2022-04-21 15:10:53 -05:00

774 lines
29 KiB

use anymap::AnyMap;
use fxhash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use std::{
ops::{Index, IndexMut},
use dioxus_core::{ElementId, Mutations, VNode, VirtualDom};
use crate::state::{union_ordered_iter, State};
use crate::{
node_ref::{AttributeMask, NodeMask},
/// A Dom that can sync with the VirtualDom mutations intended for use in lazy renderers.
/// The render state passes from parent to children and or accumulates state from children to parents.
/// To get started implement [PushedDownState] and or [BubbledUpState] and call [RealDom::apply_mutations] to update the dom and [RealDom::update_state] to update the state of the nodes.
pub struct RealDom<S: State> {
root: usize,
nodes: Vec<Option<Node<S>>>,
nodes_listening: FxHashMap<&'static str, FxHashSet<usize>>,
node_stack: smallvec::SmallVec<[usize; 10]>,
impl<S: State> Default for RealDom<S> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<S: State> RealDom<S> {
pub fn new() -> RealDom<S> {
RealDom {
root: 0,
nodes: {
let v = vec![Some(Node::new(
NodeType::Element {
tag: "Root".to_string(),
namespace: Some("Root"),
children: Vec::new(),
nodes_listening: FxHashMap::default(),
node_stack: smallvec::SmallVec::new(),
/// Updates the dom, up and down state and return a set of nodes that were updated pass this to update_state.
pub fn apply_mutations(&mut self, mutations_vec: Vec<Mutations>) -> Vec<(usize, NodeMask)> {
let mut nodes_updated = Vec::new();
for mutations in mutations_vec {
for e in mutations.edits {
use dioxus_core::DomEdit::*;
match e {
PushRoot { root } => self.node_stack.push(root as usize),
AppendChildren { many } => {
let target = if self.node_stack.len() > many as usize {
.get(self.node_stack.len() - (many as usize + 1))
} else {
let drained: Vec<_> = self
.drain(self.node_stack.len() - many as usize..)
for ns in drained {
self.link_child(ns, target).unwrap();
nodes_updated.push((ns, NodeMask::ALL));
ReplaceWith { root, m } => {
let root = self.remove(root as usize).unwrap();
let target = root.parent.unwrap().0;
let drained: Vec<_> = self.node_stack.drain(0..m as usize).collect();
for ns in drained {
nodes_updated.push((ns, NodeMask::ALL));
self.link_child(ns, target).unwrap();
InsertAfter { root, n } => {
let target = self[root as usize].parent.unwrap().0;
let drained: Vec<_> = self.node_stack.drain(0..n as usize).collect();
for ns in drained {
nodes_updated.push((ns, NodeMask::ALL));
self.link_child(ns, target).unwrap();
InsertBefore { root, n } => {
let target = self[root as usize].parent.unwrap().0;
let drained: Vec<_> = self.node_stack.drain(0..n as usize).collect();
for ns in drained {
nodes_updated.push((ns, NodeMask::ALL));
self.link_child(ns, target).unwrap();
Remove { root } => {
if let Some(parent) = self[root as usize].parent {
nodes_updated.push((parent.0, NodeMask::NONE));
self.remove(root as usize).unwrap();
CreateTextNode { root, text } => {
let n = Node::new(
NodeType::Text {
text: text.to_string(),
self.node_stack.push(root as usize)
CreateElement { root, tag } => {
let n = Node::new(
NodeType::Element {
tag: tag.to_string(),
namespace: None,
children: Vec::new(),
self.node_stack.push(root as usize)
CreateElementNs { root, tag, ns } => {
let n = Node::new(
NodeType::Element {
tag: tag.to_string(),
namespace: Some(ns),
children: Vec::new(),
self.node_stack.push(root as usize)
CreatePlaceholder { root } => {
let n = Node::new(root, NodeType::Placeholder);
self.node_stack.push(root as usize)
NewEventListener {
scope: _,
} => {
nodes_updated.push((root as usize, NodeMask::new().with_listeners()));
if let Some(v) = self.nodes_listening.get_mut(event_name) {
v.insert(root as usize);
} else {
let mut hs = FxHashSet::default();
hs.insert(root as usize);
self.nodes_listening.insert(event_name, hs);
RemoveEventListener { root, event } => {
nodes_updated.push((root as usize, NodeMask::new().with_listeners()));
let v = self.nodes_listening.get_mut(event).unwrap();
v.remove(&(root as usize));
SetText {
text: new_text,
} => {
let target = &mut self[root as usize];
nodes_updated.push((root as usize, NodeMask::new().with_text()));
match &mut target.node_type {
NodeType::Text { text } => {
*text = new_text.to_string();
_ => unreachable!(),
SetAttribute { root, field, .. } => {
root as usize,
RemoveAttribute {
root, name: field, ..
