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//! # VirtualDOM Implementation for Rust
//! This module provides the primary mechanics to create a hook-based, concurrent VDOM for Rust.
//! In this file, multiple items are defined. This file is big, but should be documented well to
//! navigate the innerworkings of the Dom. We try to keep these main mechanics in this file to limit
//! the possible exposed API surface (keep fields private). This particular implementation of VDOM
//! is extremely efficient, but relies on some unsafety under the hood to do things like manage
//! micro-heaps for components. We are currently working on refactoring the safety out into safe(r)
//! abstractions, but current tests (MIRI and otherwise) show no issues with the current implementation.
//! Included is:
//! - The [`VirtualDom`] itself
//! - The [`Scope`] object for mangning component lifecycle
//! - The [`ActiveFrame`] object for managing the Scope`s microheap
//! - The [`Context`] object for exposing VirtualDOM API to components
//! - The [`NodeFactory`] object for lazyily exposing the `Context` API to the nodebuilder API
//! - The [`Hook`] object for exposing state management in components.
//! This module includes just the barebones for a complete VirtualDOM API.
//! Additional functionality is defined in the respective files.
use crate::tasks::TaskQueue;
use crate::{arena::SharedArena, innerlude::*};
use slotmap::DefaultKey;
use slotmap::SlotMap;
use std::any::Any;
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::pin::Pin;
pub type ScopeIdx = DefaultKey;
/// An integrated virtual node system that progresses events and diffs UI trees.
/// Differences are converted into patches which a renderer can use to draw the UI.
pub struct VirtualDom {
/// All mounted components are arena allocated to make additions, removals, and references easy to work with
/// A generational arena is used to re-use slots of deleted scopes without having to resize the underlying arena.
/// This is wrapped in an UnsafeCell because we will need to get mutable access to unique values in unique bump arenas
/// and rusts's guartnees cannot prove that this is safe. We will need to maintain the safety guarantees manually.
pub components: SharedArena,
/// The index of the root component
/// Should always be the first (gen=0, id=0)
pub base_scope: ScopeIdx,
pub triggers: RefCell<Vec<EventTrigger>>,
/// All components dump their updates into a queue to be processed
pub event_queue: EventQueue,
pub tasks: TaskQueue,
root_props: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::any::Any>>,
/// Type of the original cx. This is stored as TypeId so VirtualDom does not need to be generic.
/// Whenver props need to be updated, an Error will be thrown if the new props do not
/// match the props used to create the VirtualDom.
_root_prop_type: std::any::TypeId,
// ======================================
// Public Methods for the VirtualDom
// ======================================
impl VirtualDom {
/// Create a new instance of the Dioxus Virtual Dom with no properties for the root component.
/// This means that the root component must either consumes its own context, or statics are used to generate the page.
/// The root component can access things like routing in its context.
/// As an end-user, you'll want to use the Renderer's "new" method instead of this method.
/// Directly creating the VirtualDOM is only useful when implementing a new renderer.
/// ```ignore
/// // Directly from a closure
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(|cx| cx.render(rsx!{ div {"hello world"} }));
/// // or pass in...
/// let root = |cx| {
/// cx.render(rsx!{
/// div {"hello world"}
/// })
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(root);
/// // or directly from a fn
/// fn Example(cx: Context<()>) -> VNode {
/// cx.render(rsx!{ div{"hello world"} })
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(Example);
/// ```
pub fn new(root: FC<()>) -> Self {
Self::new_with_props(root, ())
/// Start a new VirtualDom instance with a dependent cx.
/// Later, the props can be updated by calling "update" with a new set of props, causing a set of re-renders.
/// This is useful when a component tree can be driven by external state (IE SSR) but it would be too expensive
/// to toss out the entire tree.
/// ```ignore
/// // Directly from a closure
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(|cx| cx.render(rsx!{ div {"hello world"} }));
/// // or pass in...
/// let root = |cx| {
/// cx.render(rsx!{
/// div {"hello world"}
/// })
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(root);
/// // or directly from a fn
/// fn Example(cx: Context, props: &SomeProps) -> VNode {
/// cx.render(rsx!{ div{"hello world"} })
/// }
/// let dom = VirtualDom::new(Example);
/// ```
pub fn new_with_props<P: Properties + 'static>(root: FC<P>, root_props: P) -> Self {
let components = SharedArena::new(SlotMap::new());
let root_props: Pin<Box<dyn Any>> = Box::pin(root_props);
let props_ptr = root_props.as_ref().downcast_ref::<P>().unwrap() as *const P;
// Build a funnel for hooks to send their updates into. The `use_hook` method will call into the update funnel.
let event_queue = EventQueue::default();
let _event_queue = event_queue.clone();
let link = components.clone();
let tasks = TaskQueue::new();
let submitter = tasks.new_submitter();
let base_scope = components
.with(|arena| {
arena.insert_with_key(move |myidx| {
let event_channel = _event_queue.new_channel(0, myidx);
let caller = NodeFactory::create_component_caller(root, props_ptr as *const _);
Scope::new(caller, myidx, None, 0, event_channel, link, &[], submitter)
Self {
triggers: Default::default(),
_root_prop_type: TypeId::of::<P>(),
pub fn launch_in_place(root: FC<()>) -> Self {
let mut s = Self::new(root);
/// Creates a new virtualdom and immediately rebuilds it in place, not caring about the RealDom to write into.
pub fn launch_with_props_in_place<P: Properties + 'static>(root: FC<P>, root_props: P) -> Self {
let mut s = Self::new_with_props(root, root_props);
/// Rebuilds the VirtualDOM from scratch, but uses a "dummy" RealDom.
