
141 lines
4.7 KiB

#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
pub(crate) mod arbitrary_value;
pub(crate) mod diff;
pub(crate) mod dynamic_template_context;
pub(crate) mod events;
pub(crate) mod lazynodes;
pub(crate) mod mutations;
pub(crate) mod nodes;
pub(crate) mod properties;
pub(crate) mod scopes;
pub(crate) mod template;
pub(crate) mod util;
pub(crate) mod virtual_dom;
pub(crate) mod innerlude {
pub use crate::arbitrary_value::*;
pub use crate::dynamic_template_context::*;
pub use crate::events::*;
pub use crate::lazynodes::*;
pub use crate::mutations::*;
pub use crate::nodes::*;
pub use crate::properties::*;
pub use crate::scopes::*;
pub use crate::template::*;
pub use crate::util::*;
pub use crate::virtual_dom::*;
/// An [`Element`] is a possibly-none [`VNode`] created by calling `render` on [`Scope`] or [`ScopeState`].
/// Any [`None`] [`Element`] will automatically be coerced into a placeholder [`VNode`] with the [`VNode::Placeholder`] variant.
pub type Element<'a> = Option<VNode<'a>>;
/// A [`Component`] is a function that takes a [`Scope`] and returns an [`Element`].
/// Components can be used in other components with two syntax options:
/// - lowercase as a function call with named arguments (rust style)
/// - uppercase as an element (react style)
/// ## Rust-Style
/// ```rust, ignore
/// fn example(cx: Scope<Props>) -> Element {
/// // ...
/// }
/// rsx!(
/// example()
/// )
/// ```
/// ## React-Style
/// ```rust, ignore
/// fn Example(cx: Scope<Props>) -> Element {
/// // ...
/// }
/// rsx!(
/// Example {}
/// )
/// ```
pub type Component<P = ()> = fn(Scope<P>) -> Element;
/// A list of attributes
pub type Attributes<'a> = Option<&'a [Attribute<'a>]>;
pub use crate::innerlude::{
AnyEvent, ArbitraryAttributeValue, Attribute, AttributeDiscription, AttributeValue,
CodeLocation, Component, DioxusElement, DomEdit, DynamicNodeMapping, Element, ElementId,
ElementIdIterator, EventHandler, EventPriority, GlobalNodeId, IntoVNode, LazyNodes, Listener,
Mutations, NodeFactory, OwnedAttributeValue, Properties, RendererTemplateId, SchedulerMsg,
Scope, ScopeId, ScopeState, StaticCodeLocation, StaticDynamicNodeMapping, StaticTemplateNode,
StaticTemplateNodes, TaskId, Template, TemplateAttribute, TemplateAttributeValue,
TemplateContext, TemplateElement, TemplateId, TemplateNode, TemplateNodeId, TemplateNodeType,
TemplateValue, TextTemplate, TextTemplateSegment, UiEvent, UserEvent, VComponent, VElement,
VFragment, VNode, VPlaceholder, VText, VirtualDom, JS_MAX_INT,
#[cfg(any(feature = "hot-reload", debug_assertions))]
pub use crate::innerlude::{
OwnedCodeLocation, OwnedDynamicNodeMapping, OwnedTemplateNode, OwnedTemplateNodes,
/// The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common types
/// This includes types like [`Scope`], [`Element`], and [`Component`].
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::get_line_num;
#[cfg(any(feature = "hot-reload", debug_assertions))]
pub use crate::innerlude::OwnedTemplate;
pub use crate::innerlude::{
fc_to_builder, AttributeDiscription, AttributeValue, Attributes, CodeLocation, Component,
DioxusElement, Element, EventHandler, Fragment, LazyNodes, LazyStaticVec, NodeFactory,
Properties, Scope, ScopeId, ScopeState, StaticAttributeValue, StaticCodeLocation,
StaticDynamicNodeMapping, StaticTemplate, StaticTemplateNodes, Template, TemplateAttribute,
TemplateAttributeValue, TemplateContext, TemplateElement, TemplateId, TemplateNode,
TemplateNodeId, TemplateNodeType, TextTemplate, TextTemplateSegment, VNode, VirtualDom,
pub mod exports {
//! Important dependencies that are used by the rest of the library
//! Feel free to just add the dependencies in your own Crates.toml
pub use bumpalo;
pub use futures_channel;
pub use once_cell;
/// Functions that wrap unsafe functionality to prevent us from misusing it at the callsite
pub(crate) mod unsafe_utils {
use crate::VNode;
pub(crate) unsafe fn extend_vnode<'a, 'b>(node: &'a VNode<'a>) -> &'b VNode<'b> {
/// A helper macro for using hooks in async environements.
/// # Usage
/// ```ignore
/// let (data) = use_ref(&cx, || {});
/// let handle_thing = move |_| {
/// to_owned![data]
/// cx.spawn(async move {
/// // do stuff
/// });
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! to_owned {
($($es:ident),+$(,)?) => {$(
let mut $es = $es.to_owned();