} => {
root as usize,
PopRoot {} => {
/// Seperated from apply_mutations because Mutations require a mutable reference to the VirtualDom.
pub fn update_state(
&mut self,
vdom: &VirtualDom,
nodes_updated: Vec<(usize, NodeMask)>,
ctx: AnyMap,
) -> Option<FxHashSet<usize>> {
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
enum StatesToCheck {
impl StatesToCheck {
fn union(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
match (self, other) {
(Self::Some(s), Self::Some(o)) => Self::Some(union_ordered_iter(
s.len() + o.len(),
_ => Self::All,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct NodeRef {
id: usize,
height: u16,
node_mask: NodeMask,
to_check: StatesToCheck,
impl NodeRef {
fn union_with(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.node_mask = self.node_mask.union(&other.node_mask);
self.to_check = self.to_check.union(&other.to_check);
impl Eq for NodeRef {}
impl PartialEq for NodeRef {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.id == other.id && self.height == other.height
impl Ord for NodeRef {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for NodeRef {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// Sort nodes first by height, then if the height is the same id.
// The order of the id does not matter it just helps with binary search later
let mut to_rerender = FxHashSet::default();
to_rerender.extend(nodes_updated.iter().map(|(id, _)| id));
let mut nodes_updated: Vec<_> = nodes_updated
.map(|(id, mask)| NodeRef {
height: self[id].height,
node_mask: mask,
to_check: StatesToCheck::All,
// Combine mutations that affect the same node.
let mut last_node: Option<NodeRef> = None;
let mut new_nodes_updated = VecDeque::new();
for current in nodes_updated.into_iter() {
if let Some(node) = &mut last_node {
if *node == current {
} else {
} else {
last_node = Some(current);
if let Some(node) = last_node {
let nodes_updated = new_nodes_updated;
// update the state that only depends on nodes. The order does not matter.
for node_ref in &nodes_updated {
let mut changed = false;
let node = &mut self[node_ref.id];
let mut ids = match &node_ref.to_check {
StatesToCheck::All => node.state.node_dep_types(&node_ref.node_mask),
// this should only be triggered from the current node, so all members will need to be checked
StatesToCheck::Some(_) => unreachable!(),
let mut i = 0;
while i < ids.len() {
let id = ids[i];
let node = &mut self[node_ref.id];
let vnode = node.element(vdom);
if let Some(members_effected) =
node.state.update_node_dep_state(id, vnode, vdom, &ctx)
debug_assert!(members_effected.node_dep.iter().all(|i| i >= &id));
for m in &members_effected.node_dep {
if let Err(idx) = ids.binary_search(m) {
ids.insert(idx, *m);
changed = true;
i += 1;
if changed {
// bubble up state. To avoid calling reduce more times than nessisary start from the bottom and go up.
let mut to_bubble = nodes_updated.clone();
while let Some(node_ref) = to_bubble.pop_back() {
let NodeRef {
} = node_ref;
let (node, children) = self.get_node_children_mut(id).unwrap();
let children_state: Vec<_> = children.iter().map(|c| &c.state).collect();
let mut ids = match to_check {
StatesToCheck::All => node.state.child_dep_types(&node_mask),
StatesToCheck::Some(ids) => ids,
let mut changed = Vec::new();
let mut i = 0;
while i < ids.len() {
let id = ids[i];
let vnode = node.element(vdom);
if let Some(members_effected) =
.update_child_dep_state(id, vnode, vdom, &children_state, &ctx)
debug_assert!(members_effected.node_dep.iter().all(|i| i >= &id));
for m in members_effected.node_dep {
if let Err(idx) = ids.binary_search(&m) {
ids.insert(idx, m);
for m in members_effected.child_dep {
i += 1;
if let Some(parent_id) = node.parent {
if !changed.is_empty() {
let i = to_bubble.partition_point(
|NodeRef {
id: other_id,
height: h,
}| {
*h < height - 1 || (*h == height - 1 && *other_id < parent_id.0)
// make sure the parent is not already queued
if i < to_bubble.len() && to_bubble[i].id == parent_id.0 {
to_bubble[i].to_check =
} else {
NodeRef {
id: parent_id.0,
height: height - 1,
node_mask: NodeMask::NONE,
to_check: StatesToCheck::Some(changed),
// push down state. To avoid calling reduce more times than nessisary start from the top and go down.