/// Used in contexts where a real copy of the structure doesn't matter, and the VirtualDOM is the source of truth.
/// ## Why?
/// This method uses the `DebugDom` under the hood - essentially making the VirtualDOM's diffing patches a "no-op".
/// SSR takes advantage of this by using Dioxus itself as the source of truth, and rendering from the tree directly.
pub fn rebuild_in_place(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut realdom = DebugDom::new();
self.rebuild(&mut realdom)
/// Performs a *full* rebuild of the virtual dom, returning every edit required to generate the actual dom rom scratch
/// Currently this doesn't do what we want it to do
/// The diff machine expects the RealDom's stack to be the root of the application
pub fn rebuild<'s, Dom: RealDom<'s>>(&'s mut self, realdom: &mut Dom) -> Result<()> {
let mut edits = Vec::new();
let mut diff_machine = DiffMachine::new(
&mut edits,
let cur_component = self.components.try_get_mut(self.base_scope).unwrap();
let meta = diff_machine.create(cur_component.next_frame());
pub fn queue_event(&self, trigger: EventTrigger) -> Result<()> {
let mut triggers = self.triggers.borrow_mut();
/// This method is the most sophisticated way of updating the virtual dom after an external event has been triggered.
/// Given a synthetic event, the component that triggered the event, and the index of the callback, this runs the virtual
/// dom to completion, tagging components that need updates, compressing events together, and finally emitting a single
/// change list.
/// If implementing an external renderer, this is the perfect method to combine with an async event loop that waits on
/// listeners, something like this:
/// ```ignore
/// while let Ok(event) = receiver.recv().await {
/// let edits = self.internal_dom.progress_with_event(event)?;
/// for edit in &edits {
/// patch_machine.handle_edit(edit);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// Note: this method is not async and does not provide suspense-like functionality. It is up to the renderer to provide the
/// executor and handlers for suspense as show in the example.
/// ```ignore
/// let (sender, receiver) = channel::new();
/// sender.send(EventTrigger::start());
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new();
/// dom.suspense_handler(|event| sender.send(event));
/// while let Ok(diffs) = dom.progress_with_event(receiver.recv().await) {
/// render(diffs);
/// }
/// ```
// Developer notes:
// ----
// This method has some pretty complex safety guarantees to uphold.
// We interact with bump arenas, raw pointers, and use UnsafeCell to get a partial borrow of the arena.
// The final EditList has edits that pull directly from the Bump Arenas which add significant complexity
// in crafting a 100% safe solution with traditional lifetimes. Consider this method to be internally unsafe
// but the guarantees provide a safe, fast, and efficient abstraction for the VirtualDOM updating framework.
// A good project would be to remove all unsafe from this crate and move the unsafety into safer abstractions.
pub async fn progress_with_event<'s, Dom: RealDom<'s>>(
&'s mut self,
realdom: &'_ mut Dom,
) -> Result<()> {
let trigger = self.triggers.borrow_mut().pop().expect("failed");
let mut edits = Vec::new();
let mut diff_machine = DiffMachine::new(
&mut edits,
match &trigger.event {
VirtualEvent::OtherEvent => todo!(),
// Fiber events
VirtualEvent::FiberEvent => {
// This is the "meat" of our cooperative scheduler
// As updates flow in, we re-evalute the event queue and decide if we should be switching the type of work
// We use the reconciler to request new IDs and then commit/uncommit the IDs when the scheduler is finished
_ => {
// Now, there are events in the queue
let mut updates = self.event_queue.queue.as_ref().borrow_mut();
// Order the nodes by their height, we want the nodes with the smallest depth on top
// This prevents us from running the same component multiple times
log::debug!("There are: {:#?} updates to be processed", updates.len());
// Iterate through the triggered nodes (sorted by height) and begin to diff them
for update in updates.drain(..) {
log::debug!("Running updates for: {:#?}", update);
// Make sure this isn't a node we've already seen, we don't want to double-render anything
// If we double-renderer something, this would cause memory safety issues
if diff_machine.seen_nodes.contains(&update.idx) {
// Now, all the "seen nodes" are nodes that got notified by running this listener
// Start a new mutable borrow to components
// We are guaranteeed that this scope is unique because we are tracking which nodes have modified
let cur_component = self.components.try_get_mut(update.idx).unwrap();
let (old, new) = (cur_component.old_frame(), cur_component.next_frame());
diff_machine.diff_node(old, new);
pub fn base_scope(&self) -> &Scope {
// TODO!
// These impls are actually wrong. The DOM needs to have a mutex implemented.
unsafe impl Sync for VirtualDom {}
unsafe impl Send for VirtualDom {}