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synced 2025-03-03 06:47:31 +00:00
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81 lines
2.3 KiB
use dioxus::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
dioxus_desktop::launch(|cx| render!(app_root {}));
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize)]
struct ListBreeds {
message: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
async fn app_root(cx: Scope<'_>) -> Element {
let breed = use_state(cx, || "deerhound".to_string());
let breeds = use_future!(cx, || async move {
match breeds.await {
Ok(breeds) => cx.render(rsx! {
div { height: "500px",
h1 { "Select a dog breed!" }
div { display: "flex",
ul { flex: "50%",
for cur_breed in breeds.message.keys().take(10) {
li { key: "{cur_breed}",
button {
onclick: move |_| breed.set(cur_breed.clone()),
div { flex: "50%", breed_pic { breed: breed.to_string() } }
Err(_e) => cx.render(rsx! { div { "Error fetching breeds" } }),
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
struct DogApi {
message: String,
async fn breed_pic(cx: Scope, breed: String) -> Element {
let fut = use_future!(cx, |breed| async move {
reqwest::get(format!("https://dog.ceo/api/breed/{}/images/random", breed))
match fut.await {
Ok(resp) => render! {
div {
button {
onclick: move |_| {
"Click to fetch another doggo"
img {
src: "{resp.message}",
max_width: "500px",
max_height: "500px",
Err(_) => render! { div { "loading dogs failed" } },