
r#type: "checkbox",
id: "directory-upload",
checked: enable_directory_upload,
oninput: move |evt| enable_directory_upload.set(evt.checked()),
div {
label { r#for: "textreader", "Upload text/rust files and read them" }
input {
r#type: "file",
accept: ".txt,.rs,.js",
multiple: true,
name: "textreader",
directory: enable_directory_upload,
onchange: upload_files,
div {
id: "drop-zone",
background_color: if hovered() { "lightblue" } else { "lightgray" },
ondragover: move |evt| {
ondragleave: move |_| hovered.set(false),
ondrop: move |evt| async move {
if let Some(file_engine) = evt.files() {
"Drop files here"
ul {
for file in files_uploaded.read().iter().rev() {
li {
span { "{file.name}" }
pre { "{file.contents}" }