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#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
Navigating this crate:
- virtual_dom: the primary entrypoint for the crate
- scheduler: the core interior logic called by the [`VirtualDom`]
- nodes: the definition of VNodes, listeners, etc.
- diff: the stackmachine-based diffing algorithm
- hooks: foundational hooks that require crate-private APIs
- mutations: DomEdits/NodeRefs and internal API to create them
Some utilities
pub mod bumpframe;
pub mod childiter;
pub mod component;
pub mod context;
pub mod diff;
pub mod diff_stack;
pub mod events;
// pub mod events2;
pub mod heuristics;
pub mod hooklist;
pub mod hooks;
pub mod mutations;
pub mod nodes;
pub mod resources;
pub mod scheduler;
pub mod scope;
pub mod tasks;
pub mod test_dom;
pub mod threadsafe;
pub mod util;
pub mod virtual_dom;
pub(crate) mod innerlude {
pub(crate) use crate::bumpframe::*;
pub(crate) use crate::childiter::*;
pub use crate::component::*;
pub use crate::context::*;
pub(crate) use crate::diff::*;
pub use crate::diff_stack::*;
pub use crate::events::*;
pub use crate::heuristics::*;
pub(crate) use crate::hooklist::*;
pub use crate::hooks::*;
pub use crate::mutations::*;
pub use crate::nodes::*;
pub(crate) use crate::resources::*;
pub use crate::scheduler::*;
pub use crate::scope::*;
pub use crate::tasks::*;
pub use crate::test_dom::*;
pub use crate::threadsafe::*;
pub use crate::util::*;
pub use crate::virtual_dom::*;
pub type DomTree<'a> = Option<VNode<'a>>;
pub type FC<P> = for<'a> fn(Context<'a>, &'a P) -> DomTree<'a>;
pub use crate::innerlude::{
Context, DioxusElement, DomEdit, DomTree, ElementId, EventPriority, LazyNodes, MountType,
Mutations, NodeFactory, Properties, SchedulerMsg, ScopeId, SuspendedContext, SyntheticEvent,
TaskHandle, TestDom, ThreadsafeVirtualDom, UserEvent, VNode, VirtualDom, FC,
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::component::{fc_to_builder, Fragment, Properties};
pub use crate::context::Context;
pub use crate::hooks::*;
pub use crate::innerlude::{DioxusElement, DomTree, LazyNodes, Mutations, NodeFactory, FC};
pub use crate::nodes::VNode;
pub use crate::VirtualDom;
pub mod exports {
//! Important dependencies that are used by the rest of the library
// the foundation of this library
pub use bumpalo;
pub use futures_channel;