2021-07-16 16:11:25 -04:00

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//! Example: Spread pattern for Components
//! --------------------------------------
//! Dioxus supports the "spread" pattern for manually building a components properties. This is useful when props
//! are passed down from a parent, or it's more ergonomic to construct props from outside the rsx! macro.
//! To use the spread pattern, simply pass ".." followed by a Rust epxression. This pattern also supports overriding
//! values, using the manual props as the base and then modifying fields specified with non-spread attributes.
use dioxus::prelude::*;
pub static Example: FC<()> = |cx| {
let props = MyProps {
count: 0,
live: true,
name: "Dioxus",
cx.render(rsx! {
Example1 { ..props, count: 10, div {"child"} }
#[derive(PartialEq, Props)]
pub struct MyProps {
count: u32,
live: bool,
name: &'static str,
pub static Example1: FC<MyProps> = |cx| {
cx.render(rsx! {
div {
h1 { "Hello, {cx.name}"}
h3 {"Are we alive? {cx.live}"}
p {"Count is {cx.count}"}
{ cx.children() }