//! Dioxus Core //! ---------- //! //! //! //! //! //! //! #[cfg(feature = "serialize")] pub mod serialize; pub mod arena; pub mod component; pub mod styles; pub mod util; // Logic for extending FC // pub mod debug_renderer; pub mod diff; pub mod error; // Error type we expose to the renderers pub mod events; // Manages the synthetic event API pub mod hooks; // Built-in hooks pub mod nodebuilder; // Logic for building VNodes with a direct syntax pub mod nodes; // Logic for the VNodes pub mod signals; pub mod virtual_dom; // Most fun logic starts here, manages the lifecycle and suspense pub mod builder { pub use super::nodebuilder::*; } // types used internally that are important pub(crate) mod innerlude { pub use crate::component::*; pub use crate::diff::*; pub use crate::error::*; pub use crate::events::*; pub use crate::hooks::*; pub use crate::nodebuilder::*; pub use crate::nodes::*; pub use crate::virtual_dom::*; pub type FC
= fn(Context
) -> VNode; // Re-export the FC macro pub use crate::nodebuilder as builder; pub use dioxus_core_macro::{html, rsx}; } /// Re-export common types for ease of development use. /// Essential when working with the html! macro pub mod prelude { pub use crate::component::{fc_to_builder, Fragment, Properties}; use crate::nodes; pub use crate::styles::{AsAttr, StyleBuilder}; pub use crate::virtual_dom::Context; pub use nodes::*; pub use crate::nodebuilder::LazyNodes; pub use crate::nodebuilder::{DioxusElement, NodeFactory}; // pub use nodes::iterables::IterableNodes; /// This type alias is an internal way of abstracting over the static functions that represent components. pub use crate::innerlude::FC; // expose our bumpalo type pub use bumpalo; pub use bumpalo::Bump; // Re-export the FC macro pub use crate::nodebuilder as builder; // pub use dioxus_core_macro::fc; pub use dioxus_core_macro::{format_args_f, html, rsx, Props}; pub use crate::diff::DiffMachine; pub use crate::virtual_dom::ScopeIdx; // pub use crate::debug_renderer::DebugRenderer; pub use crate::hooks::*; }