
A beautiful terminal user interfaces library in Rust.

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Leverage CSS, HTML, and Rust to build beautiful, portable, terminal user interfaces. Rink is the cross-framework library that powers [`Dioxus-TUI`](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus/tree/master/packages/dioxus-tui) ![demo app](examples/example.png) ## Background You can use Html-like semantics with inline styles, tree hierarchy, components, and more in your [`text-based user interface (TUI)`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-based_user_interface) application. Rink is essentially a port of [Ink](https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink) but for [`Rust`](https://www.rust-lang.org/). Rink doesn't depend on Node.js or any other JavaScript runtime, so your binaries are portable and beautiful. ## Limitations - **Subset of Html** Terminals can only render a subset of HTML. We support as much as we can. - **Particular frontend design** Terminals and browsers are and look different. Therefore, the same design might not be the best to cover both renderers. ## Status **WARNING: Rink is currently under construction!** Rendering a Dom works fine, but the ecosystem of widgets is not ready yet. Additionally, some bugs in the flexbox implementation might be quirky at times. ## Features Rink features: - [x] Flexbox-based layout system - [ ] CSS selectors - [x] inline CSS support - [x] Built-in focusing system * [ ] Widgets * [ ] Support for events, hooks, and callbacks1 * [ ] Html tags2 1 Basic keyboard, mouse, and focus events are implemented. 2 Currently, most HTML tags don't translate into any meaning inside of Rink. So an `input` _element_ won't mean anything nor does it have any additional functionality.