2021-02-07 14:59:34 -05:00

149 lines
4.2 KiB

#![allow(unused, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
use bumpalo::Bump;
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
use dioxus_core::{nodebuilder::*, virtual_dom::Properties};
use std::{collections::HashMap, future::Future, marker::PhantomData};
fn main() {
let mut vdom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(
Props {
blah: false,
text: "blah",
let somet = String::from("asd");
let text = somet.as_str();
this could be auto-generated via the macro
this props is allocated in this
but the component and props would like need to be cached
we could box this fn, abstracting away the props requirement and just keep the entrance and allocator requirement
How do we keep cached things around?
Need some sort of caching mechanism
how do we enter into a childscope from a parent scope?
1: Comp props need to be stored somewhere so we can re-evalute components when they receive updates
2: Trees are not evaluated
let example_caller = move |ctx: &Bump| {
// let p = Props { blah: true, text };
// let c = Context { props: &p };
// let r = component(&c);
// check the edit list
// ~~~ Text shared between components via props can be done with lifetimes! ~~~
// Super duper efficient :)
struct Props<'src> {
blah: bool,
text: &'src str,
impl<'src> Properties for Props<'src> {
fn new() -> Self {
fn component<'a>(ctx: Context<'a, Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
// Write asynchronous rendering code that immediately returns a "suspended" VNode
// The concurrent API will then progress this component when the future finishes
// You can suspend the entire component, or just parts of it
let product_list = ctx.suspend(async {
// Suspend the rendering that completes when the future is done
match fetch_data().await {
Ok(data) => html! { <div> "success!" </div>},
Err(_) => html! { <div> "failure :(" </div>},
// todo!()
ctx.view(html! {
<h1> "Products" </h1>
<button> "hello!" </button>
// Subnodes can even be suspended
// When completely rendered, they won't cause the component itself to re-render, just their slot
// <p> { product_list } </p>
fn BuilderComp<'a>(ctx: &'a Context<'a, Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
// VNodes can be constructed via a builder or the html! macro
// However, both of these are "lazy" - they need to be evaluated (aka, "viewed")
// We can "view" them with Context for ultimate speed while inside components
ctx.view(|bump| {
.attr("class", "edit")
fn EffcComp(ctx: &Context, name: &str) -> VNode {
// VNodes can be constructed via a builder or the html! macro
// However, both of these are "lazy" - they need to be evaluated (aka, "viewed")
// We can "view" them with Context for ultimate speed while inside components
// use "phase" style allocation;
<div> // node0
<div> </div> // node1
{// support some expression} // node 2
let node0;
let node1;
let node2 = evaluate{}.into();
let g= |bump| {1};
// should we automatically view the output or leave it?
ctx.view(html! {
// your template goes here
// feel free to directly use "name"
fn FullySuspended<'a>(ctx: &'a Context<Props>) -> VNode<'a> {
ctx.suspend(async {
let i: i32 = 0;
// full suspended works great with just returning VNodes!
let tex = match i {
1 => html! { <div> </div> },
2 => html! { <div> </div> },
_ => html! { <div> </div> },
if ctx.props.blah {
html! { <div> </div> }
} else {
/// An example of a datafetching service
async fn fetch_data() -> Result<String, ()> {