2022-01-23 10:54:24 +08:00

167 lines
4.9 KiB

use crate::{
config::{CrateConfig, ExecutableType},
error::{Error, Result},
use std::{io::Write, path::PathBuf, process::Command};
use wasm_bindgen_cli_support::Bindgen;
pub fn build(config: &CrateConfig, dist: PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
[1] Build the project with cargo, generating a wasm32-unknown-unknown target (is there a more specific, better target to leverage?)
[2] Generate the appropriate build folders
[3] Wasm-bindgen the .wasm fiile, and move it into the {builddir}/modules/xxxx/xxxx_bg.wasm
[4] Wasm-opt the .wasm file with whatever optimizations need to be done
[5] Link up the html page to the wasm module
let CrateConfig {
} = config;
let out_dir = crate_dir.join(dist);
let t_start = std::time::Instant::now();
// [1] Build the .wasm module
log::info!("🚅 Running build command...");
let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo");
if config.release {
match executable {
ExecutableType::Binary(name) => cmd.arg("--bin").arg(name),
ExecutableType::Lib(name) => cmd.arg("--lib").arg(name),
ExecutableType::Example(name) => cmd.arg("--example").arg(name),
let output = cmd.output()?;
if output.status.success() {
} else {
log::error!("Build failed!");
let reason = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).to_string();
return Err(Error::BuildFailed(reason));
// [2] Establish the output directory structure
let bindgen_outdir = out_dir.join("assets");
// [3] Bindgen the final binary for use easy linking
let mut bindgen_builder = Bindgen::new();
let release_type = match config.release {
true => "release",
false => "debug",
let input_path = match executable {
ExecutableType::Binary(name) | ExecutableType::Lib(name) => target_dir
.join(format!("wasm32-unknown-unknown/{}", release_type))
.join(format!("{}.wasm", name)),
ExecutableType::Example(name) => target_dir
.join(format!("wasm32-unknown-unknown/{}/examples", release_type))
.join(format!("{}.wasm", name)),
// [4]
// TODO: wasm-opt
// [5] Generate the html file with the module name
// TODO: support names via options
// log::info!("Writing to '{:#?}' directory...", out_dir);
let copy_options = fs_extra::dir::CopyOptions::new();
if static_dir.is_dir() {
match fs_extra::dir::copy(static_dir, out_dir, &copy_options) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(_e) => {
log::warn!("Error copying dir: {}", _e);
let t_end = std::time::Instant::now();
log::info!("🏁 Done in {}ms!", (t_end - t_start).as_millis());
pub fn gen_page(module: &str) -> String {
<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<div id="main">
<!-- Note the usage of `type=module` here as this is an ES6 module -->
<script type="module">
import init from "{}";
<div id="dioxusroot"> </div>
// use binary_install::{Cache, Download};
// /// Attempts to find `wasm-opt` in `PATH` locally, or failing that downloads a
// /// precompiled binary.
// ///
// /// Returns `Some` if a binary was found or it was successfully downloaded.
// /// Returns `None` if a binary wasn't found in `PATH` and this platform doesn't
// /// have precompiled binaries. Returns an error if we failed to download the
// /// binary.
// pub fn find_wasm_opt(
// cache: &Cache,
// install_permitted: bool,
// ) -> Result<install::Status, failure::Error> {
// // First attempt to look up in PATH. If found assume it works.
// if let Ok(path) = which::which("wasm-opt") {
// PBAR.info(&format!("found wasm-opt at {:?}", path));
// match path.as_path().parent() {
// Some(path) => return Ok(install::Status::Found(Download::at(path))),
// None => {}
// }
// }
// let version = "version_78";
// Ok(install::download_prebuilt(
// &install::Tool::WasmOpt,
// cache,
// version,
// install_permitted,
// )?)
// }