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synced 2025-02-19 23:28:27 +00:00
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240 lines
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use crate::{assets::*, edits::EditQueue};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use wry::{
http::{status::StatusCode, Request, Response, Uri},
RequestAsyncResponder, Result,
static MINIFIED: &str = include_str!("./minified.js");
static DEFAULT_INDEX: &str = include_str!("./index.html");
/// Build the index.html file we use for bootstrapping a new app
/// We use wry/webview by building a special index.html that forms a bridge between the webview and your rust code
/// This is similar to tauri, except we give more power to your rust code and less power to your frontend code.
/// This lets us skip a build/bundle step - your code just works - but limits how your Rust code can actually
/// mess with UI elements. We make this decision since other renderers like LiveView are very separate and can
/// never properly bridge the gap. Eventually of course, the idea is to build a custom CSS/HTML renderer where you
/// *do* have native control over elements, but that still won't work with liveview.
pub(super) fn index_request(
request: &Request<Vec<u8>>,
custom_head: Option<String>,
custom_index: Option<String>,
root_name: &str,
headless: bool,
) -> Option<Response<Vec<u8>>> {
// If the request is for the root, we'll serve the index.html file.
if request.uri().path() != "/" {
return None;
// Load a custom index file if provided
let mut index = custom_index.unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_INDEX.to_string());
// Insert a custom head if provided
// We look just for the closing head tag. If a user provided a custom index with weird syntax, this might fail
if let Some(head) = custom_head {
index.insert_str(index.find("</head>").expect("Head element to exist"), &head);
// Inject our module loader by looking for a body tag
// A failure mode here, obviously, is if the user provided a custom index without a body tag
// Might want to document this
index.find("</body>").expect("Body element to exist"),
&module_loader(root_name, headless),
.header("Content-Type", "text/html")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
/// Handle a request from the webview
/// - Tries to stream edits if they're requested.
/// - If that doesn't match, tries a user provided asset handler
/// - If that doesn't match, tries to serve a file from the filesystem
pub(super) fn desktop_handler(
mut request: Request<Vec<u8>>,
asset_handlers: AssetHandlerRegistry,
edit_queue: &EditQueue,
responder: RequestAsyncResponder,
) {
// If the request is asking for edits (ie binary protocol streaming, do that)
if request.uri().path().trim_matches('/') == "edits" {
return edit_queue.handle_request(responder);
// If the user provided a custom asset handler, then call it and return the response if the request was handled.
// The path is the first part of the URI, so we need to trim the leading slash.
let path = PathBuf::from(
.expect("expected URL to be UTF-8 encoded")
let Some(name) = path.parent() else {
return tracing::error!("Asset request has no root {path:?}");
if let Some(name) = name.to_str() {
if asset_handlers.has_handler(name) {
// Trim the leading path from the URI
// I hope this is reliable!
// so a request for /assets/logos/logo.png?query=123 will become /logos/logo.png?query=123
strip_uri_prefix(&mut request, name);
return asset_handlers.handle_request(name, request, responder);
// Else, try to serve a file from the filesystem.
match serve_from_fs(path) {
Ok(res) => responder.respond(res),
Err(e) => tracing::error!("Error serving request from filesystem {}", e),
fn serve_from_fs(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Response<Vec<u8>>> {
// If the path is relative, we'll try to serve it from the assets directory.
let mut asset = get_asset_root_or_default().join(&path);
// If we can't find it, make it absolute and try again
if !asset.exists() {
asset = PathBuf::from("/").join(path);
if !asset.exists() {
return Ok(Response::builder()
.body(String::from("Not Found").into_bytes())?);
.header("Content-Type", get_mime_from_path(&asset)?)
fn strip_uri_prefix(request: &mut Request<Vec<u8>>, name: &str) {
// trim the leading path
if let Some(path) = request.uri().path_and_query() {
let new_path = path
.expect("expected path to have prefix");
let new_uri = Uri::builder()
.path_and_query(format!("{}{}", new_path, path.query().unwrap_or("")))
.expect("failed to build new URI");
*request.uri_mut() = new_uri;
/// Construct the inline script that boots up the page and bridges the webview with rust code.
/// The arguments here:
/// - root_name: the root element (by Id) that we stream edits into
/// - headless: is this page being loaded but invisible? Important because not all windows are visible and the
/// interpreter can't connect until the window is ready.
fn module_loader(root_id: &str, headless: bool) -> String {
<script type="module">
// Wait for the page to load
window.onload = function() {{
let rootname = "{root_id}";
let root_element = window.document.getElementById(rootname);
if (root_element != null) {{
/// Get the assset directory, following tauri/cargo-bundles directory discovery approach
/// Defaults to the current directory if no asset directory is found, which is useful for development when the app
/// isn't bundled.
fn get_asset_root_or_default() -> PathBuf {
get_asset_root().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new(".").to_path_buf())
/// Get the asset directory, following tauri/cargo-bundles directory discovery approach
/// Currently supports:
/// - [x] macOS
/// - [ ] Windows
/// - [ ] Linux (rpm)
/// - [ ] Linux (deb)
/// - [ ] iOS
/// - [ ] Android
fn get_asset_root() -> Option<PathBuf> {
// If running under cargo, there's no bundle!
// There might be a smarter/more resilient way of doing this
if std::env::var_os("CARGO").is_some() {
return None;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
let bundle = core_foundation::bundle::CFBundle::main_bundle();
let bundle_path = bundle.path()?;
let resources_path = bundle.resources_path()?;
let absolute_resources_root = bundle_path.join(resources_path);
return dunce::canonicalize(absolute_resources_root).ok();
/// Get the mime type from a path-like string
fn get_mime_from_path(trimmed: &Path) -> Result<&'static str> {
if trimmed.extension().is_some_and(|ext| ext == "svg") {
return Ok("image/svg+xml");
match infer::get_from_path(trimmed)?.map(|f| f.mime_type()) {
Some(f) if f != "text/plain" => Ok(f),
_ => Ok(get_mime_by_ext(trimmed)),
/// Get the mime type from a URI using its extension
fn get_mime_by_ext(trimmed: &Path) -> &'static str {
match trimmed.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()) {
Some("bin") => "application/octet-stream",
Some("css") => "text/css",
Some("csv") => "text/csv",
Some("html") => "text/html",
Some("ico") => "image/vnd.microsoft.icon",
Some("js") => "text/javascript",
Some("json") => "application/json",
Some("jsonld") => "application/ld+json",
Some("mjs") => "text/javascript",
Some("rtf") => "application/rtf",
Some("svg") => "image/svg+xml",
Some("mp4") => "video/mp4",
// Assume HTML when a TLD is found for eg. `dioxus:://dioxuslabs.app` | `dioxus://hello.com`
Some(_) => "text/html",
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types
// using octet stream according to this:
None => "application/octet-stream",