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//! Dioxus WebSys
//! ## Overview
//! ------------
//! This crate implements a renderer of the Dioxus Virtual DOM for the web browser using WebSys. This web render for
//! Dioxus is one of the more advanced renderers, supporting:
//! - idle work
//! - animations
//! - jank-free rendering
//! - controlled components
//! - hydration
//! - and more.
//! The actual implementation is farily thin, with the heavy lifting happening inside the Dioxus Core crate.
//! To purview the examples, check of the root Dioxus crate - the examples in this crate are mostly meant to provide
//! validation of websys-specific features and not the general use of Dioxus.
// ## RequestAnimationFrame and RequestIdleCallback
// ------------------------------------------------
// React implements "jank free rendering" by deliberately not blocking the browser's main thread. For large diffs, long
// running work, and integration with things like React-Three-Fiber, it's extremeley important to avoid blocking the
// main thread.
// React solves this problem by breaking up the rendering process into a "diff" phase and a "render" phase. In Dioxus,
// the diff phase is non-blocking, using "work_with_deadline" to allow the browser to process other events. When the diff phase
// is finally complete, the VirtualDOM will return a set of "Mutations" for this crate to apply.
// Here, we schedule the "diff" phase during the browser's idle period, achieved by calling RequestIdleCallback and then
// setting a timeout from the that completes when the idleperiod is over. Then, we call requestAnimationFrame
// From Google's guide on rAF and rIC:
// -----------------------------------
// If the callback is fired at the end of the frame, it will be scheduled to go after the current frame has been committed,
// which means that style changes will have been applied, and, importantly, layout calculated. If we make DOM changes inside
// of the idle callback, those layout calculations will be invalidated. If there are any kind of layout reads in the next
// frame, e.g. getBoundingClientRect, clientWidth, etc, the browser will have to perform a Forced Synchronous Layout,
// which is a potential performance bottleneck.
// Another reason not trigger DOM changes in the idle callback is that the time impact of changing the DOM is unpredictable,
// and as such we could easily go past the deadline the browser provided.
// The best practice is to only make DOM changes inside of a requestAnimationFrame callback, since it is scheduled by the
// browser with that type of work in mind. That means that our code will need to use a document fragment, which can then
// be appended in the next requestAnimationFrame callback. If you are using a VDOM library, you would use requestIdleCallback
// to make changes, but you would apply the DOM patches in the next requestAnimationFrame callback, not the idle callback.
// Essentially:
// ------------
// - Do the VDOM work during the idlecallback
// - Do DOM work in the next requestAnimationFrame callback
pub use crate::cfg::Config;
pub use crate::util::{use_eval, EvalResult};
use dioxus_core::{Element, Scope, VirtualDom};
use futures_util::{pin_mut, FutureExt, StreamExt};
mod cache;
mod cfg;
mod dom;
mod file_engine;
mod hot_reload;
#[cfg(feature = "hydrate")]
mod rehydrate;
mod util;
// Currently disabled since it actually slows down immediate rendering
// todo: only schedule non-immediate renders through ric/raf
// mod ric_raf;
// mod rehydrate;
/// Launch the VirtualDOM given a root component and a configuration.
/// This function expects the root component to not have root props. To launch the root component with root props, use
/// `launch_with_props` instead.
/// This method will block the thread with `spawn_local` from wasm_bindgen_futures.
/// If you need to run the VirtualDOM in its own thread, use `run_with_props` instead and await the future.
/// # Example
/// ```rust, ignore
/// fn main() {
/// dioxus_web::launch(App);
/// }
/// static App: Component = |cx| {
/// render!(div {"hello world"})
/// }
/// ```
pub fn launch(root_component: fn(Scope) -> Element) {
launch_with_props(root_component, (), Config::default());
/// Launch your app and run the event loop, with configuration.
/// This function will start your web app on the main web thread.
