2021-05-17 17:59:10 -04:00

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//! Dioxus Router
//! -------------
//! This exmaple showcases the Dioxus Router hook. This hook makes it possible to using the browser's navigation API to
//! display different content based on the Page's URL. The hook provides a configuration object that calls various
//! specified callbacks whenever the page URL changes. Using this hook should feel like building a "URL directory", similar
//! to how Tide handles paths.
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
fn App(ctx: Context, props: &()) -> DomTree {
let router = use_router(&ctx, |router| {
router.get("/dogs/:dogId/").render(|ctx, request| {
rsx! {
div {
router.get("/cats/:catId/").render(|ctx, request| {
rsx! {
div {
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
a { href="/dogs/"}
a { href="/cats/"}