let mut to_push = nodes_updated;
while let Some(node_ref) = to_push.pop_front() {
let NodeRef {
} = node_ref;
let node = &self[id];
let mut ids = match to_check {
StatesToCheck::All => node.state.parent_dep_types(&node_mask),
StatesToCheck::Some(ids) => ids,
let mut changed = Vec::new();
let (node, parent) = self.get_node_parent_mut(id).unwrap();
let mut i = 0;
while i < ids.len() {
let id = ids[i];
let vnode = node.element(vdom);
let parent = parent.as_deref();
let state = &mut node.state;
if let Some(members_effected) =
state.update_parent_dep_state(id, vnode, vdom, parent.map(|n| &n.state), &ctx)
debug_assert!(members_effected.node_dep.iter().all(|i| i >= &id));
for m in members_effected.node_dep {
if let Err(idx) = ids.binary_search(&m) {
ids.insert(idx, m);
for m in members_effected.parent_dep {
i += 1;
if !changed.is_empty() {
let node = &self[id];
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &node.node_type {
for c in children {
let i = to_push.partition_point(
|NodeRef {
id: other_id,
height: h,
}| {
*h < height + 1 || (*h == height + 1 && *other_id < c.0)
if i < to_push.len() && to_push[i].id == c.0 {
to_push[i].to_check = to_push[i]
} else {
NodeRef {
id: c.0,
height: height + 1,
node_mask: NodeMask::NONE,
to_check: StatesToCheck::Some(changed.clone()),
fn link_child(&mut self, child_id: usize, parent_id: usize) -> Option<()> {
debug_assert_ne!(child_id, parent_id);
let parent = &mut self[parent_id];
let parent_height = parent.height + 1;
self.increase_height(child_id, parent_height);
fn increase_height(&mut self, id: usize, amount: u16) {
let n = &mut self[id];
n.height += amount;
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &n.node_type {
for c in children.clone() {
self.increase_height(c.0, amount);
// remove a node and it's children from the dom.
fn remove(&mut self, id: usize) -> Option<Node<S>> {
// We do not need to remove the node from the parent's children list for children.
fn inner<S: State>(dom: &mut RealDom<S>, id: usize) -> Option<Node<S>> {
let mut node = dom.nodes[id as usize].take()?;
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut node.node_type {
for c in children {
inner(dom, c.0)?;
let mut node = self.nodes[id as usize].take()?;
if let Some(parent) = node.parent {
let parent = &mut self[parent];
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut node.node_type {
for c in children {
inner(self, c.0)?;
fn insert(&mut self, node: Node<S>) {
let current_len = self.nodes.len();
let id = node.id.0;
if current_len - 1 < node.id.0 {
// self.nodes.reserve(1 + id - current_len);
self.nodes.extend((0..1 + id - current_len).map(|_| None));
self.nodes[id] = Some(node);
pub fn get(&self, id: usize) -> Option<&Node<S>> {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, id: usize) -> Option<&mut Node<S>> {
// this is safe because no node will have itself as a child
pub fn get_node_children_mut(
&mut self,
id: usize,
) -> Option<(&mut Node<S>, Vec<&mut Node<S>>)> {
let ptr = self.nodes.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
if id >= self.nodes.len() {
} else {
let node = &mut *ptr.add(id);
if let Some(node) = node.as_mut() {
let children = match &node.node_type {
NodeType::Element { children, .. } => children
.map(|id| (&mut *ptr.add(id.0)).as_mut().unwrap())
_ => Vec::new(),
Some((node, children))
} else {
// this is safe because no node will have itself as a parent
pub fn get_node_parent_mut(
&mut self,
id: usize,
) -> Option<(&mut Node<S>, Option<&mut Node<S>>)> {
let ptr = self.nodes.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
let node = &mut *ptr.add(id);
if id >= self.nodes.len() {
} else if let Some(node) = node.as_mut() {
let parent = node
.map(|id| (&mut *ptr.add(id.0)).as_mut().unwrap());
Some((node, parent))
} else {
pub fn get_listening_sorted(&self, event: &'static str) -> Vec<&Node<S>> {
if let Some(nodes) = self.nodes_listening.get(event) {
let mut listening: Vec<_> = nodes.iter().map(|id| &self[*id]).collect();
listening.sort_by(|n1, n2| (n1.height).cmp(&n2.height).reverse());
} else {
/// Check if the dom contains a node and its children.