/// You can configure the WebView window with a configuration closure
/// ```rust, ignore
/// use dioxus::prelude::*;
/// fn main() {
/// dioxus_web::launch_with_props(App, Config::new().pre_render(true));
/// }
/// fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
/// cx.render(rsx!{
/// h1 {"hello world!"}
/// })
/// }
/// ```
pub fn launch_cfg(root: fn(Scope) -> Element, config: Config) {
launch_with_props(root, (), config)
/// Launches the VirtualDOM from the specified component function and props.
/// This method will block the thread with `spawn_local`
/// # Example
/// ```rust, ignore
/// fn main() {
/// dioxus_web::launch_with_props(
/// App,
/// RootProps { name: String::from("joe") },
/// Config::new()
/// );
/// }
/// #[derive(ParitalEq, Props)]
/// struct RootProps {
/// name: String
/// }
/// static App: Component<RootProps> = |cx| {
/// render!(div {"hello {cx.props.name}"})
/// }
/// ```
pub fn launch_with_props<T: 'static>(
root_component: fn(Scope<T>) -> Element,
root_properties: T,
config: Config,
) {
wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(run_with_props(root_component, root_properties, config));
/// Runs the app as a future that can be scheduled around the main thread.
/// Polls futures internal to the VirtualDOM, hence the async nature of this function.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// fn main() {
/// let app_fut = dioxus_web::run_with_props(App, RootProps { name: String::from("joe") });
/// wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(app_fut);
/// }
/// ```
pub async fn run_with_props<T: 'static>(root: fn(Scope<T>) -> Element, root_props: T, cfg: Config) {
log::info!("Starting up");
let mut dom = VirtualDom::new_with_props(root, root_props);
#[cfg(feature = "panic_hook")]
if cfg.default_panic_hook {
let mut hotreload_rx = hot_reload::init();
for s in crate::cache::BUILTIN_INTERNED_STRINGS {
for s in &cfg.cached_strings {
let (tx, mut rx) = futures_channel::mpsc::unbounded();
#[cfg(feature = "hydrate")]
let should_hydrate = cfg.hydrate;
#[cfg(not(feature = "hydrate"))]
let should_hydrate = false;
let mut websys_dom = dom::WebsysDom::new(cfg, tx);
log::info!("rebuilding app");
if should_hydrate {
#[cfg(feature = "hydrate")]
// todo: we need to split rebuild and initialize into two phases
// it's a waste to produce edits just to get the vdom loaded
let templates = dom.rebuild().templates;
if let Err(err) = websys_dom.rehydrate(&dom) {
"Rehydration failed {:?}. Rebuild DOM into element from scratch",
let edits = dom.rebuild();
} else {
let edits = dom.rebuild();
// the mutations come back with nothing - we need to actually mount them
loop {
log::trace!("waiting for work");
// if virtualdom has nothing, wait for it to have something before requesting idle time
// if there is work then this future resolves immediately.
let (mut res, template) = {
let work = dom.wait_for_work().fuse();
futures_util::select! {
_ = work => (None, None),
new_template = hotreload_rx.next() => {
(None, new_template)
evt = rx.next() => (evt, None)
if let Some(template) = template {
// Dequeue all of the events from the channel in send order
// todo: we should re-order these if possible
while let Some(evt) = res {
dom.handle_event(evt.name.as_str(), evt.data, evt.element, evt.bubbles);
res = rx.try_next().transpose().unwrap().ok();
// Todo: This is currently disabled because it has a negative impact on response times for events but it could be re-enabled for tasks
// Jank free rendering
// 1. wait for the browser to give us "idle" time
// 2. During idle time, diff the dom
// 3. Stop diffing if the deadline is exceded
// 4. Wait for the animation frame to patch the dom
// wait for the mainthread to schedule us in
// let deadline = work_loop.wait_for_idle_time().await;
// run the virtualdom work phase until the frame deadline is reached
let edits = dom.render_immediate();
// wait for the animation frame to fire so we can apply our changes
// work_loop.wait_for_raf().await;