use crossterm::event::{ Event as TermEvent, KeyCode as TermKeyCode, KeyModifiers, MouseButton, MouseEventKind, }; use dioxus::core::*; use dioxus_html::{on::*, KeyCode}; use futures::{channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, StreamExt}; use std::{ any::Any, borrow::BorrowMut, cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; // a wrapper around the input state for easier access // todo: fix loop // pub struct InputState(Rc>>); // impl InputState { // pub fn get(cx: &ScopeState) -> InputState { // let inner = cx // .consume_context::>>() // .expect("Rink InputState can only be used in Rink apps!"); // (**inner).borrow_mut().subscribe(cx.schedule_update()); // InputState(inner) // } // pub fn mouse(&self) -> Option { // let data = (**self.0).borrow(); // data.mouse.as_ref().map(|m| clone_mouse_data(m)) // } // pub fn wheel(&self) -> Option { // let data = (**self.0).borrow(); // data.wheel.as_ref().map(|w| clone_wheel_data(w)) // } // pub fn screen(&self) -> Option<(u16, u16)> { // let data = (**self.0).borrow(); // data.screen.as_ref().map(|m| m.clone()) // } // pub fn last_key_pressed(&self) -> Option { // let data = (**self.0).borrow(); // data.last_key_pressed // .as_ref() // .map(|k| clone_keyboard_data(&k.0)) // } // } type EventCore = (&'static str, EventData); #[derive(Debug)] enum EventData { Mouse(MouseData), Wheel(WheelData), Screen((u16, u16)), Keyboard(KeyboardData), } impl EventData { fn into_any(self) -> Arc { match self { Self::Mouse(m) => Arc::new(m), Self::Wheel(w) => Arc::new(w), Self::Screen(s) => Arc::new(s), Self::Keyboard(k) => Arc::new(k), } } } const MAX_REPEAT_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); pub struct InnerInputState { mouse: Option, wheel: Option, last_key_pressed: Option<(KeyboardData, Instant)>, screen: Option<(u16, u16)>, // subscribers: Vec>, } impl InnerInputState { fn new() -> Self { Self { mouse: None, wheel: None, last_key_pressed: None, screen: None, // subscribers: Vec::new(), } } // stores current input state and transforms events based on that state fn apply_event(&mut self, evt: &mut EventCore) { match evt.1 { EventData::Mouse(ref mut m) => match &mut self.mouse { Some(state) => { *state = clone_mouse_data(m); // crossterm always outputs the left mouse button on mouse up // let mut buttons = state.buttons; // *state = clone_mouse_data(m); // match evt.0 { // "mouseup" => { // buttons &= !m.buttons; // } // "mousedown" => { // buttons |= m.buttons; // } // _ => (), // } // state.buttons = buttons; // m.buttons = buttons; } None => { self.mouse = Some(clone_mouse_data(m)); } }, EventData::Wheel(ref w) => self.wheel = Some(clone_wheel_data(w)), EventData::Screen(ref s) => self.screen = Some(s.clone()), EventData::Keyboard(ref mut k) => { let repeat = self .last_key_pressed .as_ref() .filter(|k2| k2.0.key == k.key && k2.1.elapsed() < MAX_REPEAT_TIME) .is_some(); k.repeat = repeat; let mut new = clone_keyboard_data(k); new.repeat = repeat; self.last_key_pressed = Some((new, Instant::now())); } } } fn update(&mut self, evts: &mut [EventCore]) { for e in evts { self.apply_event(e) } // for s in &self.subscribers { // s(); // } } // fn subscribe(&mut self, f: Rc) { // self.subscribers.push(f) // } } pub struct RinkInputHandler { state: Rc>, queued_events: Rc>>, } impl RinkInputHandler { /// global context that handles events /// limitations: GUI key modifier is never detected, key up events are not detected, and mouse up events are not specific to a key pub fn new( mut receiver: UnboundedReceiver, cx: &ScopeState, ) -> (Self, Rc>) { let queued_events = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); let queued_events2 = Rc::>>::downgrade(&queued_events); cx.push_future(async move { while let Some(evt) = { if let Some(evt) = get_event(evt) { if let Some(v) = queued_events2.upgrade() { (*v).borrow_mut().push(evt); } else { break; } } } }); let state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(InnerInputState::new())); ( Self { state: state.clone(), queued_events, }, state, ) } pub fn resolve_events(&self, dom: &mut VirtualDom) { // todo: currently resolves events in all nodes, but once the focus system is added it should filter by focus fn inner( queue: &Vec<(&'static str, Arc)>, resolved: &mut Vec, node: &VNode, ) { match node { VNode::Fragment(frag) => { for c in frag.children { inner(queue, resolved, c); } } VNode::Element(el) => { for l in el.listeners { for (name, data) in queue.iter() { if *name == l.event { if let Some(id) = { resolved.push(UserEvent { scope_id: None, priority: EventPriority::Medium, name: *name, element: Some(id), data: data.clone(), }); } } } } for c in el.children { inner(queue, resolved, c); } } _ => (), } } let mut resolved_events = Vec::new(); (*self.state) .borrow_mut() .update(&mut (*self.queued_events).borrow_mut()); let events: Vec<_> = self .queued_events .replace(Vec::new()) .into_iter() .map(|e| (e.0, e.1.into_any())) .collect(); inner(&events, &mut resolved_events, dom.base_scope().root_node()); for e in resolved_events { dom.handle_message(SchedulerMsg::Event(e)); } } } fn get_event(evt: TermEvent) -> Option<(&'static str, EventData)> { let (name, data): (&str, EventData) = match evt { TermEvent::Key(k) => { let key = translate_key_code(k.code)?; ( "keydown", // from EventData::Keyboard(KeyboardData { char_code: key.raw_code(), key: format!