2021-11-01 14:03:14 -04:00

375 lines
14 KiB

use crate::innerlude::*;
use fxhash::FxHashMap;
use std::{
any::{Any, TypeId},
cell::{Cell, RefCell},
/// Every component in Dioxus is represented by a `Scope`.
/// Scopes contain the state for hooks, the component's props, and other lifecycle information.
/// Scopes are allocated in a generational arena. As components are mounted/unmounted, they will replace slots of dead components.
/// The actual contents of the hooks, though, will be allocated with the standard allocator. These should not allocate as frequently.
/// We expose the `Scope` type so downstream users can traverse the Dioxus VirtualDOM for whatever
/// use case they might have.
pub struct ScopeInner {
// Book-keeping about our spot in the arena
pub(crate) parent_idx: Option<ScopeId>,
pub(crate) our_arena_idx: ScopeId,
pub(crate) height: u32,
pub(crate) subtree: Cell<u32>,
pub(crate) is_subtree_root: Cell<bool>,
// Nodes
pub(crate) frames: ActiveFrame,
pub(crate) caller: *const dyn for<'b> Fn(&'b ScopeInner) -> Element<'b>,
we care about:
- listeners (and how to call them when an event is triggered)
- borrowed props (and how to drop them when the parent is dropped)
- suspended nodes (and how to call their callback when their associated tasks are complete)
pub(crate) listeners: RefCell<Vec<*const Listener<'static>>>,
pub(crate) borrowed_props: RefCell<Vec<*const VComponent<'static>>>,
pub(crate) suspended_nodes: RefCell<FxHashMap<u64, *const VSuspended<'static>>>,
// State
pub(crate) hooks: HookList,
// todo: move this into a centralized place - is more memory efficient
pub(crate) shared_contexts: RefCell<HashMap<TypeId, Rc<dyn Any>>>,
// whenever set_state is called, we fire off a message to the scheduler
// this closure _is_ the method called by schedule_update that marks this component as dirty
pub(crate) memoized_updater: Rc<dyn Fn()>,
pub(crate) shared: EventChannel,
/// Public interface for Scopes.
impl ScopeInner {
/// Get the root VNode for this Scope.
/// This VNode is the "entrypoint" VNode. If the component renders multiple nodes, then this VNode will be a fragment.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(|(cx, props)|cx.render(rsx!{ div {} }));
/// dom.rebuild();
/// let base = dom.base_scope();
/// if let VNode::VElement(node) = base.root_node() {
/// assert_eq!(node.tag_name, "div");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn root_node(&self) -> &VNode {
/// Get the subtree ID that this scope belongs to.
/// Each component has its own subtree ID - the root subtree has an ID of 0. This ID is used by the renderer to route
/// the mutations to the correct window/portal/subtree.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(|(cx, props)|cx.render(rsx!{ div {} }));
/// dom.rebuild();
/// let base = dom.base_scope();
/// assert_eq!(base.subtree(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn subtree(&self) -> u32 {
pub(crate) fn new_subtree(&self) -> Option<u32> {
if self.is_subtree_root.get() {
} else {
let cur = self.shared.cur_subtree.get();
self.shared.cur_subtree.set(cur + 1);
/// Get the height of this Scope - IE the number of scopes above it.
/// A Scope with a height of `0` is the root scope - there are no other scopes above it.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(|(cx, props)|cx.render(rsx!{ div {} }));
/// dom.rebuild();
/// let base = dom.base_scope();
/// assert_eq!(base.height(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
/// Get the Parent of this Scope within this Dioxus VirtualDOM.
/// This ID is not unique across Dioxus VirtualDOMs or across time. IDs will be reused when components are unmounted.
/// The base component will not have a parent, and will return `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(|(cx, props)|cx.render(rsx!{ div {} }));
/// dom.rebuild();
/// let base = dom.base_scope();
/// assert_eq!(base.parent(), None);
/// ```
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<ScopeId> {
/// Get the ID of this Scope within this Dioxus VirtualDOM.
/// This ID is not unique across Dioxus VirtualDOMs or across time. IDs will be reused when components are unmounted.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(|(cx, props)|cx.render(rsx!{ div {} }));
/// dom.rebuild();
/// let base = dom.base_scope();
/// assert_eq!(base.scope_id(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn scope_id(&self) -> ScopeId {
// The type of closure that wraps calling components
/// The type of task that gets sent to the task scheduler
/// Submitting a fiber task returns a handle to that task, which can be used to wake up suspended nodes
pub type FiberTask = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ScopeId>>>;
/// Private interface for Scopes.
impl ScopeInner {
// we are being created in the scope of an existing component (where the creator_node lifetime comes into play)
// we are going to break this lifetime by force in order to save it on ourselves.
// To make sure that the lifetime isn't truly broken, we receive a Weak RC so we can't keep it around after the parent dies.
