use dioxus::prelude::*; fn main() { use dioxus::desktop::wry::application::platform::macos::*; dioxus::desktop::launch(App, |c| { c.with_window(|w| { w.with_fullsize_content_view(true) .with_titlebar_buttons_hidden(false) .with_titlebar_transparent(true) .with_movable_by_window_background(true) }) }); } const STYLE: &str = "body {overflow:hidden;}"; pub static App: Component<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx!( div { class: "overflow-hidden" style { "{STYLE}" } link { href:"^2/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel:"stylesheet" } Header {} Entry {} Hero {} Hero {} Hero {} Hero {} Hero {} } )) }; pub static Header: Component<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx! { div { header { class: "text-gray-400 bg-gray-900 body-font" div { class: "container mx-auto flex flex-wrap p-5 flex-col md:flex-row items-center" a { class: "flex title-font font-medium items-center text-white mb-4 md:mb-0" StacksIcon {} span { class: "ml-3 text-xl" "Hello Dioxus!"} } nav { class: "md:ml-auto flex flex-wrap items-center text-base justify-center" a { class: "mr-5 hover:text-white" "First Link"} a { class: "mr-5 hover:text-white" "Second Link"} a { class: "mr-5 hover:text-white" "Third Link"} a { class: "mr-5 hover:text-white" "Fourth Link"} } button { class: "inline-flex items-center bg-gray-800 border-0 py-1 px-3 focus:outline-none hover:bg-gray-700 rounded text-base mt-4 md:mt-0" "Button" RightArrowIcon {} } } } } }) }; pub static Hero: Component<()> = |cx, props| { // cx.render(rsx! { section{ class: "text-gray-400 bg-gray-900 body-font" div { class: "container mx-auto flex px-5 py-24 md:flex-row flex-col items-center" div { class: "lg:flex-grow md:w-1/2 lg:pr-24 md:pr-16 flex flex-col md:items-start md:text-left mb-16 md:mb-0 items-center text-center" h1 { class: "title-font sm:text-4xl text-3xl mb-4 font-medium text-white" br { class: "hidden lg:inline-block" } "Dioxus Sneak Peek" } p { class: "mb-8 leading-relaxed" "Dioxus is a new UI framework that makes it easy and simple to write cross-platform apps using web technologies! It is functional, fast, and portable. Dioxus can run on the web, on the desktop, and on mobile and embedded platforms." } div { class: "flex justify-center" button { class: "inline-flex text-white bg-indigo-500 border-0 py-2 px-6 focus:outline-none hover:bg-indigo-600 rounded text-lg" "Learn more" } button { class: "ml-4 inline-flex text-gray-400 bg-gray-800 border-0 py-2 px-6 focus:outline-none hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white rounded text-lg" "Build an app" } } } div { class: "lg:max-w-lg lg:w-full md:w-1/2 w-5/6" img { class: "object-cover object-center rounded" alt: "hero" src: "" referrerpolicy:"no-referrer" } } } } }) }; pub static Entry: Component<()> = |cx, props| { // cx.render(rsx! { section{ class: "text-gray-400 bg-gray-900 body-font" div { class: "container mx-auto flex px-5 py-24 md:flex-row flex-col items-center" textarea { } } } }) }; pub static StacksIcon: Component<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx!( svg { // xmlns: "" fill: "none" stroke: "currentColor" stroke_linecap: "round" stroke_linejoin: "round" stroke_width: "2" class: "w-10 h-10 text-white p-2 bg-indigo-500 rounded-full" view_box: "0 0 24 24" path { d: "M12 2L2 7l10 5 10-5-10-5zM2 17l10 5 10-5M2 12l10 5 10-5"} } )) }; pub static RightArrowIcon: Component<()> = |cx, props| { cx.render(rsx!( svg { fill: "none" stroke: "currentColor" stroke_linecap: "round" stroke_linejoin: "round" stroke_width: "2" class: "w-4 h-4 ml-1" view_box: "0 0 24 24" path { d: "M5 12h14M12 5l7 7-7 7"} } )) };