2021-02-10 12:50:34 -05:00

71 lines
1.6 KiB

use std::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref};
use builder::{button, div};
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
fn main() {}
struct SomeContext {
items: Vec<String>,
desired behavior:
free to move the context guard around
not free to move contents of context guard into closure
can deref in a function
cannot drag the refs into the closure w
static Example: FC<()> = |ctx| {
// let value = use_context(&ctx, |ctx: &SomeContext| ctx.items.last().unwrap());
// let b = *value;
// let v2 = *value;
let cb = move |e| {
// let g = b.as_str();
// let g = (v2).as_str();
// let g = (value).as_str();
// let g = b.as_str();
// let r = *value;
// let r2 = *r;
ctx.view(|bump| {
.listeners([builder::on(bump, "click", cb)])
// ctx.view(html! {
// <div>
// <button onclick={move |_| println!("Value is {}", value)} />
// <button onclick={move |_| println!("Value is {}", value)} />
// <button onclick={move |_| println!("Value is {}", value)} />
// <div>
// <p> "Value is: {val}" </p>
// </div>
// </div>
// })
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ContextGuard<T> {
val: PhantomData<T>,
impl<'a, T> Deref for ContextGuard<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn use_context<'scope, 'dope, 'a, P: Properties, I, O: 'a>(
ctx: &'scope Context<P>,
s: fn(&'a I) -> O,
) -> &'scope ContextGuard<O> {
// ) -> &'scope ContextGuard<O> {