("{key:?}"), key_code: key, alt_key: k.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::ALT), ctrl_key: k.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL), meta_key: false, shift_key: k.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::SHIFT), locale: Default::default(), location: 0x00, repeat: Default::default(), which: Default::default(), }), ) } TermEvent::Mouse(m) => { let (x, y) = (m.column.into(), m.row.into()); let alt = m.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::ALT); let shift = m.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::SHIFT); let ctrl = m.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL); let meta = false; let get_mouse_data = |b| { let buttons = match b { None => 0, Some(MouseButton::Left) => 1, Some(MouseButton::Right) => 2, Some(MouseButton::Middle) => 4, }; let button_state = match b { None => 0, Some(MouseButton::Left) => 0, Some(MouseButton::Middle) => 1, Some(MouseButton::Right) => 2, }; // from EventData::Mouse(MouseData { alt_key: alt, button: button_state, buttons, client_x: x, client_y: y, ctrl_key: ctrl, meta_key: meta, page_x: x, page_y: y, screen_x: x, screen_y: y, shift_key: shift, }) }; let get_wheel_data = |up| { // from EventData::Wheel(WheelData { delta_mode: 0x01, delta_x: 0.0, delta_y: if up { -1.0 } else { 1.0 }, delta_z: 0.0, }) }; match m.kind { MouseEventKind::Down(b) => ("mousedown", get_mouse_data(Some(b))), MouseEventKind::Up(b) => ("mouseup", get_mouse_data(Some(b))), MouseEventKind::Drag(b) => ("drag", get_mouse_data(Some(b))), MouseEventKind::Moved => ("mousemove", get_mouse_data(None)), MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => ("wheel", get_wheel_data(false)), MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => ("wheel", get_wheel_data(true)), } } TermEvent::Resize(x, y) => ("resize", EventData::Screen((x, y))), }; Some((name, data)) } fn translate_key_code(c: TermKeyCode) -> Option { match c { TermKeyCode::Backspace => Some(KeyCode::Backspace), TermKeyCode::Enter => Some(KeyCode::Enter), TermKeyCode::Left => Some(KeyCode::LeftArrow), TermKeyCode::Right => Some(KeyCode::RightArrow), TermKeyCode::Up => Some(KeyCode::UpArrow), TermKeyCode::Down => Some(KeyCode::DownArrow), TermKeyCode::Home => Some(KeyCode::Home), TermKeyCode::End => Some(KeyCode::End), TermKeyCode::PageUp => Some(KeyCode::PageUp), TermKeyCode::PageDown => Some(KeyCode::PageDown), TermKeyCode::Tab => Some(KeyCode::Tab), TermKeyCode::BackTab => None, TermKeyCode::Delete => Some(KeyCode::Delete), TermKeyCode::Insert => Some(KeyCode::Insert), TermKeyCode::F(fn_num) => match fn_num { 1 => Some(KeyCode::F1), 2 => Some(KeyCode::F2), 3 => Some(KeyCode::F3), 4 => Some(KeyCode::F4), 5 => Some(KeyCode::F5), 6 => Some(KeyCode::F6), 7 => Some(KeyCode::F7), 8 => Some(KeyCode::F8), 9 => Some(KeyCode::F9), 10 => Some(KeyCode::F10), 11 => Some(KeyCode::F11), 12 => Some(KeyCode::F12), _ => None, }, TermKeyCode::Char(c) => match c.to_uppercase().next().unwrap() { 'A' => Some(KeyCode::A), 'B' => Some(KeyCode::B), 'C' => Some(KeyCode::C), 'D' => Some(KeyCode::D), 'E' => Some(KeyCode::E), 'F' => Some(KeyCode::F), 'G' => Some(KeyCode::G), 'H' => Some(KeyCode::H), 'I' => Some(KeyCode::I), 'J' => Some(KeyCode::J), 'K' => Some(KeyCode::K), 'L' => Some(KeyCode::L), 'M' => Some(KeyCode::M), 'N' => Some(KeyCode::N), 'O' => Some(KeyCode::O), 'P' => Some(KeyCode::P), 'Q' => Some(KeyCode::Q), 'R' => Some(KeyCode::R), 'S' => Some(KeyCode::S), 'T' => Some(KeyCode::T), 'U' => Some(KeyCode::U), 'V' => Some(KeyCode::V), 'W' => Some(KeyCode::W), 'X' => Some(KeyCode::X), 'Y' => Some(KeyCode::Y), 'Z' => Some(KeyCode::Z), _ => None, }, TermKeyCode::Null => None, TermKeyCode::Esc => Some(KeyCode::Escape), } } fn clone_mouse_data(m: &MouseData) -> MouseData { MouseData { client_x: m.client_x, client_y: m.client_y, page_x: m.page_x, page_y: m.page_y, screen_x: m.screen_x, screen_y: m.screen_y, alt_key: m.alt_key, ctrl_key: m.ctrl_key, meta_key: m.meta_key, shift_key: m.shift_key, button: m.button, buttons: m.buttons, } } fn clone_keyboard_data(k: &KeyboardData) -> KeyboardData { KeyboardData { char_code: k.char_code, key: k.key.clone(), key_code: k.key_code, alt_key: k.alt_key, ctrl_key: k.ctrl_key, meta_key: k.meta_key, shift_key: k.shift_key, locale: k.locale.clone(), location: k.location, repeat: k.repeat, which: k.which, } } fn clone_wheel_data(w: &WheelData) -> WheelData { WheelData { delta_mode: w.delta_mode, delta_x: w.delta_x, delta_y: w.delta_y, delta_z: w.delta_x, } }