pub fn contains_node(&self, node: &VNode) -> bool {
match node {
VNode::Component(_) => {
VNode::Element(e) => {
if let Some(id) = e.id.get() {
let dom_node = &self[id];
match &dom_node.node_type {
NodeType::Element {
} => {
tag == e.tag
&& namespace == &e.namespace
&& children.iter().copied().collect::<FxHashSet<_>>()
== e.children
.map(|c| c.mounted_id())
&& e.children.iter().all(|c| {
&& self[c.mounted_id()].parent == e.id.get()
_ => false,
} else {
VNode::Fragment(f) => f.children.iter().all(|c| self.contains_node(c)),
VNode::Placeholder(_) => true,
VNode::Text(t) => {
if let Some(id) = t.id.get() {
let dom_node = &self[id];
match &dom_node.node_type {
NodeType::Text { text } => t.text == text,
_ => false,
} else {
/// Return the number of nodes in the dom.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
// The dom has a root node, ignore it.
self.nodes.iter().filter(|n| n.is_some()).count() - 1
/// Returns the id of the root node.
pub fn root_id(&self) -> usize {
/// Call a function for each node in the dom, depth first.
pub fn traverse_depth_first(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&Node<S>)) {
fn inner<S: State>(dom: &RealDom<S>, id: ElementId, f: &mut impl FnMut(&Node<S>)) {
let node = &dom[id];
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &node.node_type {
for c in children {
inner(dom, *c, f);
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &self[self.root].node_type {
for c in children {
inner(self, *c, &mut f);
/// Call a function for each node in the dom, depth first.
pub fn traverse_depth_first_mut(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Node<S>)) {
fn inner<S: State>(dom: &mut RealDom<S>, id: ElementId, f: &mut impl FnMut(&mut Node<S>)) {
let node = &mut dom[id];
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut node.node_type {
for c in children.clone() {
inner(dom, c, f);
let root = self.root;
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut self[root].node_type {
for c in children.clone() {
inner(self, c, &mut f);
impl<S: State> Index<usize> for RealDom<S> {
type Output = Node<S>;
fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &Self::Output {
self.get(idx).expect("Node does not exist")
impl<S: State> Index<ElementId> for RealDom<S> {
type Output = Node<S>;
fn index(&self, idx: ElementId) -> &Self::Output {
impl<S: State> IndexMut<usize> for RealDom<S> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
self.get_mut(idx).expect("Node does not exist")
impl<S: State> IndexMut<ElementId> for RealDom<S> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: ElementId) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self[idx.0]
/// The node is stored client side and stores only basic data about the node. For more complete information about the node see [`domNode::element`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Node<S: State> {
/// The id of the node this node was created from.
pub id: ElementId,
/// The parent id of the node.
pub parent: Option<ElementId>,
/// State of the node.
pub state: S,
/// Additional inforation specific to the node type
pub node_type: NodeType,
/// The number of parents before the root node. The root node has height 1.
pub height: u16,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum NodeType {
Text {
text: String,
Element {
tag: String,
namespace: Option<&'static str>,
children: Vec<ElementId>,
impl<S: State> Node<S> {
fn new(id: u64, node_type: NodeType) -> Self {
Node {
id: ElementId(id as usize),
parent: None,
state: S::default(),
height: 0,
/// Returns a reference to the element that this node refrences.
pub fn element<'b>(&self, vdom: &'b VirtualDom) -> &'b VNode<'b> {
fn add_child(&mut self, child: ElementId) {
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut self.node_type {
fn remove_child(&mut self, child: ElementId) {
if let NodeType::Element { children, .. } = &mut self.node_type {
children.retain(|c| c != &child);
fn set_parent(&mut self, parent: ElementId) {
self.parent = Some(parent);