mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:37:43 +00:00
278 lines
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278 lines
8 KiB
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
use dioxus_web::WebsysRenderer;
static APP_STYLE: &'static str = include_str!("./todomvc/style.css");
pub static TODOS: AtomFamily<uuid::Uuid, TodoItem> = atom_family(|_| {});
pub static FILTER: Atom<FilterState> = atom(|_| FilterState::All);
pub static SHOW_ALL_TODOS: selector<bool> = selector(|g| g.getter(|f| false));
fn main() {
wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(WebsysRenderer::start(|ctx, props| {
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
id: "app",
style { "{APP_STYLE}" }
TodoList {}
Footer {}
pub fn TodoList(ctx: Context, props: &()) -> DomTree {
let (draft, set_draft) = use_state(&ctx, || "".to_string());
let (todos, _) = use_state(&ctx, || Vec::<TodoItem>::new());
let filter = use_atom(&ctx, &FILTER);
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
header {
class: "header"
h1 {"todos"}
input {
class: "new-todo"
placeholder: "What needs to be done?"
value: "{draft}"
oninput: move |evt| set_draft(evt.value)
{ // list
.filter(|item| match filter {
FilterState::All => true,
FilterState::Active => !item.checked,
FilterState::Completed => item.checked,
.map(|item| {
rsx!(TodoEntry {
key: "{order}",
id: item.id,
// filter toggle (show only if the list isn't empty)
rsx!( FilterToggles {})
#[derive(PartialEq, Props)]
pub struct TodoEntryProps {
id: uuid::Uuid,
pub fn TodoEntry(ctx: Context, props: &TodoEntryProps) -> DomTree {
let (is_editing, set_is_editing) = use_state(&ctx, || false);
let todo = use_atom_family(&ctx, &TODOS, props.id);
let contents = "";
ctx.render(rsx! (
li {
input {
class: "toggle"
type: "checkbox"
{is_editing.then(|| rsx!(
input {
value: "{contents}"
pub fn FilterToggles(ctx: Context, props: &()) -> DomTree {
let reducer = recoil::use_callback(&ctx, || ());
let items_left = recoil::use_atom_family(&ctx, &TODOS, uuid::Uuid::new_v4());
let toggles = [
("All", "", FilterState::All),
("Active", "active", FilterState::Active),
("Completed", "completed", FilterState::Completed),
.map(|(name, path, filter)| {
li {
class: "{name}"
a {
href: "{path}"
onclick: move |_| reducer.set_filter(&filter)
// todo
let item_text = "";
let items_left = "";
ctx.render(rsx! {
footer {
span {
strong {"{items_left}"}
span {"{item_text} left"}
ul {
class: "filters"
pub fn Footer(ctx: Context, props: &()) -> DomTree {
ctx.render(rsx! {
footer {
class: "info"
p {"Double-click to edit a todo"}
p {
"Created by "
a { "jkelleyrtp", href: "http://github.com/jkelleyrtp/" }
p {
"Part of "
a { "TodoMVC", href: "http://todomvc.com" }
pub enum FilterState {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct TodoItem {
pub id: uuid::Uuid,
pub checked: bool,
pub contents: String,
impl RecoilContext<()> {
pub fn add_todo(&self, contents: String) {}
pub fn remove_todo(&self, id: &uuid::Uuid) {}
pub fn select_all_todos(&self) {}
pub fn toggle_todo(&self, id: &uuid::Uuid) {}
pub fn clear_completed(&self) {}
pub fn set_filter(&self, filter: &FilterState) {}
pub use recoil::*;
mod recoil {
use dioxus_core::context::Context;
pub struct RecoilContext<T: 'static> {
_inner: T,
impl<T: 'static> RecoilContext<T> {
/// Get the value of an atom. Returns a reference to the underlying data.
pub fn get(&self) {}
/// Replace an existing value with a new value
/// This does not replace the value instantly, and all calls to "get" within the current scope will return
pub fn set(&self) {}
// Modify lets you modify the value in place. However, because there's no previous value around to compare
// the new one with, we are unable to memoize the change. As such, all downsteam users of this Atom will
// be updated, causing all subsrcibed components to re-render.
// This is fine for most values, but might not be performant when dealing with collections. For collections,
// use the "Family" variants as these will stay memoized for inserts, removals, and modifications.
// Note - like "set" this won't propogate instantly. Once all "gets" are dropped, only then will we run the
pub fn modify(&self) {}
pub fn use_callback<'a, G>(c: &Context<'a>, f: impl Fn() -> G) -> &'a RecoilContext<G> {
pub fn use_atom<T: PartialEq, O>(c: &Context, t: &'static Atom<T>) -> O {
pub fn use_batom<T: PartialEq, O>(c: &Context, t: impl Readable) -> O {
pub trait Readable {}
impl<T: PartialEq> Readable for &'static Atom<T> {}
impl<K: PartialEq, V: PartialEq> Readable for &'static AtomFamily<K, V> {}
pub fn use_atom_family<'a, K: PartialEq, V: PartialEq>(
c: &Context<'a>,
t: &'static AtomFamily<K, V>,
g: K,
) -> &'a V {
pub use atoms::{atom, Atom};
pub use atoms::{atom_family, AtomFamily};
mod atoms {
use super::*;
pub struct AtomBuilder<T: PartialEq> {
pub key: String,
pub manual_init: Option<Box<dyn Fn() -> T>>,
_never: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: PartialEq> AtomBuilder<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
key: uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
manual_init: None,
_never: std::marker::PhantomData {},
pub fn init<A: Fn() -> T + 'static>(&mut self, f: A) {
self.manual_init = Some(Box::new(f));
pub fn set_key(&mut self, _key: &'static str) {}
pub struct atom<T: PartialEq>(pub fn(&mut AtomBuilder<T>) -> T);
pub type Atom<T: PartialEq> = atom<T>;
pub struct AtomFamilyBuilder<K, V> {
_never: std::marker::PhantomData<(K, V)>,
pub struct atom_family<K: PartialEq, V: PartialEq>(pub fn(&mut AtomFamilyBuilder<K, V>));
pub type AtomFamily<K: PartialEq, V: PartialEq> = atom_family<K, V>;
pub use selectors::selector;
mod selectors {
pub struct SelectorBuilder<Out, const Built: bool> {
_p: std::marker::PhantomData<Out>,
impl<O> SelectorBuilder<O, false> {
pub fn getter(self, f: impl Fn(()) -> O) -> SelectorBuilder<O, true> {
// std::rc::Rc::pin(value)
// todo!()
pub struct selector<O>(pub fn(SelectorBuilder<O, false>) -> SelectorBuilder<O, true>);