// This should never happen, but is a good check to keep around
// Scopes cannot be made anywhere else except for this file
// Therefore, their lifetimes are connected exclusively to the virtual dom
pub(crate) fn new(
caller: &dyn for<'b> Fn(&'b ScopeInner) -> Element<'b>,
our_arena_idx: ScopeId,
parent_idx: Option<ScopeId>,
height: u32,
subtree: u32,
shared: EventChannel,
) -> Self {
let schedule_any_update = shared.schedule_any_immediate.clone();
let memoized_updater = Rc::new(move || schedule_any_update(our_arena_idx));
let caller = caller as *const _;
// wipe away the associated lifetime - we are going to manually manage the one-way lifetime graph
let caller = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(caller) };
Self {
subtree: Cell::new(subtree),
is_subtree_root: Cell::new(false),
frames: ActiveFrame::new(),
hooks: Default::default(),
suspended_nodes: Default::default(),
shared_contexts: Default::default(),
listeners: Default::default(),
borrowed_props: Default::default(),
pub(crate) fn update_scope_dependencies(
&mut self,
caller: &dyn for<'b> Fn(&'b ScopeInner) -> Element<'b>,
) {
log::debug!("Updating scope dependencies {:?}", self.our_arena_idx);
let caller = caller as *const _;
self.caller = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(caller) };
/// This method cleans up any references to data held within our hook list. This prevents mutable aliasing from
/// causing UB in our tree.
/// This works by cleaning up our references from the bottom of the tree to the top. The directed graph of components
/// essentially forms a dependency tree that we can traverse from the bottom to the top. As we traverse, we remove
/// any possible references to the data in the hook list.
/// References to hook data can only be stored in listeners and component props. During diffing, we make sure to log
/// all listeners and borrowed props so we can clear them here.
/// This also makes sure that drop order is consistent and predictable. All resources that rely on being dropped will
/// be dropped.
pub(crate) fn ensure_drop_safety(&mut self, pool: &ResourcePool) {
// make sure we drop all borrowed props manually to guarantee that their drop implementation is called before we
// run the hooks (which hold an &mut Reference)
// right now, we don't drop
.map(|li| unsafe { &*li })
.for_each(|comp| {
// First drop the component's undropped references
let scope_id = comp
.expect("VComponents should be associated with a valid Scope");
if let Some(scope) = pool.get_scope_mut(scope_id) {
let mut drop_props = comp.drop_props.borrow_mut().take().unwrap();
// Now that all the references are gone, we can safely drop our own references in our listeners.
.map(|li| unsafe { &*li })
.for_each(|listener| drop(listener.callback.borrow_mut().take()));
/// A safe wrapper around calling listeners
pub(crate) fn call_listener(&mut self, event: UserEvent, element: ElementId) {
let listners = self.listeners.borrow_mut();
let raw_listener = listners.iter().find(|lis| {
let search = unsafe { &***lis };
if search.event == event.name {
let search_id = search.mounted_node.get();
search_id.map(|f| f == element).unwrap_or(false)
} else {
if let Some(raw_listener) = raw_listener {
let listener = unsafe { &**raw_listener };
let mut cb = listener.callback.borrow_mut();
if let Some(cb) = cb.as_mut() {
} else {
log::warn!("An event was triggered but there was no listener to handle it");
General strategy here is to load up the appropriate suspended task and then run it.
Suspended nodes cannot be called repeatedly.
pub(crate) fn call_suspended_node<'a>(&'a mut self, task_id: u64) {
let mut nodes = self.suspended_nodes.borrow_mut();
if let Some(suspended) = nodes.remove(&task_id) {
let sus: &'a VSuspended<'static> = unsafe { &*suspended };
let sus: &'a VSuspended<'a> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(sus) };
let cx: SuspendedContext<'a> = SuspendedContext {
inner: Context { scope: self },
let mut cb = sus.callback.borrow_mut().take().unwrap();
let new_node: Element<'a> = (cb)(cx);
// run the list of effects
pub(crate) fn run_effects(&mut self, pool: &ResourcePool) {
// let mut effects = self.frames.effects.borrow_mut();
// let mut effects = effects.drain(..).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// for effect in effects {
// let effect = unsafe { &*effect };
// let effect = effect.as_ref();
// let mut effect = effect.borrow_mut();
// let mut effect = effect.as_mut();
// effect.run(pool);
// }
/// Render this component.
/// Returns true if the scope completed successfully and false if running failed (IE a None error was propagated).
pub(crate) fn run_scope<'sel>(&'sel mut self, pool: &ResourcePool) -> bool {
// Cycle to the next frame and then reset it
// This breaks any latent references, invalidating every pointer referencing into it.
// Remove all the outdated listeners
// Safety:
// - We dropped the listeners, so no more &mut T can be used while these are held
// - All children nodes that rely on &mut T are replaced with a new reference
unsafe { self.hooks.reset() };
// Safety:
// - We've dropped all references to the wip bump frame
unsafe { self.frames.reset_wip_frame() };
// just forget about our suspended nodes while we're at it
// guarantee that we haven't screwed up - there should be no latent references anywhere
log::debug!("Borrowed stuff is successfully cleared");
// Cast the caller ptr from static to one with our own reference
let render: &dyn for<'b> Fn(&'b ScopeInner) -> Element<'b> = unsafe { &*self.caller };
// Todo: see if we can add stronger guarantees around internal bookkeeping and failed component renders.
if let Some(builder) = render(self) {
let new_head = builder.into_vnode(NodeFactory {
bump: &self.frames.wip_frame().bump,
log::debug!("Render is successful");
// the user's component succeeded. We can safely cycle to the next frame
self.frames.wip_frame_mut().head_node = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(new_head) };
} else {